Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : "Purgatory"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - DECEASED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Prison Ship "Purgatory" - Osun System - Hourglass Nebula
April 14th 2185
Rebirth + 2 (days)


We arrived in the Osun system and left our stealth systems off; we werent trying to hid from anyone and we were expected by the Prison ship to handle the transfer of our next team member; "Jack", I hope he is as good as his file suggests, a powerful biotic but also rather uncontrollable.

We were met by some guards and told to leave our weapons with them; I told them no, the ast person who told me this was on Noveria 2 years before...ah... memories.

The Warden seems to be rather nervous, but then again seeing a dead SPECTRE Hero appear on a Cerberus ship with a Scar faced turian and a Cerberus operative would put anyones knickers in a twist... if ... turians wore knickers I suppose.

Supplimental 3.0.1

We were given the grand tour of the facility as we headed towards the collection area. The cells are pretty interesting, each one can be ejected into space if anything happened; I guess thats the beauty of having a prison ship.

We walked by a pair of guards beating down a man, I told the leader to stop it, they may be criminals but they do not diserve this kind of treatement.

Supplimental 3.1.0

Fools, they throught that I would just walk into a cell when asked; it seems the warden wanted to hand me over to whoever has the highest bid, I have seemed to have made a few powerful enemies. They sent Mechs and men after me, it had to always be mechs; I know blue Suns like their mechs but its like facing down an army with them.

I have to find Jack before they try to do anything stupid with him.

Supplimental 3.1.1

Found Jack's cell nearby, they had him in a High Security containment cell, guarded by four YMIR mechs. He must really be THAT dangerous.

We tried to open his cell but found that the security overrides had locked the system, so if we wanted to open his cell, we had to open all of them on the prison ship.

We did it, we opened the cell and ... found Jack was a woman. We also found out how powerful she realy is; the file doesnt do her justice, Jack took out all 4 YMIR mechs with just flicks of her hands as she ran out, she even blasted a hole through the deck and headed into a service tunnel.

Supplimental 3.1.2

We are chasing after Jack, she is making a run towards the docking section, she wont get onto the Normandy thanks to its security systems and there are no more vessels docked. Prisoners are attacking but the Blue Suns hae sent YMIR mechs and Mercs after us and them; their not even trying to hold the prisoners, simply killing them.

The Warden sent a lot of men after us, he began to fight but we managed to kill him and his men; he was using the control emitters to create a shield around himself.

Jack is heading to the Normandy, we have her trapped; I am more scared now we are trapping her, she is like a tiger in a cage.

Supplimental 3.1.3

We manaed to talk Jack down, she hates the fact I am with Cerberus, but I am the only way off the ship. She called Miranda a "Cerberus cheerleader" which I couldnt help but surpress a giggle, She wants access to the Database to find out everything on herself. I told her okay, if it keeps her under control but Miranda isnt happy about it.

We leave the Prisonship to the Normandy and I hope some of the prisoners get off; with the Warden there, I know some of them must either be innocent or not worth the punishment they got.

Supplimental 3.2.0

We are on the normandy and on our way out the system, I have given access to the Databse to Jack, and accomidated her in the bowels of the ship; she wanted dark and secluded, so EDI put her there. She is a strange girl, she must have had a horible past, but I am not going to be the one asking her. Miranda doesnt like her, but Im fine with that; no one has to get along just trust each other and get this mission done.

Supplimental 3.2.1

Had a brief chat with Kelly, she thought she had come across too flirty the last time we talked, I told her it was okay and I didnt mind; although my mind now drifted to Tali and Liara. I sat in my quarters for a long while looking through my old logs and my photo's. The Illusive man told me Liara became an Information broker on Illium; should I stop by? after 2 years woudl she still love me? It only feels like yesterday that I last kissed her but it has been over 2 years for her.

Then my mind drifted to Tali, seeing her again on Freedoms Progress, my heart had jumped in a way it hadnt jumped before, well... not in a long time. Did I have feelings for her? Im not sure... Maybe I will find out in the future...


Destruction of Prison Ship "Purgatory" Confirmed
Team Extracted
Recruited Prisoner "Jack"
Current Objectives : - Reunite with Anderson
- Report to the Council
- Recruit Kasumi Goto



Mass Effect Character AUDIO Journal : “ENTRY 0: Pregame & Eden Prime”

Here is the first audio set for the Mass Effect Character Journal, The Pregame and Eden Prime. I have voiced all this, (I am not that good but I thought it would be fun to do it :) ) Hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it :) I am going to be posting these every Friday and hope to get all of the Mass Effect Character Journals turned into this. I might even try to get more voices put into here (As I know one scene may have Garrus talking soooo I will find someone to do a Garrus voice :D )




Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : "Omega - 1"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - DECEASED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
- Colony - "Freedoms Progress"
April 13th 2185
Rebirth + 1 (days)


The Normandy felt just like home, and now I had a few hours to think, I sat staring at myself in the mirror. Miranda had been right about the scars, they hadnt healed properly, huge red glowing scars littered my face and most of my body; when I had changed into my suit I had been in such a rush and did not notice.

Omega was our first destination, Omega was a starbase made into a asteroid in the same system that the Omega4 Relay, even as we passed through the system, the Omega4 Relay was clean in view; its huge red and orange glowing deep in the black like an evil eye staring back at us. Watching the station appearing, EDI had given me several files on Omega, as I had not been there before; it even looked like the kind place criminal and scum would hang out.

We are about to dock, I am going to arm up and get ready. Should I put my helmet on and save myself the horrible smell I've been warned about?

Supplimental 2.0.1

I wish I had put on my helmet, the air is stale and stinks of who knows what. We moved through the docking bay and were greeted by some guy trying to get us to buy something but a goon sent him running, before telling us that some woman called "Aria" wants to see me in "Afterlife". I told the man I would go by when I have time and he told me I should see her first.

It was only a minute later when we met Zaeed, he was finishing off his last job with some bounty, the guy tried to run but Zaeed hipshot him with great aim; I can see why the Illusive man wants him on my team.

We talked and found out that he had a job to fininsh with me, something Illusive man did not tell me; I agreed we would do it. I told him to join me when he was finished with this bounty and sent Jacob back to the ship; Miranda and Zaeed would be with me.

Supplimental 2.0.2

Bought a few upgrades for my armour; now I am not officially with the alliance I dont have to keep to  the same armour set so I might aswell as add mods to it. When browsing the shops, I found a Quarian who had lost his money to get back to the flotilla; I gave him 1 thousand credits to get back home; I have a soft spot for Quarians. Doing this brought back memories of Tali, first meeting her, fighting Saren, watching their pods float away while I died and finally meeting her again on Freedoms Progress... I want my old team back, I need my Family.

Supplimental 2.0.3

Made my way into Afterlife, the thumping music, the flashing lights, all of this hurt my eyes and head; I still had that nagging pain from my resurrection in my head and this wasnt helping.

Found Aria overlooking the club floor, they scanned me to make sure I was sheppard, and once they were sure I was who I said I was, she told me the rules of Omega....

"Dont fuck with Aria"

I think I like her already, if she wasnt a criminal; I probably would hire her to my crew. We spoke about mordan and this "ARCHANGEL"; she gave me all the information I needed,  ARCHANGEl has mercs after him, all of them have joined together on OMEGA to get him while Morden is in the "QUARENTINE ZONE" helping those infected with some disease.

Standing up and thanking her, we are now going to the Quarentine Zone, We can find Archangel and Morden in one go; and if we get Archangel, the mercs will be stalled here for a while we we while we go get Morden.

Supplimentl 2.1.0

Aria had told me that the mercs were trying to recruit freelancers to throw at ARCHANGEL while they made a plan of attack; they had set up in a room in the main lobby of Afterlife. We decided to head in and sign up, best way to sneak in would be through the front door.

The merc there told us we would recrive 500 credits each for the job, I can make more credits than that by sneezing, although I did manage to stop some kid from singing up, he was pissed but when he see's the body count list later he would realise I did the right thing.

We are just heading to the transport now that will take us to the tower where ARCHANGEL has been pinned.

Supplimental 2.1.1

Arrived at the tower, all three major merc cells are here; Blue Suns, Blood Pact and Eclipse are attacking together, and the "Freelancers" are going to be drawing fire... Figures...

While nosing around I found a data pad that mentioned shipping under Aria's nose, I think she might like to see this.

Supplimental 2.1.2

Found ALOT of mechs that are programmed to attack Archangel, I think a little re-programming will help me here, Oops; did i just bipass the friend-foe settings, How clumbsy of me.

Supplimental 2.1.3

Found the Enginner repairing a gunship that Archangel had damaged, he explains that the freelancers are basically a distraction for a team sneaking around, we dont have much time..

I had to kill the engineer, we couldnt have that Gunship after us, or atleast at full power.

Supplimental 2.1.4

We headed over the top of the barricade behind the freelancers, kids and new guys wanting to prove something; we had to take them down to get to Archangel, but we manaed to fight out way upstairs and get to the second level; I think Archangel knew we were helping as he took out men around us.

On the upper level, Archangel took out one last goon who had been running behind us late, before turing around; he was a turian... It wasnt until he took off his helmet....

..It was Garrus!, damn he was a sight for sore eyes. He was taking down the merc factions and his squad had been betrayed by someone on the inside; but he would explain it to me later.

We decided to bunker down for now, wait until we can see a point to leave; the bridge was the only way he hadnt sealed that we could get out.

