Zone of the Enders: Dolores, i. - Dolores Lullaby (Full)



Hi, Just posting a message to everyone to say I finally published my Novel. If you would like a hardback copy, The info is below. If you would like another kind of copy, please let me know and I will be tallying up votes for other versions including Paperback, EBook and any other formats that could be done.

Thank you :)

The Way The Stars Fall: Rebirth

Trapped in foreign place; Jack Hunter, the captain of the ITF Tranquillity must get his crew home. Faced with a Evil Empire where once a friendly Republic once stood, a Rebel Insurrectionist movement and an awakened Enemy of old Generations. Jack has his hands full.

Forward is the only way home.



No New Content for a while

I am afraid there wont be any content on here for a while; I am at my wits end with depression and writers block; I have zero new material ready to upload. I will try to finish the Mass effect 3 character journal and upload that as soon as I have enough to give me a head start.

Sorry guys and gals and hope you do better than me


Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : Full Version

Commander Andreas Sheppard Personal Log
Year - 2183-2185
Incident Search : - "Collectors", "SSV SR1 Normandy Destruction", "Commander Sheppard's Death", "Omega Relay"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
April 2nd 2183


The Normandy has once again been sent to hunt Geth in the Terminus systems, the citadel and the council have spent the last few months quashing the myths about the Geth being lead by a Reaper and the Reaper threat that almost came through the Citadel relay if I hadn't stopped it; it really annoys me that even after all I did, making them believe me about Saren and the Conduit, they just bat off the reaper threat

Well, I would if I hadn't seen what they saw, It is almost too scary to even think about; my dreams plague me every night, but Liara is here to comfort me.

The crew is getting as annoyed as I am, Joker and Presley are the worst, last mission before we get some R&R, I really need it; Liara says she is going to take me to her home on her home world, I cant wait.

Supplemental 0.0.2

We are under attack! Joker is taking evasive action, I can feel it as the ship banks; even the internal dampeners cant stop this sort of G's. We have taken a hit, several in fact; fire is spreading. Liara is heading coming, I've sent off a message to the Alliance, hopefully they will be here soon.

Supplemental 0.0.3

We've just took another hit, the ship is going into free float and Joker is trying to keep her going, I've ordered a complete evac of Normandy; Liara is going to go with the crew while I get Joker out the bridge, he wont leave her to die.

Here is a little Sneak peek of Part 0 Of my Mass Effect 2 Character Journal. Also, Latest part of ME1 Journal has gone up.

Supplemental 0.0.4

Suit... ruptured, air leaking. I don't have much time, Blast knocked me towards a planet, Oh god, this is it isn't it... I thought I'd go out in battle, with a gun in my hand and earth under my feet, not like this.. Liara.. if you ever find this, I love you... Mother, I know we never talked much, but... I wish that had changed, I joined the navy because you wanted me to, and... I hope I made you proud. Its... getting hard to.. breath... I.. *cough* Liara..I.. .love... y.. *cough*


Alliance Administrative Note : Commander A.Sheppard, Lost in Action aboard SSV NORMANDY SR1.
Vessel lost with 20 Crew.
Next of Kin's Notified.
Alien Members of crew escaped with rest of crew.
XO Presley lost with vessel.
Last known location of SSV NORMANDY SR1: - Terminus Systems,
Pilot states she was heading into the atmosphere of a planet.
Search teams dispatched.


~ NEW ENTRY 0.1.0:

This... is Commander Sheppard, N7 Service number 5923-AC-2826, I ... just woke up in some ... lab, or hospital... White, sterile. I smell smoke, *FILE PAUSED*.... *FILE RESUMED* "Some woman, called Miranda, she told me the base is under attack, I feel like I've been ripped apart and put back together, I've never felt this pain before. This Miranda tells me my scars haven't healed yet; was she that woman I remember, waking up? I will find out soon.

Mechs seem to be attacking, killing everyone; I found some Armour in the cupboard, N7 Armour, they must have gotten this for me; there is a pistol but no thermal clips.  I'm pushing on, I hope I don't run into any Mechs.

Supplemental 0.1.1

Found some Thermal Clips and just in time, ran into a few mechs on the way, ended up running into a soldier; after we took out some mechs, he introduced himself as Jacob Taylor, he was surprised to see me awake.

We moved on through the facility, he called it 'Lazarus', isn't that something to do with life and bringing back the dead?

Supplemental 0.1.2

We just ran into 'Wilson' He was in trouble, he was hurt so after we helped him, we decided to go after Miranda; who I had lost contact with earlier. This Wilson says that she is the cause of this, but he seems fishy.

Supplemental 0.1.3

I guess I was right, Wilson was the cause of this and Miranda killed him; this Miranda was the woman I had seen earlier.  Jacob had explained that they were with CERBERUS, A Pro-Human, Anti-Alien Organisation I had a run in a few times in the past with. I don't really care who they are with at this moment but I want to know what they did with me, Miranda told me the Leader of CERBERUS "Illusive Man" wants to talk to me and they would explain everything while we travel to the facility.

Supplemental 0.1.4

Well, I guess that was the biggest shock in my life, Miranda and Jacob told me I had died, in fact I had died two years and 12 days ago, they began to explain how the Illusive man had wanted me to survive so they had brought me back, my body was broken so badly it had taken this long just to get me breathing. We spent a few minutes making sure my memories were right before we arrive at the facility.

Supplemental 0.1.5

Had a chat with the Illusive Man, I almost thought it was a trap when I entered the room, but it turned out the empty room was a holographic room, I was shown a display of the Illusive man around me while I assume he saw me, he spoke to me, explained that he needed me against the reapers; someone was stealing human colonies and they were probably working with the reapers.

He tells me not to decide until I see it for myself, 'Luckily' a colony, "Freedoms Progress" had just gone dark and we would be the first on the colony. If this is true, we need to help those people there; if they have been caught, we need to stop whoever is doing it and make sure they are not with the reapers




Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - DECEASED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
- Colony - "Freedoms Progress"
April 12nd 2185
Rebirth + 0 (days)


We took the shuttle to Freedom's Progress, Miranda told me that the team is under my control effective as of then, I told them to look for survivors; even though she told me that no one had ever been found at these colonies.

When we arrived, it was empty; as if everyone had simply gotten up and left, no battle damage or sign of distress. Snow was falling and had been for sometime, no tracks were left in the snow so the snow hadn't been falling when what ever happened here happened.

Supplemental 1.1.2

We just ran into a few LOKI and FENRIS Mechs, after the battle of the citadel and the Geth attacks through the galaxy, security forces had been supplemented with Mechs for easy control.

As we moved through the facility and found more mechs, Jacob told me that every colony that had been left like this had no security systems left on; this was strange.

Supplemental 1.1.3

Quarians!...Tali!.. My god, I saw Tali, She had... grown up... I had to tear my eyes off her to talk to her, her voice; she was a sight for sore eyes, I thought I would never see her again.

Tali told us that one of their people were here on pilgrimage and they were looking for him. His name was Veetor, and they had found him when they landed; but he had a suit rupture meaning he was probably ill but he was always a little jumpy. He attacked them and locked himself in the security room ahead, resetting the mechs and putting them on the defensive.

I told Tali we would help them get to him, we parted ways and headed for the security room.

Supplemental 1.1.4

More Mechs, we arrived at a large door and received a message from Tali; the quarians she was with rushed on ahead wanting to get to Veetor before us, damn it, they are going to get themselves killed.

We got there too late, however Tali was not stupid enough to run into the open. All of them were badly injured or killed by a Heavy Mech. We managed to take it down. Tali told us to get to veetor while she sorted out the others.

Supplemental 1.1.5

We found Veetor, he was ranting about Monsters and swarms. After managing to calm him down, he shows us footage he had apparently re-built using the broken camera systems. Miranda recognised the enemy as "Collectors", it appeared as if small swarms immobilised people and they carted them away in small pods.

Tali came in and demanded she take Veetor for medical attention but Miranda wanted to take him for questioning; I let Tali take him but she gave us veetor's Omni tool info, she told me she was pleased to see me, but she had to leave.

Hopefully we will speak again soon.

Supplemental 1.2.0

Back on the Station, I spoke with the Illusive Man. He wasn't surprised about the collectors, he began to explain that they were from a Relay known as "The Omega4 Relay", a red emitting mass relay that NO ONE ever returned from after entering.

He is sure they are working for the collectors, he wants me to take them out and gave me a list for a team; he wants me to go through the Omega4 relay and stop the collectors. I told him I needed a ship; but he had it all planned out.

Supplemental 1.2.1

I turned around and saw Joker, I almost cried when I saw him, much like Tali; I had never thought I'd see him again, he told me he didn't believe the Illusive man when they said they had brought me back. I asked him why he had joined Cerberus, and he said it was because the Alliance Discharged him. He also wanted to show me a surprise; something they told him about that morning.

Supplemental 1.2.2

I almost cried once more, SR1 Model... No.. SR2 Model they had rebuilt her, but... better... Bigger sleeker, white and powered by more engines. She is... beautiful.. I told Joker, "I have a name all picked out for her".

Supplemental 1.2.3

It didn't take long for the Engineers to paint it on, They had stencils ready. Normandy... Reborn like a phoenix from the Ashes.

Supplemental 1.3.0

Taking a tour of the Normandy, it was much bigger then before; 4 decks instead of 2, I had my own bigger cabin in the "loft" and we had better weapons. Calling a meeting in the new briefing room; Miranda told me she wanted to go after a Salarian called "Dr Morden Solis" He would be able to create a countermeasure for the swarms. I agreed, and just as I was about to say something else; a voice appeared inside the room. Turns out the ship has an AI called EDI. She looks after the ship and counter measures while Joker will fly.

Joker still wont like it.


Freedoms Progress searched.
Quarians found, One survivor
Reconnected with Tali.
Assigned Mission - Journey OMEGA4 Relay after collectors
Assigned Mission - Assemble Team for Suicide mission
Assigned Pilot - Joker,
Assigned vessel - SR2 Normandy
Current Objectives :     - Recruit Morden Solis
            - Recruit ARCHANGEL
            - Recruit Zaeed Masani



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - DECEASED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
- Colony - "Freedoms Progress"
April 13th 2185
Rebirth + 1 (days)


The Normandy felt just like home, and now I had a few hours to think, I sat staring at myself in the mirror. Miranda had been right about the scars, they hadn't healed properly, huge red glowing scars littered my face and most of my body; when I had changed into my suit I had been in such a rush and did not notice.

Omega was our first destination, Omega was a star base made into a asteroid in the same system that the Omega4 Relay, even as we passed through the system, the Omega4 Relay was clean in view; its huge red and orange glowing deep in the black like an evil eye staring back at us. Watching the station appearing, EDI had given me several files on Omega, as I had not been there before; it even looked like the kind place criminal and scum would hang out.

We are about to dock, I am going to arm up and get ready. Should I put my helmet on and save myself the horrible smell I've been warned about?

Supplemental 2.0.1

I wish I had put on my helmet, the air is stale and stinks of who knows what. We moved through the docking bay and were greeted by some guy trying to get us to buy something but a goon sent him running, before telling us that some woman called "Aria" wants to see me in "Afterlife". I told the man I would go by when I have time and he told me I should see her first.

It was only a minute later when we met Zaeed, he was finishing off his last job with some bounty, the guy tried to run but Zaeed hipshot him with great aim; I can see why the Illusive man wants him on my team.

We talked and found out that he had a job to finish with me, something Illusive man did not tell me; I agreed we would do it. I told him to join me when he was finished with this bounty and sent Jacob back to the ship; Miranda and Zaeed would be with me.

Supplemental 2.0.2

Bought a few upgrades for my armour; now I am not officially with the alliance I don't have to keep to  the same armour set so I might as well as add mods to it. When browsing the shops, I found a Quarian who had lost his money to get back to the flotilla; I gave him 1 thousand credits to get back home; I have a soft spot for Quarians. Doing this brought back memories of Tali, first meeting her, fighting Saren, watching their pods float away while I died and finally meeting her again on Freedoms Progress... I want my old team back, I need my Family.

Supplemental 2.0.3

Made my way into Afterlife, the thumping music, the flashing lights, all of this hurt my eyes and head; I still had that nagging pain from my resurrection in my head and this wasn't helping.