I think one of the merc cells are  coming out after us....

Supplimental 2.1.5

I was right, Eclipse came after us, but we managed to take them out; they sent out the droids after their third wave, it was rather sad to see the mercs killed by their own mechs, but we had to do it. Managed to take out the Leader of Eclipse here.

*explosion in background*

I think Blood pact have managed to get through the lower level, We have to go now!

Supplimental 2.1.6

Left Zaeed with garrus while Miranda and I take the lower level, managed to fight our way down and hit the men attacking the lower sections; we closed and locked off the 3 sections and headed back up, however the leader had managed to get through one of the other sides and was attacking the top level, we came up right behind them and picked them off with ease; the Krogan leader was a bit hard to take down but no one stands between Sheppard and Vakarian!

Supplimental 2.1.7

Garrus and I decide its best to push out now, Only the Blue suns left and without their aircraft.... Shit!...

*gunfire in background; Log left active.*

Garrus... Garrus.. take the left... I got the Right... Miranda, Help Garrus, Zaeed, lob a nade down there, they are dropping toops! Keep up the fire!

*more gunfire*

The Aircraft is.... Garrus watch out!... Garrus!... Shit, Open fire!...

*few minutes of gunfire before a huge explosion*

Garrus...Shit. he's hit bad, Miranda, get joker on the line, tell him to get a shuttle here now! Get Chakwas to prep the medbay! Garrus, hang in there, your not dying on me now. You still owe me 600 credits,

Shit... I left the log on,

Supplimental 2.1.8

Got back to the normandy, Garrus is going to be fine, with dr Chakwas still on the normandy, she patched him right up, although he is scared to hell; we joked about it, but he is hurt about his team, I accomidated him in the Gunnery Quarters, he likes those big guns.

Supplimental 2.2.0

After I made sure that Garrus was okay, I asked him if he wanted to come out with us, he knows that he is a little weak but he says he'd rather go out and help than moap and sit around the ship; so I took him and Miranda with me to go find Morden.

We headed through Omega until we got to the Quarentine zone. There was a woman trying to get through but the Turian guard wouldnt let her, as we told him we would go through to help; he let us through, but warned us the disease spreading through the zone would affect everything but humans. Garrus was worried, but I told him he had just been hit by a gunship, a disease wouldnt hurt him.

He agreed and told me, if he was to leave now, he'd never live it down. We went into the Quarintine zone with Miranda too, Its always best to keep Cerberus involved.

Supplimental 2.2.1

As we moved through the quarintine zone, we saw how bad it was; with a disease that affects every race except humans, people would be suspicious of Humans. As we moved through, we noticed looting, humans looting corpses; some people are just degenerates, if I wasnt on a mission I would stop them.

Garrus just coughed badly, We are worried, but he says he can keep on going. We ran into the back of the Blue Suns, they seem to be attacking Vorcha from the looks of it they are blood pact. One hour they can be figting togetehr against Archangel and then the next they are fighting each other.

Supplimental 2.2.2

We found a dying batarian, he was suspicious against us,  I healed him but he thought I was going to kill him, he directed me to Mordin. I told him we would send help to him once we get to Morden.

Supplimental 2.2.3

We found the clinic, made our way through the sick into the back, Morden was rambling to his assistants, the moment he saw Garrus, he worked out a cure and healed in in less then 30 seconds; damn he is good.

He began to ask us what we were doing here, but didnt even let us say; staring to ramble on, he speaks way to quickly and we had to but in.

I told him we were fighting the collectors and we needed him to help save the human colonies. He told us he would be interested in helping us, fighting the collectors; he even worked out that the collectors were the cause of this plauge. He has a a cure but needs tospread it through the enviromental systems, the problem is Vorcha are guarding it and just as he told me, the system shut down. We needed to hurry.

I told him I would handle it, but he also told us that his assistant "Daniel" was out and was probably in trouble. I told him we would find him. Before we left, I told Morden about the Batarian outside and he said He would send someone out to get him.

Supplimental 2.2.4

We were deep inside Blood Pact terratory, we had to fight through so many vorcha and Krogan, but we managed to find Daniel, he was being held hostage by a few Batarians, they were surprised when I let them go, "compassion.. from a human, a first"... they must not have met the right humans.

Supplimental 2.2.5

We pushed into the Enviromental controles and were confronted by the Vorcha, they told us they were sent by the collectors, kill us all with this plague and take the humans. We stopped them and reactivated the air system while Injecting the cure Morden gave us.

Supplimental 2.2.6

We headed back to Morden and he offered to come with us, leaving Daniel in charge we all headed back to the normandy. On the ship we gave him the lab, as he is the only proper scientist onboard. He was confused at EDI but said it would help; after giving him the samples we collected from Freedoms Progress.

Supplimental 2.3.0

I made a round of the ship and spoke with Kelly, My assistant, she is rather carying for everyone, loves everything. I headed to Morden and he is just as Kelly described him, a Hampster on coffee. Finally I had a catch up session with Garrus, the guy's been through a lot.

We are going to head to the next target on the list; "Jack" A prisoner from a Prisonship called "Purgatory", situated in the Osun system of the Hourglass Nebula.


Recruited ARCHANGEL - Garrus Vakarian
Recruited Morden Solis
Current Objectives : - Recruit Prisoner "Jack"



All the Fahrenheit / Indigo videos (1,2,3,4 & 5)

I just decided that instead of uploading a blog post for just Episode 5 of Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy, I should upload a post for all of them; as I haven't got them all on my blog right now have I?

So here they are, all the episodes, including Episode 5 (newest one today). I will upload a blog post for ever episode and when it is finally over I will add a post for ALL the episodes in one place.


Episode 1



Episode 2


Episode 3


Episode 4


Episode 5



Hope you enjoy them all as Much as I did making them :D I got 10 More episodes to upload so far, so that's 10 weeks more :D I will most likely by the end have 20 episodes.


Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : "Freedoms Progress"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - DECEASED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
- Colony - "Freedoms Progress"
April 12nd 2185
Rebirth + 0 (days)


We took the shuttle to Freedom's Progress, Miranda told me that the team is under my control effective as of then, I told them to look for survivors; even though she told me that no one had ever been found at these colonies.

When we arrived, it was empty; as if everyone had simply gotten up and left, no battle damage or sign of distress. Snow was falling and had been for sometime, no tracks were left in the snow so the snow hadnt been falling when what ever happened here happened.

Supplimental 1.1.2

We just ran into a few LOKI and FENRIS Mechs, after the battle of the citadel and the Geth attacks throught the galaxy, security forces had been supplimented with Mechs for easy control.

As we moved through the facility and found more mechs, Jacob tod me that every colony that had been left like this had no security systems left on; this was strange.

Supplimental 1.1.3

Quarians!...Tali!.. My god, I saw Tali, She had... grown up... I had to tear my eyes off her to talk to her, her voice; she was a sight for sore eyes, I thought I would never see her again.

Tali told us that one of their people were here on pilgrimage and they were looking for him. His name was Veetor, and they had found him when they landed; but he had a suit rupture meaning he was probably ill but he was always a little jumpy. He attacked them and locked himself in the security room ahead, resetting the mechs and putting them on the defencive.

I told Tali we would help them get to him, we parted ways and headed for the security room.

Supplimental 1.1.4

More Mechs, we arrived at a large door and recieved a message from Tali; the quarians she was with rushed on ahead wanting to get to Veetor before us, damn it, they are going to get themsevles kiled.

We got there too late, however Tali was not stupid enough to run into the open. All of them were badly injured or killed by a Heavy Mech. We managed to take it down. Tali told us to get to veetor while she sorted out the others.

Supplimental 1.1.5

We found Veetor, he was ranting about Monsters and swarms. After managing to calm him down, he shows us footage he had apparently re-built using the broken camera systems. Miranda recognised the enemy as "Collectors", it appeared as if small swarms imobilised people and they carted them away in small pods.

Tali came in and demanded she take Veetor for medical attention but Miranda wanted to take him for questioning; I let Tali take him but she gave us veetor's omni tool info, she told me she was pleased to see me, but she had to leave.

Hopefully we will speak again soon.

Supplimental 1.2.0

Back on the Station, I spoke with the Illusive Man. He wasnt surprised about the collectors, he began to explain that they were from a Relay known as "The Omega4 Relay", a red emitting mass relay that NO ONE ever returned from after entering.

He is sure they are working for the collectors, he wants me to take them out and gave me a list for a team; he wants me to go through the Omega4 relay and stop the collectors. I told him I needed a ship; but he had it all planned out.

Supplimental 1.2.1

I turned around and saw Joker, I almost cried when I saw him, much like Tali; I had never thought I'd see him again, he told me he didnt believe the Illusive man when they said they had brought me back. I asked him why he had joined Cerberus, and he said it was because the Alliance Discharged him. He also wanted to show me a surprise; something they told him about that morning.

Supplimental 1.2.2

I almost cried once more, SR1 Model... No.. SR2 Model they had rebuilt her, but... better... Bigger sleeker, white and powered by more engines. She is... beautiful.. I told Joker, "I have a name all picked out for her".

Suppplimental 1.2.3

It didnt take long for the Engineers to paint it on, They had stencils ready. Normandy... Reborn like a phoenix from the Ashes.