Found Aria overlooking the club floor, they scanned me to make sure I was Sheppard, and once they were sure I was who I said I was, she told me the rules of Omega....

"Don't fuck with Aria"

I think I like her already, if she wasn't a criminal; I probably would hire her to my crew. We spoke about Morden and this "ARCHANGEL"; she gave me all the information I needed,  Archangel has mercs after him, all of them have joined together on OMEGA to get him while Morden is in the "QUARENTINE ZONE" helping those infected with some disease.

Standing up and thanking her, we are now going to the Quarantine Zone, We can find Archangel and Morden in one go; and if we get Archangel, the mercs will be stalled here for a while we we while we go get Morden.

Supplemental 2.1.0

Aria had told me that the mercs were trying to recruit freelancers to throw at ARCHANGEL while they made a plan of attack; they had set up in a room in the main lobby of Afterlife. We decided to head in and sign up, best way to sneak in would be through the front door.

The merc there told us we would receive 500 credits each for the job, I can make more credits than that by sneezing, although I did manage to stop some kid from singing up, he was pissed but when he see's the body count list later he would realise I did the right thing.

We are just heading to the transport now that will take us to the tower where ARCHANGEL has been pinned.

Supplemental 2.1.1

Arrived at the tower, all three major merc cells are here; Blue Suns, Blood Pact and Eclipse are attacking together, and the "Freelancers" are going to be drawing fire... Figures...

While nosing around I found a data pad that mentioned shipping under Aria's nose, I think she might like to see this.

Supplemental 2.1.2

Found ALOT of mechs that are programmed to attack Archangel, I think a little re-programming will help me here, Oops; did i just bypass the friend-foe settings, How clumsy of me.

Supplemental 2.1.3

Found the Engineer repairing a gunship that Archangel had damaged, he explains that the freelancers are basically a distraction for a team sneaking around, we don't have much time..

I had to kill the engineer, we couldn't have that Gunship after us, or at least at full power.

Supplemental 2.1.4

We headed over the top of the barricade behind the freelancers, kids and new guys wanting to prove something; we had to take them down to get to Archangel, but we managed to fight out way upstairs and get to the second level; I think Archangel knew we were helping as he took out men around us.

On the upper level, Archangel took out one last goon who had been running behind us late, before turning around; he was a turian... It wasn't until he took off his helmet....

..It was Garrus!, damn he was a sight for sore eyes. He was taking down the merc factions and his squad had been betrayed by someone on the inside; but he would explain it to me later.

We decided to bunker down for now, wait until we can see a point to leave; the bridge was the only way he hadn't sealed that we could get out.

I think one of the merc cells are  coming out after us....

Supplemental 2.1.5

I was right, Eclipse came after us, but we managed to take them out; they sent out the droids after their third wave, it was rather sad to see the mercs killed by their own mechs, but we had to do it. Managed to take out the Leader of Eclipse here.

*explosion in background*

I think Blood pact have managed to get through the lower level, We have to go now!

Supplemental 2.1.6

Left Zaeed with garrus while Miranda and I take the lower level, managed to fight our way down and hit the men attacking the lower sections; we closed and locked off the 3 sections and headed back up, however the leader had managed to get through one of the other sides and was attacking the top level, we came up right behind them and picked them off with ease; the Krogan leader was a bit hard to take down but no one stands between Sheppard and Vakarian!

Supplemental 2.1.7

Garrus and I decide its best to push out now, Only the Blue suns left and without their aircraft.... Shit!...

*gunfire in background; Log left active.*

Garrus... Garrus.. take the left... I got the Right... Miranda, Help Garrus, Zaeed, lob a nade down there, they are dropping troops! Keep up the fire!

*more gunfire*

The Aircraft is.... Garrus watch out!... Garrus!... Shit, Open fire!...

*few minutes of gunfire before a huge explosion*

Garrus...Shit. he's hit bad, Miranda, get joker on the line, tell him to get a shuttle here now! Get Chakwas to prep the med bay! Garrus, hang in there, your not dying on me now. You still owe me 600 credits,

Shit... I left the log on,

Supplemental 2.1.8

Got back to the Normandy, Garrus is going to be fine, with dr Chakwas still on the Normandy, she patched him right up, although he is scared to hell; we joked about it, but he is hurt about his team, I accommodated him in the Gunnery Quarters, he likes those big guns.

Supplemental 2.2.0

After I made sure that Garrus was okay, I asked him if he wanted to come out with us, he knows that he is a little weak but he says he'd rather go out and help than moan and sit around the ship; so I took him and Miranda with me to go find Morden.

We headed through Omega until we got to the Quarantine zone. There was a woman trying to get through but the Turian guard wouldnt let her, as we told him we would go through to help; he let us through, but warned us the disease spreading through the zone would affect everything but humans. Garrus was worried, but I told him he had just been hit by a gunship, a disease wouldnt hurt him.

He agreed and told me, if he was to leave now, he'd never live it down. We went into the Quarantine zone with Miranda too, Its always best to keep Cerberus involved.

Supplemental 2.2.1

As we moved through the quarantine zone, we saw how bad it was; with a disease that affects every race except humans, people would be suspicious of Humans. As we moved through, we noticed looting, humans looting corpses; some people are just degenerates, if I wasn't on a mission I would stop them.

Garrus just coughed badly, We are worried, but he says he can keep on going. We ran into the back of the Blue Suns, they seem to be attacking Vorcha from the looks of it they are blood pact. One hour they can be fighting together against Archangel and then the next they are fighting each other.

Supplemental 2.2.2

We found a dying batarian, he was suspicious against us,  I healed him but he thought I was going to kill him, he directed me to Morden. I told him we would send help to him once we get to Morden.

Supplemental 2.2.3

We found the clinic, made our way through the sick into the back, Morden was rambling to his assistants, the moment he saw Garrus, he worked out a cure and healed in in less then 30 seconds; damn he is good.

He began to ask us what we were doing here, but didn't even let us say; staring to ramble on, he speaks way to quickly and we had to but in.

I told him we were fighting the collectors and we needed him to help save the human colonies. He told us he would be interested in helping us, fighting the collectors; he even worked out that the collectors were the cause of this plague. He has a a cure but needs to spread it through the environmental systems, the problem is Vorcha are guarding it and just as he told me, the system shut down. We needed to hurry.

I told him I would handle it, but he also told us that his assistant "Daniel" was out and was probably in trouble. I told him we would find him. Before we left, I told Morden about the Batarian outside and he said He would send someone out to get him.

Supplemental 2.2.4

We were deep inside Blood Pact territory, we had to fight through so many vorcha and Krogan, but we managed to find Daniel, he was being held hostage by a few Batarians, they were surprised when I let them go, "compassion.. from a human, a first"... they must not have met the right humans.

Supplemental 2.2.5

We pushed into the Environmental controls and were confronted by the Vorcha, they told us they were sent by the collectors, kill us all with this plague and take the humans. We stopped them and reactivated the air system while Injecting the cure Morden gave us.

Supplemental 2.2.6

We headed back to Morden and he offered to come with us, leaving Daniel in charge we all headed back to the Normandy. On the ship we gave him the lab, as he is the only proper scientist on-board. He was confused at EDI but said it would help; after giving him the samples we collected from Freedoms Progress.

Supplemental 2.3.0

I made a round of the ship and spoke with Kelly, My assistant, she is rather carrying for everyone, loves everything. I headed to Morden and he is just as Kelly described him, a Hamster on coffee. Finally I had a catch up session with Garrus, the guy's been through a lot.

We are going to head to the next target on the list; "Jack" A prisoner from a Prison ship called "Purgatory", situated in the Osun system of the Hourglass Nebula.


Recruited ARCHANGEL - Garrus Vakarian
Recruited Morden Solis
Current Objectives :     - Recruit Prisoner "Jack"



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - DECEASED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Prison Ship "Purgatory" - Osun System - Hourglass Nebula
April 14th 2185
Rebirth + 2 (days)


We arrived in the Osun system and left our stealth systems off; we weren't trying to hid from anyone and we were expected by the Prison ship to handle the transfer of our next team member; "Jack", I hope he is as good as his file suggests, a powerful biotic but also rather uncontrollable.

We were met by some guards and told to leave our weapons with them; I told them no, the last person who told me this was on Noveria 2 years before...ah... memories.

The Warden seems to be rather nervous, but then again seeing a dead SPECTRE Hero appear on a Cerberus ship with a Scar faced turian and a Cerberus operative would put anyone's knickers in a twist... if ... turians wore knickers I suppose.

Supplemental 3.0.1

We were given the grand tour of the facility as we headed towards the collection area. The cells are pretty interesting, each one can be ejected into space if anything happened; I guess that's the beauty of having a prison ship.

We walked by a pair of guards beating down a man, I told the leader to stop it, they may be criminals but they do not disserve this kind of treatment.

Supplemental 3.1.0

Fools, they through that I would just walk into a cell when asked; it seems the warden wanted to hand me over to whoever has the highest bid, I have seemed to have made a few powerful enemies. They sent Mechs and men after me, it had to always be mechs; I know blue Suns like their mechs but its like facing down an army with them.

I have to find Jack before they try to do anything stupid with him.

Supplemental 3.1.1

Found Jack's cell nearby, they had him in a High Security containment cell, guarded by four YMIR mechs. He must really be THAT dangerous.

We tried to open his cell but found that the security overrides had locked the system, so if we wanted to open his cell, we had to open all of them on the prison ship.

We did it, we opened the cell and ... found Jack was a woman. We also found out how powerful she really is; the file doesn't do her justice, Jack took out all 4 YMIR mechs with just flicks of her hands as she ran out, she even blasted a hole through the deck and headed into a service tunnel.

Supplemental 3.1.2

We are chasing after Jack, she is making a run towards the docking section, she wont get onto the Normandy thanks to its security systems and there are no more vessels docked. Prisoners are attacking but the Blue Suns have sent YMIR mechs and Mercs after us and them; their not even trying to hold the prisoners, simply killing them.

The Warden sent a lot of men after us, he began to fight but we managed to kill him and his men; he was using the control emitters to create a shield around himself.

Jack is heading to the Normandy, we have her trapped; I am more scared now we are trapping her, she is like a tiger in a cage.

Supplemental 3.1.3

We managed to talk Jack down, she hates the fact I am with Cerberus, but I am the only way off the ship. She called Miranda a "Cerberus cheerleader" which I couldn't help but suppress a giggle, She wants access to the Database to find out everything on herself. I told her okay, if it keeps her under control but Miranda isn't happy about it.

We leave the Prison ship to the Normandy and I hope some of the prisoners get off; with the Warden there, I know some of them must either be innocent or not worth the punishment they got.

Supplemental 3.2.0

We are on the Normandy and on our way out the system, I have given access to the Database to Jack, and accommodated her in the bowels of the ship; she wanted dark and secluded, so EDI put her there. She is a strange girl, she must have had a horrible past, but I am not going to be the one asking her. Miranda doesn't like her, but I'm fine with that; no one has to get along just trust each other and get this mission done.

Supplemental 3.2.1

Had a brief chat with Kelly, she thought she had come across too flirty the last time we talked, I told her it was okay and I didn't mind; although my mind now drifted to Tali and Liara. I sat in my quarters for a long while looking through my old logs and my photo's. The Illusive man told me Liara became an Information broker on Ilium; should I stop by? after 2 years would she still love me? It only feels like yesterday that I last kissed her but it has been over 2 years for her.

Then my mind drifted to Tali, seeing her again on Freedoms Progress, my heart had jumped in a way it hadn't jumped before, well... not in a long time. Did I have feelings for her? I'm not sure... Maybe I will find out in the future...


Destruction of Prison Ship "Purgatory" Confirmed
Team Extracted
Recruited Prisoner "Jack"
Current Objectives :     - Reunite with Anderson
            - Report to the Council
            - Recruit Kasumi Goto



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - DECEASED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
April 15th 2185
Rebirth + 3 (days)


I managed to draw myself out of my quarters enough to take a tour of the ship; we would be arriving back at the Citadel soon and I had a few things to do there, first I had to recruit Kasumi Goto, a assassin and master thief but I also had to speak with Anderson; he had heard of rumours of me with Cerberus and somehow had gotten a message to me; probably picked up through Cerberus channels.