Supplimental 1.3.0

Taking a tour of the Normandy, it was much bigger then before; 4 decks instead of 2, I had my own bigger cabin in the "loft" and we had better weapons. Calling a meeting in the new briefing room; Miranda told me she wanted to go after a Salarian called "Dr Morden Solis" He would be able to create a countermeasure for the swarms. I agreed, and just as I was about to say something else; a voice appeared inside the room. Turns out the ship has an AI called EDI. She looks after the ship and counter measures while Joker wil fly.

Joker still wont like it.


Freedoms Progress searched.
Quarians found, One survivor
Reconnected with Tali.
Assigned Mission - Journey OMEGA4 Relay after collectors
Assigned Mission - Assemble Team for Suicide mission
Assigned Pilot - Joker,
Assigned vessel - SR2 Normandy
Current Objectives : - Recruit Moden Solis
- Recruit Zaeed Masani



Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : "PreGame & Lazarus"

Commander Andreas Sheppard Personal Log
Year - 2183-2185
Incident Search : - "Collectors", "SSV SR1 Normandy Destruction", "Commander Sheppard's Death", "Omega Relay"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
April 2nd 2183


The Normandy has once again been sent to hunt Geth in the Terminus systems, the citadel and the council have spent the last few months quashing the myths about the Geth being lead by a Reaper and the Reaper threat that almost came through the Citadel relay if I hadnt stopped it; it really annoys me that even after all I did, making them believe me about Saren and the Conduit, they just bat off the reaper threat

Well, I would if I hadnt seen what they saw, It is almost too scary to even think about; my dreams plague me every night, but Liara is here to comfort me.

The crew is getting as annoyed as I am, Joker and Presley are the worst, last mission before we get some R&R, I really need it; Liara says she is going to take me to her home on her homeworld, I cant wait.

Supplimental 0.0.2

We are under attack! Joker is taking evasive action, I can feel it as the ship banks; even the interial dampeners cant stop this sort of G's. We have taken a hit, several infact; fire is spreading. Liara is heading coming, I've sent off a message to the Alliance, hopefully they will be here soon.

Supplimental 0.0.3

We've just took another hit, the ship is going into free float and Joker is trying to keep her going, I've ordered a complete evac of Normandy; LIara is going to go with the crew while I get Joker out the bridge, he wont leave her to die.

Here is a little Sneak peek of Part 0 Of my Mass Effect 2 Character Journal. Also, Latest part of ME1 Journal has gone up.

Supplimental 0.0.4

Suit... ruptured, air leaking. I dont have much time, Blast knocked me towards a planet, Oh god, this is it isnt it... I thought I'd go out in battle, with a gun in my hand and earth under my feet, not like this.. Liara.. if you ever find this, I love you... Mother, I know we never talked much, but... I wish that had changed, I joined the navy because you wanted me to, and... I hope I made you proud. Its... getting hard to.. breath... I.. *cough* Liara..I.. .love... y.. *cough*


Alliance Administrative Note : Commander A.Sheppard, Lost in Action aboard SSV NORMANDY SR1.
Vessel lost with 20 Crew.
Next of Kin's Notified.
Alien Members of crew escaped with rest of crew.
XO Presley lost with vessel.
Last known location of SSV NORMANDY SR1: - Terminus Systems,
Pilot states she was heading into the atmosphere of a planet.
Search teams dispatched.


~ NEW ENTRY 0.1.0:

This... is Commander Sheppard, N7 Service number 5923-AC-2826, I ... just woke up in some ... lab, or hospital... White, sterrile. I smell smoke, *FILE PAUSED*.... *FILE RESUMED* "Some woman, called Miranda, she told me the base is under attack, I feel like I've been ripped apart and put back together, I've never felt this pain before. This Miranda tells me my scars havent healed yet; was she that woman I remember, waking up? I will find out soon.

Mechs seem to be attacking, killing everyone; I found some Armour in the cupboard, N7 Armour, they must have gotten this for me; there is a pistol but no thermal clips.  Im pushing on, I hope I dont run into any Mechs.

Supplimental 0.1.1

Found some Thermal Clips and just in time, ran into a few mechs on the way, ended up running into a soldier; after we took out some mechs, he introduced himself as Jacob taylor, he was suprised to see me awake.

We moved on through the facility, he called it 'Lazerus', isnt that something to do with life and bringing back the dead?

Supplimental 0.1.2

We just ran into 'Wilson' He was introuble, he was hurt so after we helped him, we decided to go after Miranda; who I had lost contact with earlier. This Wilson says that she is the cause of this, but he seems fishy.

Supplimental 0.1.3

I guess I was right, Wilson was the cause of this and MIranda killed him; this Miranda was the woman I had seen earlier.  Jacob had explained that they were with CERBERUS, A Pro-Human, Anti-Alien Organisation I had a run in a few times in the past with. I dont really care who they are with at this moment but I want to know what they did with me, Miranda told me the Leader of CERBERUS "Illusive Man" wants to talk to me and they would explain everything while we travel to the facility.

Supplimental 0.1.4

Well, I guess that was the biggest shock in my life, Miranda and Jacob told me I had died, infact I had died two years and 12 days ago, they began to explain how the Illusive man had wanted me to survive so they had brought me back, my body was broken so badly it had taken this long just to get me breathing. We spent a few minutes making sure my memories were right before we arrive at the facility.

Supplimental 0.1.5

Had a chat with the Illusive Man, I almost thought it was a trap when I entered the room, but it turned out the empty room was a holographic room, I was shown a display of the Illusive man around me while I assume he saw me, he spoke to me, explained that he needed me against the reapers; someone was stealing human colonies and they were probably working with the reapers.

He tells me not to decide until I see it for myself, 'Luckily' a colony, "Freedoms Progress" had just gone dark and we would be the first on the colony. If this is true, we need to help those people there; if they have been caught, we need to stop whoever is doing it and make sure they are not with the reapers




Mass Effect 1 Character Journal FULL VERSION

Commander Andreas Sheppard Person Log
Year - 2183
Incident Search : - "Saren & First battle of Citadel", "Eden Prime Incident"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Executive Officer (XO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
- Earth Space dock
Febuary 19th / 20th  2183
Eden Prime - 1 ( + 1) (days)


Just been told that the Normandy is up and ready for its shakedown. Months overlooking the construction and finishing toutches has finally come to a close; now is time for us to test its Stealth systems and make sure the ships is ready for full commission. Just set a message to my parents in the fleet, their commands put them on the other side of the galaxy so I try to send messages now and again. I will continue to report on the missions but now I have to go and meet Captain Anderson at the Normandy Dock.

Supplimental 0.0.2

Got a final look at the ship with Anderson before we took off, the ship itself is beautiful and the crew is ready to get going. Months of training is all ready to be put to the test. We picked up a SPECTRE from a council ship on its way here, seems they wanted to see their investment on the ship; I smell something fishy.

Supplimental 0.0.3

On the bridge with Joker and Alenko, watched us jump to the system where Eden Prime is located. Wont be long now, Stealth Systems seem to be working and all is ready. Anderson calls from the briefing room and tells me to get to the briefing room. Joker makes a cock up with Nihlus, the turian SPECTRE and Anderson, so shuts up.

Supplimental 0.0.4

Spoke with Navigator Presley, Doc Chakwas and Pvt Jenkins on way to the briefing room; the kid was itching for a fight but its going to get him killed one day, calmed him down though.

In the briefing hall, I met Nihlus for the first time and we spoke as we waited for the Captain; we spoke of Eden Prime, and as Anderson came in, they told me that I was to be a Candidate for the SPECTRE's, This mission and others to follow were tests to see if I am cut out for it.

The mission was not just a shakedown cruise; we were after a working Prothean beacon found on Eden Prime. Just as were talking about it, Joker but in and told us that a Distress call was coming from Eden Prime, the colony was under attack so we rushed to the planet with stealth Systems on. It looked like the Crew and the Normandy would get their first test of Action.

Supplimental 0.1.1

We dropped into the situation outside the colony, Nihlus went on ahead and I took Alneko and Jenkins at drop point 2. We moved through the fields and the tree's until we came to a path. it was all quiet until several Geth Recon drones came out of no where and fired upon Jenkins. He never stood a chance as the plasma burnt straight through his kinetic barriers. After we took out the drones I made sure Alenko was okay and told him we'd give Jenkins a deacent buriel when the mission was over.

Supplimental 0.1.2

We picked a soldier that had survived the attack for the few hours it had taken us to get to the planet. her name was Ashley Williams of the 212nd. We watched a pair of Geth soldiers imaple a colonist on a huge spike; we had no idea why they did this but we would make them pay for ever colonist we saw on one of these.

Ashley took us to the dig site; after fighting through several Geth to get to it though.

Supplimental 0.1.3

Well the spikes do have a purpose. As we approached several, they lowered and it seemed the colonists had been turnedi into some kind of walking zombie. They were tough to take down but we managed to do it. After finding several surviors we headed down to the space port. We found Nihlus dead; a lazy dockworker who had been hiding explained that another Turian, named Saren, had shot Nihlus in the back of the head. He also stated the pair seemed to know each other and that was how he caught him offguard.

Supplimental 0.1.4

We proceeded to the train line and moved up to the next Docking port after Saren. We found several bombs and after deactivating them and several more Geth, we found the beacon.

The area was secured and I was talking to the Normandy when I noticed Ashley getting to close to the Beacon and it began to drag her in. I was caught in it as I pushed her away. My feet lifted off the floor and I experienced a nightmarish vision before blacking out. Later I was told the Beacon Detonated.