I watched from the cockpit as we came in through the purple nebula and approached the Citadel. I bet they must have had the shock of their lives seeing a SR1 Normandy Look a like drift through and land in the public sector.

I suited up and told Miranda and Garrus to join me, Garrus would know the citadel like the back of his hand; its been 2 years and the last time I was here, the entire place was on fire and Keeping Miranda with me meant she didn't have to have her spy's tell her what I was doing.

Supplemental 4.0.1

Straight off the docking port, a Advertisement spoke out to me; these were common on the citadel but this one was different, it spoke a code phrase that I had been told on Kasumi's file was my way to contact her.

Approaching the advert stand, I spoke my code word and she began to talk to me through the advert. She told me I had to help with a Heist; I think the Illusive man doesn't tell these things just to piss me off. I told her okay and told her to get settled in on the Normandy.

Supplemental 4.1.0

It seems security has tightened up a lot since the Geth attack, the council not believing me about the conduit or they had just decided not to tell anyone and said that the geth got in the normal way. So now I had to take an hour to get through security; the sensors told me I am KIA, I explained it to the guard there and he told me to go talk to Captain Bailey to sort it out.

After a brief word with the Captain, he changed it for me quickly; he didn't want the paperwork of it all weighing him down for days.

Supplemental 4.1.1

I'm on the citadel less then 5 minutes (if you don't count getting through security) and I bump into Kahlisah Al Jilani, the news reporter I almost punched 2 years ago on the citadel; She wanted an Interview. I said No, she did a smear job on me, but Garrus told me it might help so I went along.

She talked about the Battle of the Citadel and the attack on the Destiny Ascension, she claimed it was my fault that the Alliance lost so many ships; I told her I NEVER forget the names of the ships and Recited EVERY ship lost from the 5th fleet saving the Destiny Ascension: Shenyang, Emden Jakarta, Cairo, Seoul, Cape Town, Warsaw and Madrid. I told her that those men and women died doing their duty and if I was in the situation again, I would make the choice again.

Deciding she was not worth the time, I walked away; She was trying to Smear me again, but I got her back this time.

Supplemental 4.1.2

As I walked through the citadel, a news report appeared telling me that my mother turned down an Admiral Star and had stayed in command of her ship; I should talk to her when I am free, I am pretty sure that she got my dying message in my Logs; as I am pretty sure they might have gone public.

It also seemed where ever I go, I have to help people; I bumped into a C-sec officer trying to sort out an argument with a Quarian and Volus. The Quarian was behind harassed by the Csec officer and he wanted to run me for obstruction of Justice... Ha... I'm a spectre. I told him that and he almost pissed his pants. I sorted out the incident and told the Quarian if she had anymore trouble; to contact me.

It made me think of Tali again, the way we met the first time here on the citadel... I miss her.

Supplemental 4.2.0

Finally got into the Human Embassy's and spoke with Ambassador Anderson and the Council. They allowed me to stay a SPECTRE but stay out of their way and in the Terminus systems. Udine was there as well and he wasn't happy to see me.

Anderson sent him on his way before me and him managed to chat, He asked why I was with Cerberus, how i was, where i was. I told him everything; he was like a father to me and I trusted him with my life, he disserved to know everything.

It turns out after I died, the Council tried to Bury the Reaper threat, I knew this would happen. After a few hours with him, I said my goodbyes and headed back to Normandy. I needed to get along and find the rest of my team; every day was needed, just like Eden Prime and the Saren Incident.

I just want to relax in peace, Will I ever get that? A family? a Home on earth or some distant alien world with Liara... or.. someone else? I hope I do...

Reported to Council    - Retained SPECTRE Status
Reported to Anderson
Recruited Kasumi Goto
Current Objectives :     - Recruit Warlord Okeer



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet "Korlus" - Imir System - Eagle Nebula
April 16th 2185
Rebirth + 4 (days)


EDI sent up the file for Korlus to my quarters. I will admit that I skimmed through it, I found that EDI had attached a photo of Liara from my personal belongings we collected from the Citadel's Alliance Archives to my cabin's photo frame. I sat just staring at her face, 2 years before... two years is probably nothing for an Asari; they live for hundreds of years... two years is probably just like a day for them.

Pulling myself away from the photo, I glanced at the file for Korlus and the Krogan warlord Dr Okeer. Korlus seems to be a graveyard for ships throughout the galaxy, and some Mercs have apparently set up shop in one of the small area's on the surface. I selected my team once more; Miranda and Garrus, and told them to gear up. We are taking the shuttle down to the surface once we reach the lower atmosphere.

Supplemental 5.0.1

We just landed on Korlus; it defines the term "dump", mothballed ships as far as the eye could see, torn apart or stripped of materials needed for other vessels or sold off second hand.

The entire place was a battlefield; we landed after taking a little bit of fire but moved through the front area. Several Blue Suns held a fortified position; we quickly over ran it and found a "dying" soldier. He was screaming in pain from minor flesh wounds, we didn't tell him that though and used it as a way to get information; from what he told us, Krogan were running loose on the facility... great... Krogan...

Supplemental 5.0.2

We fought our way to the labs, these krogans seem to be different, we even found one that was just holding an area; we managed to talk to him, he told us he was Tank born... these Krogans must be genetically bred failures... probably handed out to the Blue Suns for cannon fodder by Okeer.

Supplement 5.0.3

You would never guess who I ran into... Rana Thanoptis... the secretary to Saren from Virmire. She told me the moment she saw me she shut down security and got herself ready to run; the last time she saw us she had to outrun a nuke. Hopefully she wont get in the way in the future.

Supplemental 5.1.0

Found Dr Okeer, he was breeding a Tank Bred Krogan... the Perfect Krogan. He did indeed give the failed ones to the mercs as cannon fodder as I guessed; turns out he is trying to cure the genophage. As I tell him about hiring him against the collectors, the power goes off. He told me I need to go kill Jedor, the merc leader here and restore power.. .then he will come with us.

Supplemental 5.1.1

We headed down and fought off Jador, a YMIR mech and all the rest of the failed Krogan still left in their tanks. EDI alerted us that gas had been released into the Chamber Okeer was in. We rushed up but Okeer was dead; a video explained that he wanted me to take care of his perfect Krogan, So I brought it up onto the ship.

Supplemental 5.2.0

Miranda isn't pleased about me bringing the krogan up, she told me not to open it; although I went ahead and did it anyway. The Krogan inside charged straight out the chamber and pinned me to the wall; I am pretty sure I left an indent in the wall.

It called itself Grunt, picking its name from a list of words it had learned from "the chamber" I offered it a chance to join us... but also kept a gun aimed at its gut; luckily it took the friendship and chance of battle. You can never be to careful; especially with Krogan.

Supplemental 5.2.1

Took a walk through the ship, Kelly contacted me just as I was about to go to my quarters; The Illusive Man wanted to see me. I headed into the conference room and activated the video software.

The Illusive man told me the Collectors were attacking Horizon in the Terminus system, and the only Alliance help is Ashley Williams on the planet; Ash was part of my old crew. I cant wait to see her again.

I ordered Joker to plot a course for Horizon, Maybe we can stop them before they get away with anymore humans. I head down to talk with Morden to see if he has anything to help us against the seeker swarms; which luckily he had come up with a breakthrough while we were on Korlus.

Next stop... Horizon


Defeated Blue Suns On Base
Located Warlord Okeer
Warlord Okeer Confirmed KIA
"Perfect Krogan" Pod Found    - Brought aboard Normandy
Pod Opened             - Krogan named Grunt
Recruited Grunt in place of Okeer
Mission Received : Proceed to Horizon
Mission Received : Stop Collectors from taking Horizon Colonists
Current Objective : Proceed to Horizon



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet "Horizon" - Iera System - Shadow Sea Sector
April 17th 2185
Rebirth + 5 (days)


We were just arriving at Freedoms Progress and straight away we noticed the collector vessel on the planet; it was huge, as huge as a tower building. I recognise the shape... but I just cant put my finger on it.

Looking at the colony, my heart drops; Freedoms progress had been a nice colony, just like Eden Prime.

Luckily we arrived in the middle of the attack, hopefully we can stop them; I doubt Normandy will be able to go head to head with that ship; so we need to defeat their ground forces.

Supplemental 6.0.1

We landed on Freedoms Progress and its as bas as I thought, Seeker swarms floated everywhere and I was worried that the modifications that Morden had made to our suits would either fail.

On the ground the vessel looked even bigger than I thought; It was as if the world had ended around the ship as clouds parted from the high energy around it.

We've lost contact with the Normandy, the Swarms seem to be interfering with the long range radio's. Hopefully we will be able to hook up our radio's to the colonies long range communications and regain contact.

Supplemental 6.0.2

We engaged a group of collectors; they were backed up by a group of Husks, it felt like I was back on Eden Prime. The Council and Alliance had always thought that the Husk technology was geth tech, but it must have really been Reaper tech; this now shows us that the Collectors are with the reapers.

We found several pod like objects, they must be moving the colonists inside these; I would have hated to be stuck in one of these, it looked more like a organic coffin.

Supplemental 6.0.3

We made our way into what appeared to be a small meeting area or park like area before we were attacked on the collectors first push against us; they sent several Standard collectors against us, a small group of Husks meant to overrun us, but they also sent something bigger at us. It looked like a husks pushed together to become some sort of ranged form; the sensors called it a "Scion".

Luckily I had picked up a Collector weapon; my suits sensors identified it as a "Collector Particle beam weapon", The Database in my suit helped by the Cerberus database.

The collectors we faced seemed to be under the control of a higher power that seemed to be able to take control of a Collector foot soldier and jump to another after we kill its first form.

It knows who I am, and he seems to want me captured and the rest of my team killed. He calls himself "Harbinger" and speaks about himself in 3rd person; I guess I got a new enemy to face, just like Saren.

Supplemental 6.0.4

We found a survivor locked in a warehouse, he is distrustful of me and 'the Alliance', he blamed the alliance for the collector attack... I managed to get him to shut up and he told us where the planetary defence turrets are, but we need to re-align their targeting controls first before powering them up.

Supplemental 6.1.0

We pushed out into the colony and fought our way across to the turrets; fighting through more Husks, Collectors and Scions. We managed to get to the Radio Transmitter in the middle of the Colony and got into contact with Normandy and EDI. I told her to get the turrets re-aligned and have them fire at the Collector Vessel.

Unlucky for us, the Collectors tried to stop us; they sent a first wave on our approach to the transmitter of a force made up of 2 scions and husks. They then sent a a wave of husks and a new creature against us which our systems labelled "Praetorian": a sort of mouth like appendage with husk heads inside, and it looked like some giant tank bug.

Supplemental 6.1.1

After several waves of collectors attacking us, we managed to get the turrets online. We damaged the vessel enough and made it pull out; but it took all but a few colonists.

The Mechanic from earlier in the warehouse recognised Miranda saying my name; and Ash appears, quoting my work and even calling me 'a god back from the dead'. She was angry with me, She thought I was dead; after 2 years I was dead... she is angry with me for being with cerberus, even though she was always a xenophobic bitch on the normandy. She thinks cerberus is working with the collectors.

She storms off in a huff and reminds me why I sometimes dont want to see some of my ex-team. I want to get back to the normandy...

Supplimental 6.2.0

I reported back to the Illusive man; he was happy about the armour mods working, and he revealed to us that he lured the collectors to Horizon because Ash was there and so he could get info on them.

He sent more files my way for more teams; one of them states 'the quarian', I hope that is who I think it is.

Supplimental 6.2.1

Had a walk around the ship and spoke with the crew; Talked with Jacob, he has a personal matter he wants to look into; his father disappeared and he found a signal from his fathers ship. I walked around the ship again and talked to Morden, he talked about Kirahee; the Salarian I fought with on Virmire and got his team out.

I've just received a message from Hackett; going to take it in my quarters.

Supplimental 6.2.2

Great, he has a spy missing in Batarian space; he wants me to investigate because Dr Kensen, the woman missing, has found evidence of Reaper Invasion.

I looked through some mail, the Illusive man has found info for me to give Liara; this could be the excuse I need to see her without seeming needy.