Nihlus KIA
PVT Jenkins KIA
Beacon Destroyed
Colony desimated
Few surviors
Sheppard Taken to sickbay on Normandy


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Executive Officer (XO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
- Earth Space dock
Febuary 21th 2183
Eden Prime + 1 (days)
Commander Sheppard's Log


Just got out of sickbay, explained to the doc and Anderson about my vision, was it our deaths I saw? Organics being butchered by Geth? Will this come to pass or will I be able to stop it? Who knows?. Anderson told me to go to the bridge, Joker is about to bring us into the Citadel, Its my first time here and I cant wait to see it; my mother once told me it was the biggest structure in the galaxy.

- Supplemental 1.1.1

Arrived on the Citadel, had a brief chat with Ambassador Udine, Don't think he really likes me; who cares, he is just a pencil pusher. Ash is amazed at the citadel and so am I, they actually have a lake here; on a space station!. We are going to head to the Citadel Tower to meet with the Council to present evidence in Saren's hearing. If he is there it will take a lot to stop me from putting a bolt into his face.

- Supplemental 1.1.2

Damnit! The council have let him go! Damn them. We need more evidence, Damn arrogant bastard, Next time I see him I will kill the smug bastard. On our way in we ran into a Turian C-Sec officer called Garrus Vakarian, He was in charge of the evidence for Sarens guilt. After a brief chat with Udine and Anderson, I am going to go looking for Garrus but have to go through a Middle man called Harken; some drunken officer. Also found out Anderson has a history with Saren, turns out Anderson worked with Saren to find a terrorist but Saren butchered innocents to find him. Saren really is a Monster.

- Supplemental 1.2.1

Headed to Chora's den and was ambushed by Turian assassins, Took them out with ease but the fact that Saren wants me dead seems to be evidence that I am a thorn in his side; good... I plan to keep it going. Chora's den was a sleazy place, Couple of Asari and human dancers, they were pretty good; I browsed the "Selection" as I looked out for Harken. On my way towards him, I bumped into a rather scary Krogan who was arguing with a Krogan Bouncer. Apparently his name is Wrex, Faced a Krogan before, not the best race you want to face down in a battle.

Sat down with Harken as he tried to push the conversation about Garrus aside and revealed that Anderson was actually the first human Spectre, Saren was his version of Nihlus for me; but He blew it and blames Saren. After shutting him up I got him to revel that Garrus had headed out to a Med Clinic on the other side of the wars; run by a "Dr Michael's" Heading over there now to find Garrus; hopefully no more assassins pop up.

- Supplemental 1.2.2

Walked right into that one didn't I? I walked into the Med clinic only to be confronted by several goons threatening the Dr, while Garrus was sneaking around the side; I was spotted by the leader before I could even take cover. The leader took the Dr Hostage and was about to fire in our direction when Garrus took the shot and killed the Leader. A quick fire fight ensued and I approached Garrus; who thanked me for the distraction, he was a good shot.

The Dr explained that the goons worked for Fisk, the man who runs Chora's den and were after someone called "The Quarian", apparently this Quarian had arrived several days before shot and scared; looking to speak with the Shadow broker so she sent the poor girl in the direction of Fisk, who worked for him. Garrus revealed that he no longer did and worked for Saren now. I asked Garrus to join us and sent Kaiden back to the ship and headed towards Chora's den again. Garrus spoke about the Krogan we met earlier, Wrex; suggests getting him on the team and I agree, will pick him up on the way back to the ship.

- Supplemental 1.2.3

Chora's Den was closed and I suspected they had caught whiff I was on my way, opening the door I was almost cut down by a hail of Plasma fire, luckily they were only goons, not soldiers. I tossed a grenade into the back and detonated a Fire exstinquiser, taking out 4 goons in one go. After pushing into the back I was confronted by Dock workers, Pathetic really, Scared them off with a quick speech; might as well as save the ammo.

Pushed into Fisks office and found him there, cowering behind a desk with two turrets online. Moments later he was down, Turns out Fisk was setting a trap for the Quarian and she was going to walk straight into it; I couldn't let him live for all he did, and warn Saren.

We rushed to the scene, Fighting through Chora's den once more and into the Wards. After a few minutes we found her, and took out the assassins. Her name was Tali'Zorah Nar Rayya, just hearing her voice I almost fell to my knees, She had the softest voice; I only wished I could see through her visor to her pretty face. Tali was on her pilgrimage, she had found evidence about Saren so we are heading back to Udine's office.

- Supplemental 1.3.1

Turns out the evidence she has is the best thing we found. Its an audio tape of her and some female talking about Reapers, Geth and something called the Conduit. Tali explains the Geth revere the Reapers as gods, they were a hyper-Machine Race 50 thousand years ago and may have hunted the protheans to extinction. I suddenly realise what my vision was, not our destruction; theirs, the Protheans. We have to stop Saren before he opens the Conduit and brings these Reapers back.

I sign Tali onto the team, why shouldn't I? her fighting skills and her voice, perfect. Tali, Garrus and I are heading to the Tower; Kaiden and Ash will sort out the Normandy if we have to leave.

- Supplemental 1.3.2

On my way out of the Embassies I was approached by a man called Samesh Bhatia, He needed help with his wife's body. She was on Eden Prime as part of the 212th Unit, turns out her body was not returned; I agreed to help. I found a clerk named Bosker and convinced him to hand over the body; turns out her body had wounds inconsistent with Geth Weapons damage and they wanted to test the body for ways to resist their weapons, I told him that even through we need to defend ourselves, doing this is the same thing as losing our Humanity. Samesh was happy to have gotten his wife back.

While at the Embassy bar, I found one of my men, Private Fredrick's, over heard him chatting about an Asari Consort; he was gloating about her and when I asked about her, it turns out he did not go. perhaps I should go over soon.

- Supplemental 1.3.3

I headed over to the Consorts place across the lake and it turns out it wasn't just some whore house I had expected, it was more of a nice place to chat with women, but also could be used for sex. I approached the woman at the door and told to wait three to four months, but was rushed in when the Consort saw me, turns out her name was Sha'ira and she needed my help. I had not been this close to an Asari before; well... apart from Chora's den, she smelt like a rare flower and her blue skin tined a light colour in the light. Sha'ira needed help with a former friend, a Turian General, they had fallen out and he hangs around in Chora's den spreading lies and drinking. Will pop by there when I can, but I best hurry to the council to present the evidence.

- Supplemental 1.4.1

Turns out the Council are not as stupid as they appear, they rescinded Saren's Spectre Status after hearing the evidence given by Tali, but did not listen about the Reapers; Fools!. Found out the woman's voice on the recording was Matriarch Benezia, a high powerful Biotic Asari with many followers. Udine demands a fleet but even I know that's useless; Hunting one man with a fleet will only cause a war in the systems you are in and near. So the Council make me the first "Official" human Spectre. The turian councillor didn't want me to be a Spectre but I will show him.

They send me after Saren who has fled into the Traverse, I am pointed to the C-sec academy for new gear and equipment.

- Supplemental 1.4.2

I just signed Wrex up to the team, He actually paid ME for killing Fisk; turns out it was his job and he did not like getting paid for me killing him. Good to have a Krogan on the team. I got my gear and headed up to the Normandy ( The Elevators take forever to get there, although I did get to look at Tali's ass and chat with her about her Pilgrimage. Upon getting to the deck, I found Anderson and Udine were talking; Turns out Anderson had been retired, and I am now in Command of the SSV Normandy.

I asked him about Saren and him being a Spectre, turns out something went wrong but did not push it; it was hard thing for him. Anderson points me towards several locations such as Benezia's Daughter: Dr Liara T'soni. Will hunt her down first, If she is on our side then we can use her help; if not we can take her out and hit Benezia where it hurts.

- Supplemental 1.5.1

Relaxed back in the quarters and then headed to the bridge; Joker told me to maybe give a speech so i thought I should. Putting on the comms, I began to speak. I thought I should be honest, I spoke about finding Saren before he found the conduit, that it would be dangerous and not easy, Eden Prime was not the last world he would attack, that Saren will be waiting for us and Humanity is alone in this fight. I swore to them that we will stop him.

Joker loved the speech, was never good at it, last time I gave a speech like this was on Elysium. I set a course for the Artemis Tau Cluster, Knossoss System, to the Planet Therum; Going to find Dr T'Soni first.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
  Planet Therum - System Knossoss - Artemis Tau Cluster
Febuary 22nd 2183
Eden Prime + 2 (days)


We must find Dr T'soni, she is somewhere on this planet; there is no landing zone close to the mining camp so we decide to drop in the Mako and approached the camp.

The planet is hot, very hot. I decided to follow the tubes all the way to the camp but i had to be careful, there were many lakes of Lava that would easily burn out the Mako, even with its Kinetic barriers set to max.

Supplimental 2.1.1

Just as we caught the first glimps of the dying star reaching over the mountains and hills; its lifescycle coming to a close within the next thousands of years, we were attacked by a huge Geth ship, as it dropped several Armatures within the Valley; it seems the Geth know Dr T'Soni is here and they are definatly after her.

Supplimental 2.1.2

We approached a base that seemed to be used as an outpost for the mining dig, or some sort of refining area, but it did not matter; as we were attacked by Several geth before even getting anywhere near it. the front enterance was a no go, luckily Tali pointed out a small gap to the side and we skid the Mako in through there and managed to come in behind the base. Clearing out the base was easy and after opening the gate we are setting off.