Supplimental 6.2.3

Finished my walk of the ship, Miranda wants to see me, she has a sister she needs to protect from her father, and wants to go after her to get her away from him. Others on the ship need my help too; the chef needs better food to cook for the crew, to get their spirits up. Dr Chakwas lost her bottle of brandy from the old normandy and I promised to get it again for her. Garrus and I talked about Cerberus, his past, his squad being killed... he wants to find his traitor partner; "Sidonis". Even Kasumi talked about some of the stuff in her room.

I ordered Joker to take us to Haestrom; See if this Quarian is Tali, I hope it is.. I just need someone like her... someone I can open up to.


Horizon Secured
Colonists Remaining : 1/5th of reported Population
Collectors Retreating
Reunited with Ashley Williams (Commander)
Current Objective :     - Recruit "The Quarian"



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet "Haestrom" - Dholen System - Far Rim
April 18th 2185
Rebirth + 6 (days)


Sat looking through the information in the database (that I could access) On Tali; just in case she is the Quarian on the Hastrom that we are going to recruit. She has really gone up in standing since I last saw her. He file says that she is now no longer "Nar Rayya" she is now "Vas Neema" Named after her new ship. I cant wait to see her, I hope she isn't angry about what happened on Freedoms Progress.

I tell Garrus and Miranda to prep for the mission; Seeing Garrus might put her at ease while Taking Miranda will keep Cerberus happy.

Supplimental 7.0.1

We are heading down in the shuttle now; the planet is a hell hole, I dont know why anyone would actually want to come here of their own free will. I can see thousands of ruins on the surface; i dont recognise their construction from up here, but once we are on the ground we might be able to detect what they are.

*Radio Interrupts - "Five Minutes to touch down, Seal suits and helmets" *

Supplimental 7.0.2

We cleared the first set of ruins, damn this planet is hot, direct sunlight fries our kinetic barriers in seconds; guess we are sticking to the shade. As we neared the ruins on the ground; Miranda told us that they were Quarian Ruins...

Now that's two words I would have never thought would be put together... Quarian and Ruin. As long as I have known them; they always lived on ships, inside their suits... imagine.. suitless Quarians walking this planet.. long before the atmosphere here was destroyed.

Supplimental 7.0.3

We just found several Dead Geth and Quarians by a gate; it looked like the Quarians held this gate to the last. I give them a moment of respect before opening the gate.

On the other side are more geth attacking a quarian position; I found a radio, probably dropped by one of the fleeing Quarian Marines. On the other end of the radio is a survivor; his Name Kal'Reegar. he's pinned down a large force of Geth and Tali is here... she is locked down in the ruins. I told him I would get to him and told him to hang on.

Supplimental 7.1.0

The Quarians are all gone on this end; they were hit by heavy artillery from a Geth Drop ship; unlucky for us is that a large piece of masonry fell on the doorway, the only way to get in would be to blow the door with some explosives. Kal'Reeger told me there should be some nearby.

Supplimental 7.1.1

Found the explosives and blew the door. Inside I also found a journal message left by Tali; she remembered when I saved Liara with the mining drill and thought she could do the same with the explosives here, she misses me... she said it in her journal.. I save a copy of it just in case she left it here; I am sure she wouldnt want to loose her journal, I know mine contains a lot of information personal to me.

Supplemental 7.1.2

I spoke with Tali through a communications panel, she is stuck in the observatory across the field with a LOT of geth between us; hopefully I can get to her. I told her Kal'Reeger is still alive and holding them off; she thought he was dead, he had got her into the observatory and that was the last she heard of anyone.

Supplimental 7.1.3

Pushed forward to the observatory, We were attacked d by some Geth Drones; these damn things were the first Geth I ever faced, back on Eden Prime... just seeing them brought back the memories; Jenkins being torn to pieces by the plasma fire that tore through his shields.

Supplimental 7.1.4

We pushed to the rear of the Geth; found Kal; he is blocking the geth with a rocket launcher and is injured. He told me he was going to attack with me; but I told him to keep back, Tali wanted me to keep him alive and I will do that... Enough Quarians have died on this planet and I am not loosing another.

I stared across the battlefield while Kal gave me the SITREP. The geth had a Geth Colossus on blocking the door AND it has a repair mechanisms; so when it gets to damaged it just huddles up and repairs, but we cant get it while its repairing because of rubble.

The Geth are in platoon strength and guarding three approaches, a sniper footing to the right, a good run around the left and a straight charge up the middle. I told Kal to stay where he is and keep his head down, watch for any Geth coming up behind us and we would take on these ones.

Supplimental 7.1.5

Hell, this felt just like Elysium, holding the line against the batarians... I had Garrus hold the ridge while Miranda and I took to the sniper point on the right, we picked off most of the geth from there and then had Garrus set up while we moved down to take out the Colossus. After about 15 minutes we had whittled it down enough for a well placed shot to take it out.

We mopped up the forces and then called Tali inside the observatory; she opened the door to let us in.

I asked Tali why she was here, she told me she was collecting data on Haestroms sun; it was dying way to quickly and "Dark Matter" was involved. Kal interrupted us, I was glad to see him alive. Tali told me she wished she could have joined me on Freedoms Progress but she had other missions to complete; she always thought of the fleet, never about herself.

She told me she would join me now though, and her and Garrus had a quick chat as we headed to the shuttle; I was glad I had my helmet on, My smile and tears would have given away how I felt.

As we got on the shuttle I had a word with Kal'Reeger. He asked me to keep her safe and I promised him I would keep her safe no matter what, even if My life was on the line. Kal looked at me and nodded, even though his visor I could see he knew I would keep my promise. His words were 'She was right about everything she told me about you'.

Tali really talked about me? I might try to ask her about it when she is settled in.

Supplimental 7.2.0

We are back on the Normandy now, Tali told me she would set up in the Engine room, but she was worried I am working with Cerberus; I convinced her I am only working with them because they are going after the collectors. She was reassured and she knew that if I was in command, I am to be trusted. She is glad to see the Normandy; even if it isn't the old one, it still is a kind of home; we did spend a lot of time together on the Normandy.

Kelly told me Jack wanted to talk to me; but I spent a little more time with Tali.

Supplimental 7.2.1

Tali misses everyone, she mentioned Presley and Engineer Adams, from the old Normandy; I miss them too...

I had a quick word with the two Engineer's down here, I had yet to come down to Engineering section; it felt like I shouldn't as Tali wasn't there, but now I had the chance I had a word with the two Engineers on this shift; Ken Donnelly and Gavriella Daniels. Their... stranger then most of the crew; they will fit well with Tali in engineering I will say that. I asked them if they needed anything and they told me that they needed some T6-FBA Couplings, as the ones we have installed were not efficient.

Supplimental 7.2.2

went down to the "cellar" of the ship and spoke with Jack; I can see why she would like it down here. She wanted to go back to the place where Cerberus raised her, made her into what she was; and plant a bomb in her cell... I told her yes, we would go to Pragia and do it. She seemed to be surprised I would agree; but then again I know what its like for Biotics; Kaiden was a Biotic and had a horrible time through it.

Tali told me I should go see Liara... She gave me the courage to face her; so I put in the course for Ilium. Tomorrow Garrus and Tali are going to go with me to talk with Liara but also pick up a few more names from the list.

I hope things go better than Ashley on Horizon...


Haestrom Secured
Geth forces eliminated
Quarian forces decimated : Few survivors
Met "Kal'Reeger" - Quarian Marine
Reunited with Tali'zorah Vas Neema
Recruited Tali'zorah Vas Neema
Current Objective :     - Recruit "Justicar"
            - Recruit "Assassin"
            - Help Miranda with Personal Issue
            - Give Liara T'soni Intel



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet "Ilium" - Tasale System - Cresent Nebula
April 19th 2185
Rebirth + 7 (days)


We finally arrived in the Tasale system and got our first look at Ilium. I have read reports on Ilium and also had a quick look at the Cerberus Database on the planet, but seeing it this close was all the better. The great spires reaching up into the sky; much like Feros without the clouds hiding the view below the dust and smog. We are docking in Nos Astra, this is one of the more beautiful cities I've seen; most of the time I see cities they are either ruined or soon to be ruined.

I called Tali up to the bridge and asked her if she wanted to talk a walk around, she grinned under her visor; even I could see that, she explained that Quarians never brought the flotilla here and it was too rich for the Pilgrimages to bring them here. I asked Garrus if he wanted to join us too and he grinned at it too; although I wished he was wearing a mask, Tali joked about his scar too and he felt a little more reassured... Just like good old times.

Supplimental 8.0.1

We finally docked and were greeted by an Asari and 2 mechs; clearly her security. She was sent by Liara, and instructed me to go see her when I had the chance; also my docking fee's were dismissed, I had totally forgot I am technically on a civilian ship so I have to pay docking fees, Normally I just said I was a military ship so No fee's were sent, plus who wants to be the poor soul who sends a SPECTRE a bill?

Supplimental 8.0.2

I made my way through the concourse and had a quick look around all the stores; bought some new equipment and checked out the local news. Seems a lot has gone off since I was in the loop, I never really kept my head into Interplanetary politics or news but two years of being dead can really keep you out the loop of this quick moving galaxy.

As I was walking the walk way, I heard one Asari talking on her comm unit, she has lost something, a necklace... I know how it is to loose the last thing you had.

On my way to Liara's office, I was stopped by an Asari, she told me she had a message for me, I nodded and accepted it; It was from the Rachni, the bugs I saved on Noveria. They hid in a lone system, burrowed and rebuilt, they said if anything happens they will help me; even against the Reapers.

I thanked her and went on to Liara's office, It was good to see the Rachni have found a new home.

Supplimental 8.0.3

It seems I would never make it to Liara's office; I keep running into every other person from my past. Beside the staircase up to Liara's office, I was stopped by a woman sitting at a small table; it was Gianna Parasini, the Noverian Internal Affairs officer that I helped catch Anoleis back when I was on Noveria.

She asked me to sit down and talk so I did for a few minutes, I asked about Anoleis and she explained he was now in a Noverian Prison AND that she owes me a beer for it. She left me a drink but as I went to leave I noticed she had left something tucked under the glass.

The note spoke about how she couldn't talk to me much, she was in the middle of an investigation and her target would have seen her, she wants me to try to lure the trader to talk about her 'Good Stuff' So she can sweep in and catch her. Deciding to help her this once, I made my way over to the Trader.

The conversation went along just like all conversations with traders, them asking what I want and me telling them what I wanted. Over the next 5 minutes I got her to talk about the 'Special stuff' she had, and just when she finished blurting it all out; Gianna swooped in and caught the girl, as she dragged her way she told me to come by her table later.

Deciding I would wait a few minutes for her to arrive back, I sat down when she approached and she thanked me for helping her again, she was about to tell me she owed me another beer, but decided to go ahead and kiss me... it was rather strange, being the hero I am I expected it to happen more often but this was the first time.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her response to it 'Much better than an Autograph'. Finally I headed on my way to Liara's office.

Supplimental 8.1.0 (Liara)

Finally I made my way up the stairs to Liara's office, her secretary stopped me before I entered and explained I had been expected; I asked her how Liara is and she stated that she was anxious when she heard I was on my way here.

Taking a deep breath I turned to the door and pressed the holographic button to enter. As I entered I caught the final words of a conversation between Liara and a client; the words Liara used were the exact words her mother; Matriarch Benezia, used on Noveria two years ago when we faced her in her lab. It seems Liara has changed a lot from the innocent girl I saved from starvation and Saran's hit squads inside a prothean ruin.

As she saw me enter, I could almost see her burst in her little bubble as she calmly walked over and embraced me; she was happy to see me. It was a little awkward explaining everything, but she seemed to be okay with it on the surface. I asked her to come with me but she said she had too much work now, so I asked if she needed any help; to which she did, she needed several terminals hacked around Nos Astra, I said I would happily do it for her.

After the personal business was put aside, I asked her about Samara; the Justicar I was sent to collect. She told me that all Justicars have to register when they arrive on a planet and she registered with a "Dara" at the Transport hub around the corner.

I also asked about Thane Krios; the assassin I was also sent to collect. She explained that he is targeting a "Nassana Dantius" Liara also went on to explain that he had a contact in the Cargo Transfer levels called "Seryna", She would know where and how to get to him.

Just before I left I remembered the Illusive Man had given me information for her, so I handed it over to her. It turns out the information was about the Shadow broker; we had a run in with some of his agents two years ago on the citadel, it was the run in that ran us into Tali, saving her life on that incident.