Supplimental 2.1.3

We are approaching the dig site, the path was blocked so we had to leave the Mako out front and enter on foot. Attacked by a few snipers and a mass group of Geth foot soldiers; luckily no Armatures.

Supplimental 2.2.0

I had to put it down didnt I? As we neared the actual dig site where we could descend down the tunnel and into the prothean ruins, a Geth ship flew over and dropped several Geth aswell as a single Armature unit. we barely made it through the fight, Tali was hit and went down; luckily she was in cover while Garrus and I managed to take out the rest before moving onto helping her.

Supplimental 2.2.1

We descended into the tunnel and met a few Geth, but once we got to the end we were only attacked by a few Geth turrets; the same model as the ones on Eden Prime, this brings my mind back to Jenkins. Taking them out quickly we proceeded on to the lift.

Supplimental 2.2.2

The lift broke down, *sigh* Seems we wernt going back up that way I turned to a Prothean forcefield holding us on one side of a large hive like structure; I was surprised to see our target, trapped inside a forcefield herself.

She woke up the moment she saw us and explained she was trapped, we'd need to get past the barrier curtain to get to her; it was rather comical really. I ask her about her mother and she claimed not to be like her mother and not spoken to her in years. Should I really trust her? she seemed innocent enough.

Supplimental 2.2.3

We tried to a find a way through the forcefield but was attacked by more Geth; that was when I spotted it, a Huge Mining laser. If we couldnt shut it down then perhaps we could go under it?

Supplimental 2.2.4

I got to Liara and managed to get her out the forcefield, but the cave had became unsable thanks to the Mining laser, we had to hurry out; I called for the Normandy but Joker said his ETA would be 8 minutes,  the cave would have been destroyed by the time they arrived.

Turing and heading up the lift, we were attacked by a Krogan and Geth; working for Saren. After a brief engagement they were downed and we managed to get up to the next level (where the lift broke) and ran out the ruins. Barely making it out before it collapsed and the Normandy flew in just intime to get us out of there. I swear I will be washing the scent of Sulpher out of my suit for weeks.

Supplimental 2.3.0

I called a meeting of the main Crew, after a brief chat I found out many things about the Protheans aswell as Liara. Turns out she is  years old. barely a child in her race and had spent the last fifty years working on the Protheans. She had found some information and created a thesis but the other Asari would not listen, as she was basically a child.

Her thesis was that the Protheans were not the first race to rise and fall in our galaxy, and the galaxy was built on a cycle of Extinction. The Mass relays (who everyone thought the protheans created) were older then the protheans and all technology was based on older tech before they were being cast down. I explained what my vision was, and realised it wasnt humanity being wiped out, it was the reapers whiping out the Protheans.

Liara said that few would be able to understand the visions and that I was Strong willed to even be alive with the information in my mind; I am glad Ashley did not get stuck in it then huh.

I signed her up on my team, she seems to be the good guy and the Krogan even tried to kill her; why would Benezia order a hit on her own daughter? unless she does not know and Saren is trying to kill her. I send her off to the Doc to get a clean bill of health before ca give a huge speech about how he was not working with the reapers and mearly using them, he is dillusional and indoctrinated but blinded by it. A fight ensued and he ended up grabbing me by the throat; hovering me over the cliff. I was saved by the bomb timer as he fled; but I managed to sock him one in the face before he left. The teams quickly fled onto the Normandy and we got out of the blast Radius.


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
Febuary 22nd 2183
Eden Prime + 2 (days)

Log 3.1.0

Headed to Sickbay office to check on Liara, she said she will be fine and thanked her for saving her life and got there in time; who knew what the Geth and the Krogan would have done to her before getting her to Saren. Crew does not trust her but I know she isnt like her Mother, Afterall kids dont grow up like their parents. Hell, Look at my; Mine are rising up the ranks in the fleet and Im a Foot soldier, although I did pick up their determination.

We had a conversation about her personal life; her traels to remote digs and how they were dangerous and Lonely, but she told me she liked the solitude. People had wanted her to follow in her mothers footsteps but she didnt, she was rebelious. She was drawn to the past and Protheans and also admitted to finding me interesting. I do have one thing to say about her; she cant take a joke... It might just be a human thing.

Supplimental 3.1.1

I headed down ot the requesitionso fficer and got more kit, Also had a chat with tali'zorah about her life on Pilgrimage and the Quarian Folorilla, I even tried talking to Wrex, but he wasnt very talkative. I told joker to set a course for the next world, Noveria in the Pax System of the Horse Head nebula.

Supplimental 3.1.2

Recieved a message from a woman called Nassana Dantius, An ambassador on the citadel waiting in the DIpliomants lounge on the Presidium for me.. Dont know what this is about.


Planet Noveria : System Pax : Cluster Horse Head Nebula

Febuary 23rd 2154

Eden Prime + 3 (days)

Log Entry 4.0.0

We finally docked at Noveria with a not so warm welcome. We were threatened with Impoudation if I dont prove I was a SPECTRE. The idiots, we should do something to pull a few strings and wind them up. I took Liara and Tali with me and damn was it cold. On our way in Security stopped us and did not believe my SPECTRE status, they actually wanted to take our weapons off us, I didnt allow this and a small stand off occured until their commander stopped them.

Inside we were met by Gianna Parasini who apologised for the incident. I asked about any unusal people coming through and she told us Benezia was here. Liara was very worried about this and after being told by Gianna to see Administrator Anoleis for clearance to leave the facility to Benezia I spoke to Liara.

She was worried and was nervous about me keeping her on the team but I trusted her and would keep her on the team

Supplimental 4.1.0

Headed up to the Administrator's office. He was rather rude and called me a "Space Vagabond" if I wasnt on a mission to save the galaxy I would have put my vagabond fist through his Salarian face. He explained about Benezia bringing some cargo with her aswell as a group of body guards. That only meant the Geth were hiding in the cargo and she would have Asari commando's with her. This would be tricky.

She has headed to PEAK 15 complex, its private and all shuttle have been grounded by a blizzard in the area. Meaning we take the Mako again. Anoleis wont let us go without a pass so we need to find one.

Supplimental 4.1.1

Gianna pointed us towards a Turian named "Lorik Qui'in" in the nearby bar. After we found him he explained he had a pass but Anoleis closed his office for "corruption". But it was only to find Lorik's evidence of Anoelis's corruption. Lorik would give us his pass if we collected the evidence before the goons did.

Supplimental 4.1.2

Collected the evidence, had a small encounter with ERCS Guards, smooth talked the first pair into leaving, but hd to fight my way through the rest until Kara Stirling arrived to sto me; she was one of the guards with the loud mouth at the gate. She tried to smooth talk me but I wasnt buying it, they opened fire and we took them down with ease. To think goons and security forces thought they could take down a N7 Soldier and SPECTRE.

I headed back to Lorik but was stopped by Gianna, she told me to meet her in the bar before heading to Lorik. Turns out she is from Noveria Internal Affairs and her name is actually Gianna Parasini, she was undercover and said she would reward me if I convince Lorik to testify in court.

After some more smooth talking I managed to convonce Lorik to Testify with the ol' "You will be a hero" routine. Gianna said she owed me a beer as she arrested Anoelis.

Supplimental 4.1.3

Got the garage pass and made my way into the Garage before we were attacked by Geth soldiers that Benezia clearly left here incase we come after her. I used a stationary tank to take them out; whoever this tank belongs too, I would kiss them for leaving it there.

We took the Mako out into the storm; getting rattled about inside but we can make it to the facility, i can drive this thing through hell and back and it will come without even a scratch.

Supplimental 4.2.0

Attacked by Geth on our way through the mountains but finally arrived at PEAK15. It was crawing with Geth and Krogan but everything is offline. We were greeted by turrets pointed to keep something in not out, and then attacked by some sort of bug like creature. Need to get the power back on and see what the rest of the facility is like.

Supplimental 4.2.1

Activated the Facilities VI, Named Mira. She told us everything was offline and Benezia headed on the Tramline. So we have to turn everything on before we head on the Tramway.

Supplimental 4.2.2

Managed to turn power on, core was full of geth but managed to fight through them, Next was the landlines and that was on the roof. The place was covered in those creatures but managed to finish that. We then proceeded to the Tramlines and found a tunnel full of them, tried to activate the defences but the computer wouldnt give so we just fought our way through them. After that we headed to RIFT station on the tram after benezia.

Supplimental 4.3.0

Arrived at Rift Station and found surviors holding out since the creatures broke out a week before. The commander told me Benezia is in the hot labs. Found out in the medical bay they were trying to create Bioweapons; even though it is forbidden, I will remember to add this to my report to the council.

I tried to make my way through one of the doors into the hot labs, something smelt fishy about this place. The turrets came online and attacked, even the men. I knew it.

Supplimental 4.3.1

Found Benezia in the hot labs. She was willing to kill her daughter just to do her mission for Saren. Explained that the things we fought were "Rachni" an ancient creature thought extinct by after the council sent the Krogan against them.

Fought through Benezia, her commando's and the geth. Talked to her when she was down, she had been brainwashed, it was weakening so we could talk to her. "Indoctrination" was the term, Sarens ship "Soverign" was the ship we saw on Eden Prime, its the ship tat gets inside your head.