The Information showed that Liara's friend "Feron" was captured. Liara went on to explained that after I had died on the Normandy, My body had been captured by the Shadow broker to be handed over to the collectors; and now I knew they were working with the Reapers, I assumed they would hand me over to them. She went on to explain that Feron had saved Liara from the shadow broker and Liara got the information about me from Cerberus; before handing me over to them. She was worried, scared even; Scared that I wouldnt love her anymore after being handed over to Cerberus. That was when I noticed my Dog Tags in a small plaque on her desk, I told her I would never stop loving her. She almost cried.

She told me we needed to save Feron, I told her I would do everything I can to save him. She told me to message her when I was ready to attack, I told her I would try to message her as soon as I could, It all depended on the Mission I was on. She agreed and went back to work.

Giving her another kiss before I left, I decided to head for Thane first; he was on an Assassination mission, I couldn't let him get through with that

Supplimental 8.2.0 (Thane)

I headed down to the cargo transfer levels to look for Seryna and get some information on where Thane's target is. The cargo transfer level wasn't that busy, there was a salarian from some rich family talking on his comm unit; it seems like he has lost something of the family's or something has been lost by someone else.

I found the desk of Seryna and asked her about Thane; she told me that she had gave him the location and told us that she had told him the night shift workers were ending in Tower Two and that was probably the easiest way to get through the building; crossing the bridge and making my way over the top area.

Supplimental 8.2.1

Seryna took Garrus, Miranda and I to the tower, landing out-front of Tower Two, we were attacked by Security Droids and Eclipse Mercs; if we were to try to get through the roof we wouldn't be able to land before being shot down; so it was from the bottom to the top.

We pushed through the droids and the Mercs until we found injured workers; the mercs and Droids seem to be massacring everyone there, it seems Nassana doesn't want anyone around in the building and isn't waiting for them to get out or is she afraid that one of them is the assassin after her?

Supplimental 8.2.2

We pushed our way through the building, taking out the mercs and the droids in droves; perhaps when this whole affair with the Reapers and the collectors is over I should be come someone's security? They would be invincible with me defending them.

Crossing the bridge was the hardest thing in the building; the wind pulled at us as we crossed over the open bridge; the protective covers not yet installed so the high altitude wind ripped at us but we managed to get our way into the opposing tower.

Supplimental 8.2.3

We finally made it into the tower, after picking off another merc or two before entering Nassana's office. She was protected what I assumed were high spec ops Asari soldiers. Nassana thought I was the one after her; so I played along, I might be able to get her to pay for what she did to the people here. As she was about to fall for my trick, Thane fell from the rafters and killed all the 4 armed guards without even firing a single shot; the only shot he fired was to Kill Nassana.

After he killed her, he folded her arms and prayed over her body. Strange... A religious Assassin? Thane told me he was expecting us and used us as a distraction. I didn't like that but I couldn't help it. I asked him about the Collectors and helping me take them out; he told me he would be happy to do it... then told us he was dying. It was a sad fact, he wanted to repay all the evil deeds he did and hopefully this would save his soul in the afterlife.

Supplimental 8.2.4

We headed back to the Normandy, he explained he needed a dry place to live, his disease was not contagious but it was dependant on wet areas so we put him in the Life Support Chamber; the driest place in the ship.

Jacob doesn't like him, assassins are the things he hates but EDI seems to like him.

Supplimental 8.2.5

Kelly told me Morden wanted to talk, so I headed to the lab and spoke with him. He wanted to get something off his chest; he told me about the Genophage, I told him I knew about it but he told me that he created it with the Salarians that helped. He also went into explain that the Genophage had actually stopped working, so they made a new one... I asked why he was telling me this; he explained that his assistant, Maelon, Had been captured by the Blood Pact On Tuchanka and he was afraid that the Blood Pact were going to try to cure the Genophage. I told him we would go to help him.

Supplimental 8.3.0 (Samara)

After I rested out an hour on the ship, I called up Garrus and Miranda and told them we were moving out; we would be moving to go get Samara. We geared up and headed to the Transport hub; on my way there I ran into Shiala, the Asari from Feros and the colony Zhu's hope; she was the Asari that had been left to the Thorian by Saren when we rescued the colony from the control of the Thorian.

Her skin was tinted green after the affects of the Thorian. She explained that she was helping Zhu's Hope and that the colonists were having health problem; a colonial group did some medical scans but the contract they were signed into let the group do invasive procedures without their consent.

I told her I would handle it; so headed over to the representative here who was in charge of it all. She was an Asari and was a little xenophobic, something I really hate in a world where every race has xenophobes. After about fifteen minutes of talking I finally got her to spill the beans why she was not helping Shiala sort this out; she has lost her daughters during the geth attack on the citadel, I managed to convince her to help Shiala by appealing to her family.

Shiala was happy when I told her I got the contract to be revoked and changed. She thanked me and told me she would help out with anything if I asked.

Supplimental 8.3.1

Headed over to Office Dara to track down Samara; she gave me the directions to where Samara had headed and then hailed a cab for us. It took about an hour but we arrived at the location; a volus, Pitne For, was trying to run away, he appeared to be running away from the police. It seemed his partner was the victim of a crime.

After stopping Pitne For fro getting away, I asked the Detective 'Anaya' to let me see Samara, she told me Samara had gone into the docking hub nearby to look through some of the evidence.

Supplimental 8.3.2

After a few Eclipse troops attacked us, I ran into Samara; she was decimating the Eclipse's best troops that they sent against her, she is a really powerful Biotic.

I asked her about joining us to fight the collectors but she said she had a job to do first; and just as she was about to tell me, the Detective arrived and told us she had to take Samara into custody because she was openly attacking these people. She would have to hold her while she got evidence together. Samara wasn't going to be held in custody; I told her that I would sort things out. Samara explained to us that she would only be held for 48 hours, I had two days to find what she wanted.

Supplimental 8.3.3

Turns out she was trying to find the name of a ship and the only way to find the name was through the Eclipse mercs from earlier. I asked Detective Anaya where these mercs were linked to Pinte For so I headed over to him and preasured him telling me. He broke and told me that he smuggled a chemical that boosts Biotic powers.... but it is toxic; he never mentioned it to the Eclipse mercs and they killed his partner for it. He gave us the access codes to the lift and told us the floor we would need to go onto to find the mercs.

Supplimental 8.3.4

Heading down in the lift I made my way through some more sentry droids and a handful of mercs; we were pushing our way through some of the rooms and checking them for anything worth while when I heard something in a side room. I signalled the others and we entered, I could see an Asari girl behind a box; she looked like a merc but it seemed like she was frightened so I was going to let her go, until she began to pull a weapon; I turned and we aimed our weapons on her, she instantly began to beg for her life, pretending to be a normal innocent girl who thought it would be cool. I saw straight through her ploy, She tried to attack us the moment I told her I saw through it and we had to kill her...

Supplimental 8.3.5

Turns out I was right, found a file with her vlog on and turns out she was the one who killed Pitne For's partner, gloating about it; I did the right thing and trusted my gut.

We also found a Volus high on the Substance that Pitne For had smuggled in; it seems they had dosed him up with it so much, he had increased Biotic power but it had affected his mind, he believed he was a biotic god and acted so high and mighty.It was rather funny to watch. I ended up just tripping him over and he fell asleep almost instantly; some god.

Supplimental 8.3.6

We found the Merc Captain "Wasea" of the Eclipse; they had smuggled what ever Samara was looking for away off planet on a ship, and now she wanted to get rid of us so that Samara is then taken by the Detective or in the end killed by them.

We easily killed her and her mercs, why does everyone think they can get one over on Commander Sheppard? Its almost feeling like THEIR on the suicide mission.

We searched the room and found a data pad with the name of the ship and its location and destination. With this data we headed out back to the Detective and Samara.

Supplimental 8.3.7

We gave the data to Samara and the Detective was glad she wouldnt have to detain Samara and she let her go. I asked Samara if she wanted to come help me and she accepted the offer; even going as far as to Swear herself into my service with the Asari Justicar Bonding. Never saw anything like that before; not nice Liara and I 'bonded' those years ago on the SSV Normandy SR1.

I also gave the detective the information on Pitne For smuggling the chemical and also the Eclipse killing the Merchant. She thanked us for that before we headed to the Normandy.

Supplimental 8.3.8

We headed back to the Normandy, Samara wanted a place to stay that looked out 'into the void of the stars' so I gave her the right side of the ship, the observation bay there; it is a wonderful view and she might love it there.

I took the chance to go speak with Tali down in the Engineering, we caught up on some things before I was called to talk to grunt, he was getting aggravated. She wished me luck; I think I will need it.

Supplimental 8.3.8

Spoke with grunt, he almost trashed the area he was living in; EDI and I deducted that we should go to Tuchanka and ask a Krogan there what is wrong with Grunt.

Miranda also sent me a message asking if we would be going to sort out the meeting with Lanteai in the cafe around the corner from Liara's office; about her sister. I told her we would go now, as it was getting late and we would need to leave soon.

Supplemental 8.4.0 (Miranda Loyalty)

Tali, Miranda and I headed to the Club around the corner from Liara's office. The club called "Eternity", I pretty much took a backseat to it all as the contact "Lanteai" and Miranda spoke; a Man Named Niket had contacted Lanteai. Her father had sent Eclipse to capture her sister. Miranda asked me if we can go get her sister; I told her yes, anything to help

Supplimental 8.4.1

We headed on our way, the plan was for Niket to take the family to a shuttle while we keep the Eclipse busy. However we were shot down by the Eclipse; there was a rather large fire fight as we made out way to the elevator up to the next level.

Supplimental 8.4.2

We managed to hack into their radio frequencies and listen in as we made our way up the elevator. The Eclipse Captain mentioned Niket working for them; switching the family from us to them before we got there... When we got to the top, we found it was true, Niket was going to hand over the family because when Miranda had escaped with his help, she had not told him about her holding her sister with her. He began to regret it and told us he had not told her father, he was backing out; but Miranda was still going to kill him... I managed stopped her but the Captain did it instead.

A huge fire fight erupted and Miranda killed the captain, She regretted Niket dying that way. She suggested we go make sure her sister got out okay.

Supplimental 8.4.3

We were watching her sister leave when I told her to go talk to her sister; it would be nice to know she had someone out there for her to talk to. Miranda seemed to like the idea and spent a good half an hour with her sister before she left on the shuttle; She explained she would keep in contact with her... Without any more business we headed back to the Normandy

Supplimental 8.5.0 (Post Planet)

I had another word with Miranda to make sure she was okay; she is stable and I am glad I could help her with her family issues; even though she is cerberus she disserves to be happy.

Supplimental 8.5.1

Kelly told me that Garrus wanted to speak with me; So I took some Turian brandy to the crew quarters and dragged him away from the calibrations to talk with him. He wants to find his old teammate, the one who betrayed him; "Sidonis", he found out where he is hiding; on the citadel. We will meet with "Fade" to find him and Garrus wants me to help him kill him. Hopefully I can go through with this; but Garrus wants to do this and if it makes him happy then I cant stop him.



Reunited with Liara
New Mission :     - Help Liara with Shadow broker
Recruited Thane
Recruited Samara
Helped Miranda with her family problem (LOYAL)
New Mission :    - Help Garrus find and Kill Sidonis
New Mission :     - Travel to Tuchanka to find Mordins old assistant "Maelon"
New Mission :     - Travel to Tuchanka to help Grunt



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
April 20th 2185
Rebirth + 8 (days)


We arrived back at the citadel after only a few days away; but it felt like a century, we had fought so much that a little rest here would give us a bit of a moral boost. I instructed EDI to let the crew off for a little bit of shore leave but be ready to leave at a moments notice.

I told Garrus we were heading here to sort out the problem he had with Sidonis; Tali wanted to come along too to make sure that he was okay.

Supplimental 9.0.1

We headed to Captain Bailey to ask about Fade; the last any of us ever heard of him was 2 years ago when I was on the citadel; Tali remembered this as the time we found her, she had wanted to speak with Fade then.

Bailey told us about fade, he instructed us to go to Warehouse district to meet with face;  as he usually has work with Fade and that's where he has his meets.

We headed to the warehouse district and met with a Volus and his 2 krogan bodyguards, this guy couldn't be Fade could he?

Turns out no, he tries to get the Krogan to kill us but we shot them in a blink of an eye. He instantly admitted he wasn't Fade; only working for him, it turns out Fade is Harkin, the guard I spoke to 2 years ago, Ex-Csec officer. The Volus also told us Harkin is guarded by the Blue Suns; so I guess we better get prepared for mechs then huh?

Supplimental 9.2.0

We headed to the Factory District that the Volus told us where Harkin was, we spotted Harkin and he recognised us; instantly bolting and leaving the guards to try to kill us. Took us a while to fight through the Mercs but we managed to corner him in a operations room for the transport section we were in.

we "Convinced" him with the end of our guns to set up a meet with Sidonis. I almost let Garrus shoot Fade, but he ended up shooting him anyway; in the leg through, I am glad he didn't kill him, the old Garrus I knew came out for a moment then.

Supplimental 9.1.0

We headed out to the Main Plaza to wait for Sidonis; Garrus set up a sniper point and I would draw Sidonis out. As I headed out I saw the Turian acting nervous; that must have been him, I signalled him over and he approached. I kept him talking while Garrus was lining up...

Sidonis looked head,I could see it in his eyes, he was hurt by this just as much as Garrus, I saw no sense in killing him, he was already paying for this. So I kept him alive, I talked sense into Garrus.

Managed to stop him from killing him; I am glad, Garrus wasn't happy but I knew he would think it through and see that it was the best option.

Supplimental 9.2.0

We got back onto the Normandy, Illusive man wants to talk to me; I will see what it is about and make another entry after that...


NORMANDY Moral Risen due to Shore Leave
FADE In Custody of C-sec
Sidonis Status - Alive
Garrus - Unhappy, but Loyal


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Collector Vessel
April 21st 2185
Rebirth + 9 (days)

LOG ENTRY 10.0.0

I headed to the Conference room to speak with the Illusive man and was told a Turian Patrol had found and disabled a Collector Vessel; however the Patrol was destroyed, The Illusive man had redirected a distress call from them and was going to send us in. I told him it would be dangerous but we needed to see if any humans were still on the vessel and maybe learn something more about the collectors.

I ordered Joker to the coordinates sent by Illusive man and asked Garrus and Tali to come to my quarters. I spoke to them about how this mission might play out, and I trusted them the most, apart from Joker but I doubt taking him along would help much; besides he has the Normandy to take care of.

Tali and Garrus understood and told me that they would do anything to help me. They were my true friends... I would do anything for them too.

Supplemental 10.1.0

We made it to the Collector Vessel, taking a shuttle inside; we were all sealed up and made our way through the dead vessel. It was quiet, too quiet; empty too. As we made our way through, we spotted numerous pods,  the ship itself looked and felt like a giant insect hive.
EDI sent us a quick communications, she had been scanning the vessel and had deduced that this was the very same vessel that had attacked Horizon; no wonder the Turians could disable it, we had weakened it while it was on the planet, Shame the Turians  didn't see their victory.

Supplimental 10.1.1

We found a pile of dead bodies, they could have been tested on; a control group wouldn't be needed anymore and would most likely be discarded once the test was over.

We also found a collector who had been tested on; EDI hacked the terminal through my suit and found that they were running comparisons between humans and Collectors for genetic markers... She also found something very... very disturbing.

They were Protheans... The collectors were Protheans... The Reapers had kept them and changed them... made them into mindless Drones. This could be humanity one day... I will make the reapers pay even more for this atrocity.

Supplemental 10.1.2

We entered the main chamber, or what we think was the main chamber; it was huge, and when I mean huge it was so big, you could fit almost 50 cruisers nose to nose in here and still have enough room for more. There were pods lining the walls, millions of them; They were planning on taking every human they could; which meant one target.... Earth... The biggest concentration of humans. We needed to find out if they have any more vessels.

Supplemental 10.1.3

Joker sent me a communication, he had EDI run an analysis on a hunch he had... this vessel.. it was the same one that destroyed the Normandy 2 years ago... I swear I had shivers run down my back at the thought; this vessel was following me through my life, it destroyed my ship, it is taking my race... I would destroy this ship when we are done, I don't care what the Illusive man wants.

We can see a control panel up ahead, I am gonna have EDI set up a bridge between the Ship and EDI and have her search the data banks for anything she could use.

Supplemental 10.1.4

Its a trap! We were attacked by the Collectors and the platform took off; EDI reported that the ship had suffered a systematic power surge that without her there would have blown the ship up, but she managed to divert it to non-essential systems. She had to break through numerous Collector Firewalls to access the platform while also fighting a virus trying to get in through the systems.

She managed to get us down and as we were fighting through the ship to get back to the shuttle, she told us the Turian signal was a trap; she had found the original signal and compared it with the one given by Illusive man and found the Secondary encryption on the channel (Something that Turians have in their comms) was not right. The Illusive man should have known this so only one answer came to mind; he knew it was a trap and set us up.

Supplemental 10.1.5

The collector vessel is powering up, we rushed to the shuttle, but met Collector Forces including the new form of Husks called "Abominations". We managed to get to the shuttle without too much of a fight and get out the range of the ship.. we barely made it out...

I am going to have a word with the Illusive man right now, He better have a good reason for sending us into a trap.

Supplemental 10.2.0
I swear I would kill the Illusive man if I ever met him, at least he was now honest to admit he did know about it but thought we could handle it. EDI reported to us that we needed a IFF to access the OMEGA4 Relay, it would tighten the spread and accuracy that jumping through relays creates. The Illusive man mentioned he found one such thing on a Derelict Reaper his men had found in orbit of a gas giant. he gave us the coordinates but warned that he had lost contact with the team.

Supplemental 10.2.1

I spoke with the team so far; Miranda wants us to hit the reaper now but I told her we need to build the team first; once we have the team all ready we can move in, get the IFF then install it and head for the relay.

EDI also managed to find out where the Collector Home world was... In the Galactic core. No wonder no ships ever got through; its just black holes there, so thats why the IFF narrows the jump range.

I was heading back to my room when Kelly told me Tali and Samara want to talk to me. Guess I will see Tali first; she would never actively try to get my attention, she was always shy and nervous.

Supplemental 10.3.0

Tali was in a state; upset, crying. I managed to calm her down so she could tell me what was going on. She got a message from the Flotilla, she had been charged with treason!... Her... of all people.. She is terrified. I told her the next stop we are going to is the Flotilla to stop this nonsense. She seemed reassured by it.. I gave her a tight hug; she cried for a little bit but I seemed to have settled her down a little. Gabby and Ken said they will keep her busy until we get to the Flotilla; I have such a tight crew, even if they are Cerberus, they are like a new family.

Supplemental 10.3.1

With Tali's mess on my mind, I decided to go see Samara and find out what she needs; it was on the same level anyway.

Samara explained the person she was hunting for was an Ardat-Yakshi called "Morinth". An Ardat-Yakshi makes love with people and burns out their minds with pure pleasure, she is dangerous.
She is also her daughter. It must have been hard for her, I chatted with her for a while about it and told her we would try to help her no matter what happens.

Supplemental 10.3.2

Decided to head to the Mess, needed something to eat after the fighting on the Collector vessel; I remembered I had picked up some new stuff for the chef on the Citadel, and told him we had it, he had already found it and made his famous recipe "Calamari Gumbo" it was very tasty.

Garrus came out of his calibrations and chatted while we were eating. We walked about the High Risk missions we both took during our years in the military; Humans and Turians were very different socially. Garrus explained that the Turians have a very different way to relax then humans on a military vessel; they relax with violence; they excercise, Combat simulations and full contact Sparing.. He told us once how he had an argument with a scout, they were both high ranked Hand to hand specialists and decided to fight it out... ended in being a draw after 9 rounds...

so they ended it in the bedroom!. We couldn't stop laughing for a while, but once we finished, I asked him what he thought about our chances, he says we will make it, and to quote him on it "They killed you once, and that just pissed you off"..

Oh Garrus.. You are a good friend... Hope everything works out for you after all this is over.

Supplemental 10.4.0

Resting in my quarters, ordered the Normandy to the Flotilla's location, we are going to sort this shit out with the treason-thing, then get back on mission. I hope Tali is okay, I dont like to see her upset.


Collector Vessel Examined
IFF Discovery made
Collector Vessel a Trap
New Mission : - Retrieve Reaper IFF from Derelict Reaper
Tali'zorah vas Neema  received a treason Accusations
New Mission : - head to flotilla to sort out Treason Accusation
Spoke with Samara
New Mission - Find Samara's Daughter "Morinth"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Collector Vessel
April 21st 2185
Rebirth + 9 (days)

LOG ENTRY 10.0.0

I headed to the Conference room to speak with the Illusive man and was told a Turian Patrol had found and disabled a Collector Vessel; however the Patrol was destroyed, The Illusive man had redirected a distress call from them and was going to send us in. I told him it would be dangerous but we needed to see if any humans were still on the vessel and maybe learn something more about the collectors.

I ordered Joker to the coordinates sent by Illusive man and asked Garrus and Tali to come to my quarters. I spoke to them about how this mission might play out, and I trusted them the most, apart from Joker but I doubt taking him along would help much; besides he has the Normandy to take care of.

Tali and Garrus understood and told me that they would do anything to help me. They were my true friends... I would do anything for them too.

Supplemental 10.1.0

We made it to the Collector Vessel, taking a shuttle inside; we were all sealed up and made our way through the dead vessel. It was quiet, too quiet; empty too. As we made our way through, we spotted numerous pods,  the ship itself looked and felt like a giant insect hive.
EDI sent us a quick communications, she had been scanning the vessel and had deduced that this was the very same vessel that had attacked Horizon; no wonder the Turians could disable it, we had weakened it while it was on the planet, Shame the Turians  didn't see their victory.

Supplimental 10.1.1

We found a pile of dead bodies, they could have been tested on; a control group wouldn't be needed anymore and would most likely be discarded once the test was over.

We also found a collector who had been tested on; EDI hacked the terminal through my suit and found that they were running comparisons between humans and Collectors for genetic markers... She also found something very... very disturbing.

They were Protheans... The collectors were Protheans... The Reapers had kept them and changed them... made them into mindless Drones. This could be humanity one day... I will make the reapers pay even more for this atrocity.

Supplemental 10.1.2

We entered the main chamber, or what we think was the main chamber; it was huge, and when I mean huge it was so big, you could fit almost 50 cruisers nose to nose in here and still have enough room for more. There were pods lining the walls, millions of them; They were planning on taking every human they could; which meant one target.... Earth... The biggest concentration of humans. We needed to find out if they have any more vessels.

Supplemental 10.1.3

Joker sent me a communication, he had EDI run an analysis on a hunch he had... this vessel.. it was the same one that destroyed the Normandy 2 years ago... I swear I had shivers run down my back at the thought; this vessel was following me through my life, it destroyed my ship, it is taking my race... I would destroy this ship when we are done, I don't care what the Illusive man wants.

We can see a control panel up ahead, I am gonna have EDI set up a bridge between the Ship and EDI and have her search the data banks for anything she could use.

Supplemental 10.1.4

Its a trap! We were attacked by the Collectors and the platform took off; EDI reported that the ship had suffered a systematic power surge that without her there would have blown the ship up, but she managed to divert it to non-essential systems. She had to break through numerous Collector Firewalls to access the platform while also fighting a virus trying to get in through the systems.

She managed to get us down and as we were fighting through the ship to get back to the shuttle, she told us the Turian signal was a trap; she had found the original signal and compared it with the one given by Illusive man and found the Secondary encryption on the channel (Something that Turians have in their comms) was not right. The Illusive man should have known this so only one answer came to mind; he knew it was a trap and set us up.

Supplemental 10.1.5

The collector vessel is powering up, we rushed to the shuttle, but met Collector Forces including the new form of Husks called "Abominations". We managed to get to the shuttle without too much of a fight and get out the range of the ship.. we barely made it out...

I am going to have a word with the Illusive man right now, He better have a good reason for sending us into a trap.