She made us kill her, Saren was inside her head still. As we checked the perimeter, the Rachni queen spoke through one of the Asari commando's to me, she wanted to leave and grow as a race; peaceful lives and not to start a war again. I let them go... I will not be responsable for a race being exinc, it could be humanity one day.

Rachni queen told me to kill her "children" here, they were blank slates and dangerous, not true Rachni.

Supplimental 4.3.2

Head down to the lab and start the Neutron Purge, attacked by the blank Rachni, 2 minutes to escape before the entire lab was destroyed but we made it to the lift intime and headed back to the Normandy

Supplimental 4.4.0

Had a meeting with the crew on the Normandy, Ash got at Liara but I calmed them down, everyone is on edge. After dismissing the crew, I sent my report to the council; they were angry with my choice about the Rachni, they werent the ones out there though.


Benezia - KIA
Rachni Released.
Heading to next mission


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
Febuary 24th 2183
Eden Prime + 4 (days)

Log Entry 5.0.0

Onboard with Normandy, After the meeting I went and spoke to Liara again, had to make sure she was okay, Ashley had been rather rude and spoke about Benezia. In the office behind the Medbay I sat and talked with Liara, she explained she had never met much humans and was nervous around us; she also explained she looked into my history, into such events like the Blitz, just mentioning it brought back memories.

She wanted to know more about me and admitted she found me compelling and intriguing, does this mean she has feelings for me? She began to talk about me and Ash, asking if there was something there but I told her we were just friends, Ash is too much xenophobic for my liking. She was relieved, so i asked her about us, and she did admit there was an attraction to me so I revealed mine too, she sounded overjoyed when I told her; it was nice to see her happy and a good distraction about her mother. She asked for time to think so i left.

Supplimental 5.0.1

Had a walk around the ship again, spoke with tali, wrex, had a target practise with garrus, turns out he can take me for my money in a shooting game and Kaidens being a bit of an arse again.

Supplimental 5.0.2

Was resting in my room while the ship is prepared to head out to the next planet when I got a message from the Citadel, Top Priority. The council had info on Saren, an infiltration team has gone dark and their communication before last mentioned a base of Sarens; they went dark and their last message was scrambled but on a high ranking frequency that it is too important to leave. The council gave the coordinates to Virmire and we headed there.

Oncourse now and I am checking our weapons, its going to be a hot drop and I need to be prepared to take down Saren.


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
PLANET Virmire : SYSTEM Hoc: CLUSTER Sentry Omega
Febuary 25th 2183
Eden Prime + 5 (days)


Arrived in the Virmire System, we detected the strike teams signal and scanned the local area to find several Anti-ship and Anti-air batteries, so I guess we wont be going down in the Normandy for a soft touch landing; I ordered the Mako to be prepped for a hard and fast landing, we will bring down the towers and then have the Normandy land at the Strike teams base. Liara and Tali will be joining me in the Mako on the ground, cant wait to see Liara's face with her first hard landing drop, Tali's was very interesting through her visor.

Supplimental 6.0.2

Made it through the several outposts and cut a small hole in the defence perimeter for the Normandy to fly and land through, Seems either Saren or just the geth are here as we have faced down a few squads of them; nothing much but enough to put a normal team down.

Making out way to the strike team base to link up with the Normandy and the Strike team; Joker says they are now grounded so I have to speak with the Captain of the team.

Supplimental 7.0.3

Arrived at the camp and oh how it has been an interesting half an hour. Had a chat with the captain of the team, Captain Kirahee. The entire team is Salarian; i guess with their greater brain power and weaker structure they would make more than deacent stealth operatives.

Kirahee explained the base was Sarens and that he had found a cure for the Genophage, Wrex heard this and got pissed at the idea that we had to stop him, after storming off from us I had a chat with Kaiden and Ash, she said we might need to 'put him down', I agree with her if he gets dangerous.

Supplimental 6.0.4

I headed over to Wrex to try and talk sense into him, he was convinced Saren was the salvation to his people, but I told him that they would only become slaves to him, like the Geth, it took a lot of convincing but Wrex believed me and stuck by us in the end; Just glad I didnt have to signal Ash.

Supplimental 6.0.5

Went back to talk to Kirahee, after he had a talk with his people they explained to us the plan. We are going to take the Mass Effect core from his vessel and rig it to detonate with the power of a Nuclear Device, three distrction teams: "Aegohr" , "Mannovai" , "Jaëto"  Will move in to cover my Team "Shadow team" and after making my way into the base will shut down the interior defences to allow the Normandy to land with the nuke before extraction all together.

He wanted me to send a team member with one of the other teams so I chose Ash, Kaiden will deal with the Nuke. I later asked Kirahee on the names of his teams and it turns out they were the Name of the First three Salarian Settlements that they were fighting for.

He then gave a speech to his men, a very good speech, "Hold the line..." Maybe I should use that one day, if it doesnt become famous. Liara and Tali join me on Shadow team and we about to move out.

Supplimental 6.1.0

The distraction team did their job as Shadow team pushed around the back, we managed to disrupted he communications systems, Satalite uplink and disable the drones that the Geth had set up here.

Finally our team had made it to the main facility, we could cut the alarms but also send a alarm burst on the other side of the base; this would hurt the distraction teams so we simply turned off the alarms, I can deal with a few Geth soliders.

Supplimental 6.1.1

Made our way through the facility, we found more geth and also found the remnants of Kirahee's team that had been captured; they had been Indoctrinated. We pushed through the facility towards what we found out later to be Saren's command room. On the outside we ran into Rana Thanoptis, a Asari neurospecialist who was helping Saren and the Genophage cure. She let us into his command room so I let her go but she has to outrun a nuke.

Supplimental 6.1.2

Inside his quarters we found another inact prothean Beacon, as I approached I experienced the visions again but this time much clearer. As we made our way to the main platform we caught sight of a hologram of his ship, "Soverign" It began to talk to us. turns out his ship isnt a geth dreadnought afterall... Its a reaper...

It began to recite a evil speech about "Organics are a genetic mistake", clearly a god complex right there. Soverign explained that all tech was based on their technology so they could easily push us down the paths they wanted us to, even the mass Relays were created by them.

Soverign cut off connection and made a 180 U-turn to head towards us. Joker radioed in and told us trouble was on its way. We had to hurry to take down the AA turrets.

Supplimental 6.1.3

Made our way through the breeding facility and stopped the cure. Onto the AA turrets and finally brought the Normandy down. We began to set up the bomb after securing the area of geth. We get a report from the Diversion team that they are having trouble. I leave Kaiden with the nuke and head off through one of the side area's to an elevator, When I reach there I get a message from Kaiden, he is in trouble too; the bomb was hit and there is only time to Save one of the groups.

I decided to save Ash and the Salarians, Kaiden would be able to detonate the bomb when we leave; it will mean I save more people who can fight at a later battle. I regretted leaving him.

Supplimental 6.1.4

I supported Ash and the Salarians but Saren arrived on a hovering platform and began to give a huge speech about how he was not working with the reapers and mearly using them, he is dillusional and indoctrinated but blinded by it. A fight ensued and he ended up grabbing me by the throat; hovering me over the cliff. I was saved by the bomb timer as he fled; but I managed to sock him one in the face before he left. The teams quickly fled onto the Normandy and we got out of the blast Radius.


Supplimental 6.2.0

Ash blames herself for Kaiden's death, I reasure her and told her I made the desicion and that Kaiden died for the good of the mission; not in vain. Liara wanted me to tell her about the visions now they were clearer; lots of unanswered questions hopefully Feros will have the answers we need.

Supplimental 6.2.1

Set up a link with the council; I tried to warn them about Soverign being a reaper but they did not believe me; I disconnected with them, I couldnt be bothered with their ignorance at this time...


Kaiden - KIA - Recommend for Medal
Salarian Team - Collected & Secure
Saren Base - Destroyed
Genophage cure - Destroyed.
Soverign a Reaper.
Set course for Feros


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
Febuary 25th 2183
Eden Prime + 5 (days)

Log Entry 7.0.0

The ship is quiet, We are all taking Kaidens death hard, I spoke to all the crew, Liara, tali, Ash in particular; had a chat with wrex aswell but he was indifferent, i understand as he is a soldier and a krogan.

Liara and I had a chat about Saren, she felt sorry for him and So did I; he was under the control of the reapers and cant see it, Liara wondered if he could feel his mind slipping or is it just a total thing?

We talked about relationships within Asari's and how they are connected to each other and "Transend the pysical world" that two become one... It sounds very interesting. She wanted me to join in the union with her but to take it a bit slow at the moment, she had never been with a human before so she just wanted to be sure of her feelings. I told her to take all the time she needed, aslong as she is comfortable.

Supplimental 7.0.1

We set course for Feros; Saren needs to pay for what he has done.

Supplimental 7.0.2

We recieved a message from Admiral Hackett, he needs m help with an Alliance Training ground on the moon; the VI there has gone haywire.


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
PLANET Feros : SYSTEM Theseus: CLUSTER Attican Beta
Febuary 26th 2183
Eden Prime + 6 (days)

Log Entry 8.0.0

We have made it to the Fers System, and anded at the colony "Zhu's Hope", I brought Tali and Liara with me once more and we exited the ship; a colonist met us and told us to find a man named "Fai Dan" but the colonist was quicky killed by a Geth Patrol before he told us anything more. We killed the Geth and pushed our way into the colony's defences.

Supplemental 8.0.1

Met with Fai Dan but was interrupted again by a Geth attack on their defences, we pushed into the ruins of the Prothean Skyway and took out the geth there; sending the transport that brought them away.