Supplemental 10.2.0
I swear I would kill the Illusive man if I ever met him, at least he was now honest to admit he did know about it but thought we could handle it. EDI reported to us that we needed a IFF to access the OMEGA4 Relay, it would tighten the spread and accuracy that jumping through relays creates. The Illusive man mentioned he found one such thing on a Derelict Reaper his men had found in orbit of a gas giant. he gave us the coordinates but warned that he had lost contact with the team.

Supplemental 10.2.1

I spoke with the team so far; Miranda wants us to hit the reaper now but I told her we need to build the team first; once we have the team all ready we can move in, get the IFF then install it and head for the relay.

EDI also managed to find out where the Collector Home world was... In the Galactic core. No wonder no ships ever got through; its just black holes there, so thats why the IFF narrows the jump range.

I was heading back to my room when Kelly told me Tali and Samara want to talk to me. Guess I will see Tali first; she would never actively try to get my attention, she was always shy and nervous.

Supplemental 10.3.0

Tali was in a state; upset, crying. I managed to calm her down so she could tell me what was going on. She got a message from the Flotilla, she had been charged with treason!... Her... of all people.. She is terrified. I told her the next stop we are going to is the Flotilla to stop this nonsense. She seemed reassured by it.. I gave her a tight hug; she cried for a little bit but I seemed to have settled her down a little. Gabby and Ken said they will keep her busy until we get to the Flotilla; I have such a tight crew, even if they are Cerberus, they are like a new family.

Supplemental 10.3.1

With Tali's mess on my mind, I decided to go see Samara and find out what she needs; it was on the same level anyway.

Samara explained the person she was hunting for was an Ardat-Yakshi called "Morinth". An Ardat-Yakshi makes love with people and burns out their minds with pure pleasure, she is dangerous.
She is also her daughter. It must have been hard for her, I chatted with her for a while about it and told her we would try to help her no matter what happens.

Supplemental 10.3.2

Decided to head to the Mess, needed something to eat after the fighting on the Collector vessel; I remembered I had picked up some new stuff for the chef on the Citadel, and told him we had it, he had already found it and made his famous recipe "Calamari Gumbo" it was very tasty.

Garrus came out of his calibrations and chatted while we were eating. We walked about the High Risk missions we both took during our years in the military; Humans and Turians were very different socially. Garrus explained that the Turians have a very different way to relax then humans on a military vessel; they relax with violence; they excercise, Combat simulations and full contact Sparing.. He told us once how he had an argument with a scout, they were both high ranked Hand to hand specialists and decided to fight it out... ended in being a draw after 9 rounds...

so they ended it in the bedroom!. We couldn't stop laughing for a while, but once we finished, I asked him what he thought about our chances, he says we will make it, and to quote him on it "They killed you once, and that just pissed you off"..

Oh Garrus.. You are a good friend... Hope everything works out for you after all this is over.

Supplemental 10.4.0

Resting in my quarters, ordered the Normandy to the Flotilla's location, we are going to sort this shit out with the treason-thing, then get back on mission. I hope Tali is okay, I dont like to see her upset.


Collector Vessel Examined
IFF Discovery made
Collector Vessel a Trap
New Mission : - Retrieve Reaper IFF from Derelict Reaper
Tali'zorah vas Neema  received a treason Accusations
New Mission : - head to flotilla to sort out Treason Accusation
Spoke with Samara
New Mission - Find Samara's Daughter "Morinth"



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Migrant Fleet - Raheel-leyya - Valhallan threshold
April 22nd 2185

Rebirth + 10 (days)

LOG ENTRY 11.0.0

I invited Tali up to my quarters to calm her down; she was still rather upset with the treasonous accusations. I tried to find something for her to drink but because of her genetic makeup; she couldn't have anything human, so we just sat and talked, mostly about the time between now and the Normandy SR1's destruction.

We spent a long time talking until Joker alerted us we were nearing the Flotilla; I told him we'd be down in a few minutes and I stood to put on my Dress Uniform, I needed to show respect to the Quarians but Tali told me I needed to take a Full suit; including sealed helmet.

I realised this just as she said it and began to suit up. Tali and I headed down to the cockpit as we were coming up on the Flotilla; Tali sent them a message stating we were bringing her on-board, but they flagged us as a Cerberus Vessel so Tali had to give a pass code to show that she wasn't forced here by Cerberus. Earlier she had told me that if the pass code was wrong then they would have blown us out the sky.

We were allowed to dock with the Rayya (This was Tali's old ship, I remembered it by her old name "Tali'zorah Narr Rayya", her new name showing her new ship "Tali'zorah Vas Neema".) Before we docked she told the Rayya that we were not "clean" so would need a Security and a Quarantine Team.

Supplemental 11.0.1

We docked with the Rayya and after our own decontamination procedures we were directed through a Quarian Decon room before allowed into the ship. We were met by the Captain of the Rayya "KarDanna Vas Rayya" who told us about her being charged for bringing Active Geth  on-board the Flotilla; Tali straight away  denied this accusations, she told me that her father had asked her to send non-active parts back for testing and it was sanctioned by the Admiralty board.

However the captain told us he wasn't going to arrest her; they looked like old friends. I hope we can get this sorted out without Tali becoming some sort of outcast or even imprisonment... If that happened; I don't know what I would do, I'd probably have to break her out or something... too many quarians would end up dead if that happened.

We made our way into the council chambers and met with an Auntie of Tali's, "Shalla'Raan". It wasn't until Tali pointed it out that I noticed Shalla had called Tali "Tali'zorah Vas Normandy". Turns out, the Admiralty board wanted her to be tried under our ship and because of that, I am now representing her as the Captain of the ship. Tali wants me to, so I will do it. I am a little nervous as I've never been much of a lawyer, but I am a fine good soldier... hopefully those things have some links between them.

Supplimental 11.0.2

As the "Trial" got underway, an Admiral who I found out a few seconds later was called "Admiral Koris" objected to me being here, that I wasn't quarian so I had no affairs being here, but he was shut up quickly by another admiral once they told him HE shouldn't have pushed the vote for her to be tried under my ship name. I am rather sad he was wearing a suit; I would have loved to have seen his face at that moment.

As the trial went on, we were told that Tali was being judged for bringing active geth onto the fleet; she objected but then they threw a curve ball.

They told us that Tali's fathers ship was seized by Geth, we were not told this and Tali was instantly in shock; they said they were all dead but there was no way to be sure. I did the only thing I could do, I told the admiralty that the Normandy will assist in anyway; Tali wanted to take back the ship and I told her I agree with her, the only way to find out what was happening would be on her fathers ship.

The admiralty board agreed, stating if we were not back in a few hours they would declair her guilty and banish her. We wouldn't be that long. Tali is distraught, they shouldnt have thrown that at her.

Before we left for the shuttle to the ship, we managed to check in with Veetor from Freedoms Progress; he is doing okay now with treatment, we also spotted Kal'reeger from Hastrom. he was okay too and was shocked to think the Admiralty board would do this to Tali.

As we left, Tali stormed off, I chased after her and found her yelling at her Auntie; Shalla, She had set her up so she could hear the shock in Tali's voice and make it seem real. Bitch.. I would rip her O2 pipe out if she ever did that to Tali again. I decided to have a few words with the Admirals, see if I could get any more info from them; we spoke with Admiral Koris... Vas... Qwib Qwib... (I couldnt help but surpress a smirk; glad of the visor I wore too) he clearly hates Tali... but when I spoke with him one on one, he only told me he hated Tali's father, and she was paying for his Mistakes.

Supplemental 11.1.0

I had enough of Talking to them, Tali and I had business over on the Alerai (Her fathers ship). Tali was still in shock, but I took her hand and told her it would be okay.. I would make sure it was okay. She was reasured, but still nervous. I kept hold of her hand the entire way to the Alerai.

We docked at a docking port clear of anything our sensors could detect, but Geth could put themselves into a sleep mode, hiding them from sensors. As we made our way through the ship; we ran into a lot of Geth, there just seemed to be way too many to have been shipped over. Tali  found a drone but it was disabled and yieleded no clue; she only passed stuff that could be repaired and used, not active... she is woried her father did it on purpose or that she got sloppy and sent some parts which did this.. I told her she would never get sloppy and as an engineer, she was a little reasured.

As we fought through more Geth we found a console with data inside but only a little bits were left; the rest missing; it seems they were performing experiments on how to overcome geth resistance to programming, to maybe one day send a virus to wipe them out. As we moved on through the ship and found other bits of data and Geth, Tali told me her faher had promised to build her a house on the Home world, I suggested them finding a new home world and forgetting about the geth; but she got angry it, I apologised and told her I could never understand what her people had gone through.

It wasn't until we found a dead Quarian that I realised it just got even more real; it was her father... I recognised him from the Video's we found. Tali broke down instantly. I tried to console, I hated seeing her like this.

On her fathers Omni Tool, a message had been left for her; obviously made just before he died. He told us that the geth main hub was on the bridge. I told Tali we would blow every geth to smithereens for her... She nodded with me and we pushed onto the bridge.

The fight was a little hard in the close quarters but we got through them. We shut the Geth down using their hub but we also found evidence on the bridge. He did it; her father brought them online to test his work. His colleagues wanted Tali to send some better parts but he told them no; he didn't want her to get involved in it and save her from any political backlash. He was sad that he did not get the chance to give her a house on the home world... maybe... I could do it... I would do anything to make her happy again.

On our way back to the Rayya, Tali told me NOT to use the evidence; she didn't want her fathers name to get black marked, all the good he did would be removed... I told her I am not sure... we would have to see on the Rayya.

Supplemental 11.2.0

We got back to the Rayya just in time, they were going to declare us dead and forget about us; we weren't even gone 2 hours... Storming into the Chamber and straight away told them they should have waited. They asked us if we had any evidence to add to our case; Tali gave me a long stare and I took a step forward, she began to panic, telling me in a hushed whisper not to.

Taking a deep breath, I decided not to; I could never hurt Tali, not even when trying to help her. Mustering my best commander voice, I pointed right at Tali; I told the Admiralty board and everyone there.. that Tali would never do it, look at her past; defeating Saren, The Geth, Helping me.. and then the attack on the citadel. I gave them the best speech that came off the top of my head since the speech before we set off to hunt Saren.

The Admiralty board bought it, she was judged NOT GUILTY, she was so happy that I pulled it off; she admitted she had never had anybody speak out for her like that and Look out for her like I did. She even told me she loved watching me shout and beat down the Admiralty board at their own game.

She told me her father would be glad of me; I told her I didn't do it for her father, or anyone... I did it for her.. She seemed to blush at that comment and for once i was glad I was the one wearing the helmet because I was pretty sure I did too.

Before we left we spoke with people around; Kal'Reeger was happy and seemed to know we had found evidence but didnt use it. He was a nice guy and would soon be a good Ally if the Reapers did arrive or the collectors were a bigger force in the future... I hope he survives.

Supplemental 11.3.0

We headed back to the Normandy, I had a chat with Tali to make sure she was okay before Kelly interrupted us and told me that Thane wanted to speak to me. I told Tali we would spent more time later and went to check on Thane.

Turns out Thane has a Son named "Kolyat" and wants me to help him find him. Thane had found out that his son was becoming an Assassin and he wants to stop him; he doesn't want his son to end up like he did; and to finally say goodbye before he dies.

I told him yes, we would... he was spotted on the Citadel so we would head there soon. But first we had to head to Zorya to sort out Zaeed's job, he was getting impatiant.


Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy Remaining on Normandy
Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy cleared of all charges
Geth Eliminated from Alerai
NEW MISSION :     - Find Thanes Son "Kolyat"



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet "Zorya" - System Ismar - Ismar Frontier
April 23rd 2185

Rebirth + 11 (days)

LOG ENTRY 12.0.0

Zaeed was finally satisfied that we would be finishing off the mission he had to finish before we headed off on the "suicide mission". I brought Tali along with us; working in the field would get her mind off her father. In the shuttle Zaeed explained he was tracking down a man called "Vido" to a refinery on Zorya; he had planned out the approach and everything to such a detail that all I had to do was say "okay" and the shuttle took us to that location.

Supplemental 12.0.1

We landed in the jungle and moved into the refinery's outer limits, we managed to hack into their radio frequency and listen in. They knew we were here but had no idea where we were; I guess Zaeed's plan worked huh.