Returning to Fai, we were told to go to the Exo-Geni Headquarters across the Skyway. We made our way to the Skyway and found a Mako waiting for us; we unsealed the gate and proceeded onto the Skyway.

Supplemental 8.0.2

On the Skyway we made through the geth and approached a destroyed building where the skyway went down to another level; we began to pick up some signals from inside and headed down to find surviors from the Exo-Genic corporation who had escaped and had been hiding here.

Spoke with them, and found one one of the members (Juliana) daughter was missing, asked me to look out for her; I promised would look out for her and bring her back if I saw her.

Supplemental 8.1.0

We headed across the rest of the Prothean Skyway and made our way into the Exo-Geni Headquarters; the Geth were waiting for us at the door, having sealed it part way so the Mako couldnt fit in, It didnt mean we couldn't fire into it.

Proceeding on foot, we walked right into a Armature but took it out rather easily. The door was blocked by a force field so we had to jump down a ledge with no goig back; hopefully we could get the forcefield down from inside the Headquarters.

Supplemental 8.1.1

Guess walking around a corner first and leading from the front does have its drawbacks, I almost had my head blown off by a woman inside the facility; she had been fighting against a group of Varen and thought I was one of them, do I smell that bad?

Turns out it was Juliana's daughter and her name was Lizabeth, she old me of a creature called a Thorian and that Exogeni were studying it; this was probably what the Geth were after. She gave us her keycard, hopefully it would come in handy upahead sometime.

I proceeded upstairs and told her to only move when the gunfire stops. We walked up the stairs and found a Krogan trying to access the Headquarters' VI, but he was unable to thanks to not having a keycard. He went into a krogan beserker charge but we took him out before he even came a foot infront of me; thanks to Tali and her shotgun and Liara's biotics.

After accessing the VI and asking what the Krogan wanted, my suspicions were true, they wanted the Thorian or "Species 27" by the records; and it turns out the thorian was hidden under Zhu's Hope, they were using the coloniests as lab rats.

I contacted Joker to seal the ship; I couldnt have anyone on the Normandy getting infected by this THorians spores but the Geth ship latched onto the side of the building was blocking communications, I would have to either stop the jamming or get rid of the ship.

Supplemental 8.1.2

We proceeded through the ruins of the Headquarters, the entire place was built into the previous Prothean structures; but now it was just as much rubble the Prothean structure before it. More Geth attacked and we found ourselves in a large room filled with a Geth ships claw of some kind pushing through the wall with a small glowing ball that the Geth seemed to be kneeling and praying to; this only meant we got the jump on them as we launched an all out attack.

Towards the back of the room we found another claw pushing through a huge doorway; it had forced the door open and held tightly into the building. On a nearby sign it stated the door was a High Presure door and could easily rip through ship armour if the pressure was high enough; this was our  chance.

Supplemental 8.1.3

After some fiddling with the controls; Tali, Liara and I managed to build up the pressure to a safe enough level that the door wouldnt break but would cut the claw in half. It was a success, the claw came  clean off like a limb being hacked by a blade.

We heard a large creak and the Geth ship could easily be seen through the windows as it fell to the ground several hundred miles. I would so loved to have seen the Geths face when they came towering down into the ground.

After it was destroyed the Normandy finally made communication with us; the Colonists had gone crazy and started attacking the Normandy so they had sealed up the ship. Lizabeth arrived and began to tell me about the thorian; I told the Normandy crew not to hurt the Colonists, they were under the control of the Thorian and were being controlled against their will. We needed to get back and sort this mess out.

Supplemental 8.2.0

Pushing across the Prothean Skyway once more we were once again attacked by the Geth, they just dont quit do they? We destroy one of their ships and they send two up against us?

As we arrived towards the ExoGeni Survior outpost, we began to get messages from the radio's, Juliana and john were arguing and it sounded like it wasnt going well. Lizabeth jumped out the Mako as we neared he place and began to sneak up. I moved up behind her and we found John going  crazy, he was about to hurt Juliana; if Lizabeth hadn't blown our cover we would have been able to disable the guards and save her, but the girl had to rush in and blow our cover.

It turned out Exogeni waned to purge the entire area and kill everyone, he is just wanted the Thorian. I told him to stop, but he began to challange me, and drew his gun on me; so I shot him, someone stupid enough to draw a gun on a N7 Spectre diserves to be killed.

Juliana and lizabeth worked out a way to save the colonists using a addon for my grenades, rendering the grenades useless as explosives but they stop the Thorian control on organics and render them unconcious.

Supplemental 8.2.1

Pushing through to Zhu's hope, we were confronted by a Geth husk like creature; obviously a dead colonist that had been brought back to life. The scanner managed to pick it up and labeled it a "Creeper". We began to push forward into the colony, we had to take the Colony back and save the colonist.

Supplemental 8.2.2

We managed to save all the colonists with the grenades and take care of the Creepers. They went down like flies with the grenade modifications we were given. As we moved into the Colony, Fai Dan came out under the control of the Thorian and before we could do anything he placed his pistol to his own head and fired. Finding the switch to lift the housing unit off the enterance to the Thorians nest; we decended the staircase and prepared for the worst.

Supplemental 8.3.0

We made it down into the Thorians Nest we finally got a look at the mythical creature. It was a huge plant, holding itself up with tendrians that pushed through solid concrete like a weed. As we approached the main "head", it began to move. An Asari seemed to be spat out the thorians mouth; she was different then most Asari, her skin was green not blue like most.

The Asari spoke for the thorian, I asked it what Saren had gotten from the thorian and he had asked for a "cypher" of the prothean language and mind; it seems the thorian had lived during the Prothean massacre and even longer then that, hidden away in its cave. Over the milenia it had accessed the minds of the colonists of Feros from every race that had lived there. I asked for the cypher but it would not give it to me, Saren had betrayed it and left the geth to kill it; it did not trust me.

Supplemental 8.3.1

The Thorian attacked us and sent more "creepers" after us, we managed to take out some nerve pods that lined the tendrials and weakened the thorian enough to hurt it; i actually think I killed it.

Out of a pod in the wall, the Asari who Saren had left here was released as the thorian died; she explained she had the cypher and even have it to me through the Asari mind meld... thing...

The visions became even more clearer now, I saw a planet with a binary star, the destruction of the Organic protheans against the reapers and their husks... I saw Soverign.

Supplemental 8.3.2

After a few hours I managed to get the colony a few supplies and helped them out a little more, the Asari said she was going to help Zhu's Hope start again and hopefully live a normal life.

Heading back to the Normandy to get some rest after the visions.


Supplemental 8.4.0

Had the crew assemble for a meeting, we disscused the visions and Liara wanted to meld with my mind to see if she could understand my vision a little better this time; I allowed it and she recognised the binary star system. Ilos..

She explained that the vissions I had touched deep inside the Prothean beacon had been a distress call by the Protheans about the reapers, but by the time they had sent it, it was too late.

We discussed Ilos in further detail and found the Mue Relay was the only to Ilos and the Mue Relay is deep in the Terminas Systems; where the Geth are curretly guarding... The alliance and even the specters are not liked there.

Liara was exhausted from the "joining" so I told the crew to go rest, We have a big day tomorrow trying to sneak through the Mue relay and finally catch up to Saren and Sovereign.


Zhu's Hope cleared of Geth
Exo-geni report sent to Alliance detailing use of Colonists
Thorian Killed
Cypher retrieved
Heading for the "Conduit" on Ilos through MUE relay.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
Febuary 26th 2183
Eden Prime + 6 (days)

Log Entry 9.0.0

After the Meeting I headed to see Liara, make sure she was better before I made a tour of the Normandy; checked for battle damage and to make sure the crew are okay. The aliens onboard are getting acustomed to living on a human vessel but the air is quiet and tense with the death of Kaiden.

I spoke with Ash down in the hanger and she blames herself, for making me make a choice between her or him. I reasured her and told her not to blame herself; I made the choice.

A report from the council arrived, They have given me confirmation to go after Saren but Udine wants us to go back to the Citadel to addend a Mass Fleet Meeting.

I hope Udine doesnt have some dirty trick up his sleeve to get in our way or the council does something stupid; we will have to wait and see.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
Febuary 27th 2183
Eden Prime + 7 (days)

LOG ENTRY 10.0.0

We docked with the Citdel an headed to the Council chambers for the meeting, I had to go alone, this was for me, the council and Udina. The council explained that now the evidence of Saren was lage enough for the COuncil to do something, they had set up checkpoints on every Mass relay between citadel space and the Terminus systems; watching for when Saren brings his Geth Army through. It wont be enough.

I suggested that we send the fleet to Ilos, where Saren is but the council wont, they wont even believe that he is there. I then suggested sending me instead; a single SPECTRE could make his way there, and with the NORMANDY we could easily sneak in.

They denied it, bringing up my past, working with Liara, nuking Virmire, they dont believe me about the conduit. Udine ends up grounding the Normandy and takes the ship away from me; he sells us out with his only response being 'Just Politics. No one stabs me in the back.... nobody.

Supplimental  10.1.1

I return to the NORMANDY, its the only place I can go to rest, my only home here on the citadel. I am angry, well; thats an Understatement. Liara comes to see me, we sit chatting on in the Personal quarters section. The council owes me everything, I am trying to save the galaxy here and they dont believe me at all about anything!

Liara tells me she is with me with every step, she gets close for a moment, we share the moment, almost kiss.... but Joker interrupts; he was clearly listening in. He tells us that Anderson wants to me in the Wards at a club called Flux. Hopefully he has an idea how I can get the ship out of here.

Supplimental 10.2.1

On my way to the Wards, a News Caster interrupts me in the C-Sec Acadamy. She asks for an interview and I decide, okay; it might be a chance to get the information on Saren out there and give me some good rep. It doesnt go to plan, she begins to keep bringing up the bad side to the military and me, I tell her about Eden Prime, Saren and the Geth on the way, I scare her so much she has nothing to say; I was so close to punching her.

Supplimental 10.2.2

I got into flux and made my way over to Anderson, he looked so different in his civilian attire; Ive only ever seen him in his dress uniform. We talk for a while, he explains that he could unlock the ship through two ways. He could either go to Ambassador Udines office and give the command to C-sec with a false ID, or go straight to the C-sec Tower and unlock the ship Manually. The first way could get him arrested, the second Killed; I tell him to go to the Office, there are enough dead heroes. He tells me to get back to the normandy and prepare for the release. We salute, shake hands and he wishes me luck.

Supplimental 10.3.1

On the Normandy, I sit waiting on the bridge, Joker is waiting for the green light so he could get us out; I told the crew the plan, I told them that we could be court martialled for this, I gave any the chance to leave; none did... I know this crew will do what it takes to stop evil.

The Ship unlocked a few minutes later, we shot out the Citadel like a Bat out of hell, heading straight to the Mass Relay and going straight to Ilos.

Next Stop Ilost and Saren, The final mission.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
ONBOARD NORMANDY - Leaving Citadel Space towards Ilos
Febuary 27th 2183
Eden Prime + 7 (days)

LOG ENTRY 11.0.0

We did it, we evaded the Citadel forces and made our way into the Terminus systems; next stop Ilos. I moved to talk to the Crew, making my way through the ship and making sure everyone was okay. I had a message from Hacket, he told me I shouldnt have left but wishes me luck.

Heading back up to my quarters to rest up before the mission and come up with some sort of plan.

Supplimental 11.1.0

Just warned we are nearing Ilos, Liara had come up to my quarters during the night and we 'bonded' for the first time; Ive never had a interspecies relationship before, definatly not gone this far with it... Now I hope we get back from this mission.

Supplimental 11.2.0

Ilos is in sight, we are moving insystem to stop Saren, Now is the end of our mission, we MUST do this.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
Planet : ILOS
Febuary 28th 2183
Eden Prime + 8 (days)

LOG ENTRY 12.0.0

Approaching Ilos, we go into Stealth mode; the Geth were waiting for us but we snuck by, unaware of our entry we scan Ilos. The nearest landing zone is 2 klicks away, and Saren is already on the location (we have to assume this, he has had longer to find this place). Presley and Ash are arguing over where we should go; find a new drop zone or drop 2 klicks away.

I told them to drop the Mako. Presley warned we needed One hundred meters for a safe landing, but the landing zone is only twenty meters. Joker tells us he can get us down, I trust him, my words exactly were 'Drop me right on his ass'

Supplimental 12.0.1

Joker didnt fail to deliver, he put us right on Saren's ass, we came down at the drop zone like a bullet out a projectile weapon; Tali was almost sick in her suit and Liara held onto my hand so tight I could barely pull the controls around to stop us before we rammed right into the large door Saren sealed behind him.

Getting out we found the door had been sealed from a security station nearby, we'd have to fight through an army of Geth to get to it before re-aquiring Saren's tail. He wont get away this time.

Supplimental 12.0.2

Managed to fight through several Geth soldiers and Mechs before getting to the security station. After turning off the security doors, a old Prothean message began playing; I could understand it, but the others seemed to be confused, hearing a "strange language". It seems that I can understand Prothean spoken language thanks to the Cypher we aquired from Feros.

The message is a warning against the reapers, sent out to all stations in the Prothean Empire, it seems they had been too late.

Supplimental 12.0.3

Made our way back to the Mako and began to persue Saren. Fought through a few scattered Geth soldiers he left behind to stop us but we could handle them; until we ran into an energy barrier. Once we passed up to it, another appeared behind us, we were trapped. It didnt look like a trap Saren had, a door had appeared to open beside us, so we headed through and down the lift on the otherside. We found a old room, overgrown with plants and filled with what appeared to be Stasis pods; all shut down, we had seen hundreds of these on our way through the lower levels.

A VI appeared infront of us, damaged but still working. It began to speak in English, the VI introduced itself as "VIGIL" and told us it had been watching us and Saren, finding the "Taint of Indoctrination" on him but not us, judging we are allies, it brought us here to talk.

The VI explained to us about the reapers and the Protheans last stand; the Conduit. It also told us the Citadel is a trap, a huge mass relay able to bring the reapers from their hiding in Dark space to the centre of government in one stroke; like all races before. The Protheans had began to create Mass Relays for themselves, the rest being built by Reapers; the Conduit was their first success, a backdoor into the citadel. VIGIL was to keep this facility under watch, but as power died, he had to shut off the lower ranked scientist and finally when the Reapers were gone, awoke the few key researches.

These Protheans headed back to the citadel and managed to sabotage it, save the next race; the Keepers open the relay for Soverign and allow the Reapers through but they added a code to stop it. The protheans died on the citadel but their legacy allowed us to have a chance.

Supplimental 12.0.4

We head on our journey to the conduit and stop Saren, fighting through Army of Geth, Liara is scared we wont make it, but I told her that I would give my last breath to stop Saren.

Approaching the Conduit, it appeared to be a small (relativly) Mass Relay. Between us, 5 of the biggest geth mechs. Tali and Liara detect a build up of energy from the Conduit, it is going to stop working in less then 30 seconds. I instantly put my food to the pedal and set the turret on the Mako to fire at anything in the way. Liara holds my hand and I think I even felt Tali hold it too, she mumbled something under her breath and I am pretty sure she mumbled my name.

The Mako hit the lip of the COnduit and my stomach suddenly hit my throat.

Supplimental 12.1.1

I think we hit something, when we got out the Mako, I found we had hit something; two geth soldiers who had come to see what the noise was. We had arrived on the Citadel, just outside the Citadel Tower, the small Mass relay statue outside was now active, it was the conduit; I would have never known. Liara kissed me and Tali gave me a deep hug, we had made it but the Mako was history, the citadel didnt seem to be holding well, fires burned and bodies littered the floor. Straight away we picked up what was going on outside; the Fleet was undeny troops as he couldarrived, he was going to head by Eath and pick up as many ships as he could, but to my memory only the 3rd fleet was there.

We headed into the Tower lift, we had to make it to the council chambers before Saren activated the Citadel.

Supplimental 12.1.2

The lift stopped about half way up, the citadel had begun to close, this could only mean one thing; Soverign was here and Saren was in the chamers. Putting on our helmets and sealing out suits (apart from Tali, she was already sealed up) I shot out the window and we bean to move EVA aross the outside. We had to hurry.

Supplimental 12.1.3

After fighting through So many Geth and Krogan mercs, we finally arrived at the Council chambers, Saren was at the console; we managed to get pretty close before he began to attack us on his hover platform.

I was suddenly more shocked at him, he had taken more implants after our fight, he was being indoctrinated even more through these implants. He began his evil speech but I retaliated, he knows we cant stop it forever, I will admit; its true, but we can fight, I try to convince him to stop the reapers with us, he tries to fight it, but... 'Its too late for me' was his last words. In his last breath he shoots himself.

Even after Eden Prime, all this, I pitty the man, he only wanted to keep what he loved safe.

Supplimental 12.1.4

I rush to the console and upload a program VIRGIL gave me, it gives me the ability to open the arms and stop Soverign. I pick up a signal from the Destiny Ascention, the flagship of the citadel fleet; she is holding the Council and is under attack, disabled and being targed. I also recieve a message that Joker and the fleet has arrived, he tells me he could save the Ascention if I open the arms, but Liara warns me that if I do, we will loose many ships.

I open the arms, Even after what the council did and ignored me, I will not let them die because of that. The arms open and the fleet attacks the Geth and Soverign.

Supplimental 12.1.5

I send Liara and Tali down to make sure Saren is dead, I dont want anymore surprises. As I begin to check the systems, the body of Saren is suddenly reanimated, controled by Soverign through the implants like a Husk.

Supplimental 12.1.6

We managed to fight Saren's dead Husk. It was hard but we managed to destroy it. I walked over to tali and Liara; Liara and I began to kiss as we watch Soverign being destroyed. thats when we realise whats happening; a large part is coming straight towards us, we dive out the way as the wreckage hits the chambers.

Supplimental 12.1.7

Anderson had come to find us, from what Liara told me, they found her and tali, but couldnt find me, thinking me dead they had been about to leave when they saw me stride out the wreckage like a hero.

Later the council met with us on an undamaged part of the citadel, they wanted to thank me for saving them; and decided that thanks to my part in taking down saren and the fleet's loss in the battle, Humanity had diserved a seat on the council and they want me to choose a counciller, I decide to pick Anderson, he is honourable and wont stab me in the back *cough* Udina* cough*

I told them my job isnt finished, the reapers are still out there and now they know something is wrong, they will be trying again soon. I head back to the normandy, and set off for the next star system and... bed with Liara.

Commander Sheppard... Out...