Well, it worked until we engaged some Blue Suns and then everyone was heading in our direction. We fought through them until we came up to a bridge; listening in to the conversation, Zaeed confirmed Vido was here. I asked him why he was after Vido and he explained that he and Vido had actually started up the Blue suns! But several years later Vido stabbed him in the back and tried to kill him; Vido controlled the men and Zaeed controlled the books, but it seemed Vido  didn't like sharing power.

Supplemental 12.1.0

We arrived at the Facility, spoke with Vido. Zaeed started shooting away and even set the facility on a self destruct thanks to all the gas being ignited. He told us that he would do anything to kill Vido, but I didn't think he would do this; I had to put a punch in his face to calm him down.

As we moved after Vido, we found out the facility was not just full of Blue suns but also full of civilians and they were trapped. I told Zaeed that we were going after the civilians first; he wasn't happy and told me "if he gets away, you're to blame".

Supplemental 12.1.1

We managed to save the civilians, fighting through the facility and shutting down the valves while activating the fire suppressants, they should be manage get out before it blew up. Now we go for Vido.

Supplemental 12.1.2

We found vido, he was getting away in a drop ship; Zaeed fired on the drop ship and I am pretty sure he winged a shot inside it; the bird was limping to one side. It eventually crashed but Zaeed  wasn't happy, Vido may have survived the crash and if we hadn't gone for the civilians we may have gotten him.

I am pretty sure that Zaeed was going to kill me; but an ejected thermal clip set fire to a fuel leak and blew up in his face, bringing down a bar on top of him; lucky that happened as he was about to shoot me. I told him, he lets everything drop while he is under command and he listens to my orders from now on.

Zaeed  wasn't happy, but he accepted it... We called in the Shuttle to get back to the Normandy.

Supplemental 12.2.0

I decided to make sure Zaeed was comfortable, turns out he wasn't that happy to talk to me so I avoided him and headed to see Tali.

Turns out she had a small fever, she had not took careful time to fix her suit and had caught a small virus; we talked about the Quarian immune system and how fragile it was, we even talked about life in suits.

She explained that even touching could possibly kill a Quarian, so the most intimate thing they would ever do was to link their suits together; she told me that I would probably be the only one to ever do it with. I couldn't help but be speechless, she was stuttering, rubbing her hands and being so nervous.... so cute...

Then she apologised, saying that the traditional was supposed to be intimate, the equivalent of human sex. I told her that I wouldn't mind; and... I kind of admitted that I was interested in pursuing something with her... Liara had given me that little bit of a look that meant she wasn't ready and Tali and I... we... had a lot of history...

She was shocked I said it, and told me she needed time to think; so I let her have it... I headed back up to my quarters to think for a while before heading down to the ICC to set the course for Tuchanka. We might as well as sort out Mordins and Grunts problem next before going back to the citadel for supplies and a small rest.


Zorya Refinery 05039-A Destroyed
VIDO - MIA - Presumed KIA
Zaeed - Pissed off, but still working for us (NON-LOYAL)

Personal Note

Admitted Attraction to Tali - Will wait and see what happens.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet "Tuchanka" - System Arlakh - Krogan DMZ
April 24th 2185

Rebirth + 12 (days)

LOG ENTRY 13.0.0
We arrived at Tuchanka early in the next morning (ship time) and what I didnt expect to see when I woke up was the wreck that was Tuchanka. I knew the krogans were a warrior race but I did not expect them to have devastated their home like this; even the most war-mongering race had to be calm somewhere.

We took the shuttle down to the surface; EDI had triangulated the best place we would find the leadership of the Krogans. When we landed inside the facility, we were told to go see the clan leader, we were going to do it anyway but being told by an angry krogan really made you want to do as you're told.

Supplemental 13.0.1

As I came up to the Clan Leaders area, it wasnt until he called me over that I realised it was Wrex!, The moment he saw me and I saw him he yelled me over and we "bro fisted" He was glad to see me. I explained that I had been brought back to life by Cereberus and he told me to watch my back.

After we caught up, I asked him about Grunt and Mordins  assistant; he told me that Grunt was basically going through Krogan pubity known as "the Rite" while I should ask the Krogan Scout about Mordins assistant.

As we were told about the rite, one of the krograns didnt want Grunt to take it; because he wasnt a pure blood krogan, but wrex let him do it if the shaman would let it.

Supplemental 13.1.0 (MORDIN)

We went to the scout and asked him about the assistant; he had words that there was a salarian in the Weyrloc base with Bloodpact there; he had sent a scout in but hasnt heard back from him. I told him we would go there and check.

Supplemental 13.1.1

I took Tali and Mordin with me, as we drove closer and got out close to the base, we were attacked straight away by Varen, Vorcha and Krogan. As we moved through the wreckage of a highway, we were attacked by a creature that the suits scanner system called "Kilxen". They were on us more and more, this world really is hellish.

Supplemental 13.1.2

We were pushing through the labs and main buildings when We found a body, he was apparently being tested on, they were trying to use humans to cure something.

We moved through the buildings and were confronted by the Werlock clan leader, he was giving us some great speech that all evil leaders seem to do; I didnt even let him finish, they always talk big but always die just the same, rather pathetic really.

I popped a shot just under him at a gas pipe; he laughed and told me I missed, untill he heard the hissing and with another shot I set him on fire. Now the real firefight was on.

Supplemental 13.1.3

After the firefight, we moved into the labs again, we found a dead sterile Welock female Krogan, it seems they were trying to cure the Genophage; Mordin felt responsible for this, and he wanted to fix it but he knew it was needed to keep the Krogans under control.

As we moved through the facility we found the Urdnot scout; he had been tested on and was feeling weak, I reassured him; giving him one of my special Sheppard speeches and bring him back psychologically.

I couldnt help but laugh at Tali when I told the Krogan he was 'whinning like a Quarian with a tummy ache' she wasnt happy about it but knew it was only to get him back up.

Supplemental 13.1.4

We found Maelon in the lab, turns out he wasnt held captive and was actually working with them to cure the genophage; he felt guilty just like Mordin and wanted to help them. Mordin wanted to kill him for it but I stopped it, he let him go and we had to make a hard decision on what to do with the research.

It was years away from actually being helpful, but it would be a nice step forward if we ever needed it, I told him to keep it; you never know when we might need it.

Supplemental 13.1.5

We got back to base easy enough, and I told the scout we had found his man out there and he thanked us for it. We are going to head back to the shuttle for something to eat before I get grunt brought down here and Mordin sent back to the Normandy to do some more research.

Supplemental 13.2.0 (GRUNT)

Once Grunt was brought down, we went to see the Shaman, he accepts that Grunt can do the ritual, he was told he would need a "krantt" to fight with him, as his captain I would be it as would Tali. The Krogan who was arguing with us with Wrex spoke out against me and Tali doing the rite with him; so I gave him a good old Krogan headbutt.

The shaman loved that and sent us on our way to the rite area.

Supplemental 13.2.1

We were told the rite was a 3 rounds of fighting then they would bring in a Thresher Maw and we had to hold out for 15 minutes; I once fought a Thresher Maw and barely survived, hopefully this one is different.

Supplemental 13.2.2

We just finished the 3 waves, they were pretty easy, but it wil be the Maw that will be the hardest.

The Hammer is raising up, I think its going to call it in.

Supplemental 13.2.3

we.. we did it, we took down the thresher maw, it was hard; Tali took a small rupture but I got her behind a ditch and sealed it up, she told me her systems saved her, Grunt fired on the maw and I ended it with a sniper shot to the eye.

We see some people coming up now, they might want to talk to us.

Supplemental 13.2.4

Turns out they wanted to do more than talk; they wanted grunt to join him, it was the krogan from earlier that didnt want him to do the rite but he saw him fight and wants him as a "lesser Krogran" with no mating rights..

Grunt said no so the guy attacked us; we just took out a thresher maw and even he said only I, Grunt and Wrex had ever killed one on Tuchanka...and he thinks he can kill us?

Supplemetnal 13.2.5

we finished them off and headed back to the Shaman, Grunt was accepted into the Clan Urdnot and I was given a honourable invite which I accepted. Before we left I asked Wrex if he wanted to join us but he told us he needed to rule here; he needed to keep the Krogan in line but he pledged his support to me when I need it.

Hopefully I dont need a horde of Krogan in the future.

Supplemental 13.3.0 (POST-MISSION NORMANDY)

We headed back to the Normandy and I took a VERY long shower after two rounds of Decon. I swear I had sand and dirt in places I never knew sand and dirt could get in.

After I showered I checked my mail and it turns out, EDI was holding back a breeding request for me from a Krogan female.... I am.. kind of disturbed by that.. but honoured at the same time... I asked EDI how many grunt had and he had many more... figures doesnt it... I take down a Maw and HE gets the requests.


Tuchanka Missions Clear
Mordin's Assistant Secure (loyal)
Genophage pre-stage Cure in Mordins possession
Grunt "calmed" (loyal)
Grunt now part of URDNOT clan

Personal NOTE
Killed a Maw today. yay...



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
April 25th 2185

Rebirth + 13 (days)

LOG ENTRY 14.0.0

Due to being close to Citadel space, I decided to swing the Normandy around to the Citadel and have the crew take some R&R while I and Tali sort out Thane and his son, then take the Normandy over to the next system in Citadel space for Kasumi's mission

We are landing in one of the public docking hub in a few moments so I better get ready.

Supplemental 14.1.1 (THANE)

We made our way to Captain Bailey to see if he has any news on Kolyat. He told us that he had word that a Drell was on the citadel and that he had been in contact with a local information snitch called "Mouse". He gave us directions to where he usually hangs out, we are heading out there now.

Supplemental 14.1.2

We found Mouse, Turns out Thane used to use him for an information snitch and errand boy. Mouse pointed out Kolyats broker was "Elias Kelham" he wanted someone dead and Kolyat was going to do it for him. Mouse told us Elias Kelham ran rackets in the lower ends of the wards and was a hard man to get to. I told Thane that we could have a word with Bailey again and he agreed.

Supplemental 14.1.3

After a long talk with Bailey, he is bringing Kelham in but he cannot be seen doing this; turns out Kelham is buying Bailey off to keep him looking on the other side when he does some smuggling.

We have to interrogate him fast, his lawyer is outside trying to get in.

Supplemental 14.1.4

Well, we did it; we did the good cop, bad cop routine, I was the good and thane was the bad. We managed to get him to open up after I gave him a good punch or two; turns out the good cop can do that you know.

He told us that his target is a Anti Human Turian called "Joram Talid", he is running for some sort of election and Kelham wants him out of the game.

We need to hurry and find him.

Supplemental 14.1.5

we cant find Kolyat until he tries to make his move on Joram so we are going to follow him and his Krogan Bodyguard.

Supplimental 14.1.6

As we followed him he was trying to spread his anti human hate to others and moved into a club. Just as he exited the club and was heading into an apartment building Kolyat took his chance and charged him, we headed inside after him and managed to get Kolyat to calm down and surrender; however the krogan bodyguard was dead.

Bailey stormed the room and was going to arrest Kolyat but I told him I would look the other way to him being payed off if he got all charges dropped for community service. Bailey didnt like the fact he was getting off but gave in.

I Left Thane to talk to his son, Me and Kasumi are going to head off to complete her heist she wants to pull off while she is here.

Supplemental 14.2.0 (Kasumi)

We set off on a shuttle to the next system, "Bolzmann" system, just off in the widow Nebula where the citadel is to a planet known as "Bekenstein". Basically the planet is a human only rich person paradise filled with human criminals and rich senators. The planet itself is known as "Humans Illium"

Kasumi filled me in on the mission as we travelled in the shuttle; I had to get "gussied" up in a tux as we would both be infiltrating a party of a man known as "Donovan Hock", a big time criminal.

My Undercover alias would be "Solomon Gunn" and we are after an storage device called a "Greybox" which belonged to Kasumi's partner. She explained that she had our stuff put into a large stature of Saren and we would get it before we headed into the vault.

We are about to land now and get ready, I may have to log this all later in one big file if I am undercover.

Supplemental 14.2.1

We are in, we made it by the front door but Hock might have recognised Kasumi and she was sent away, She made her way in with stealth tech on and kept in radio contact with me. we checked the vault and it seems we will need both a DNA sample and Hocks voice to shut down the Kinetic barrier.

Supplemental 14.2.2

Managed to get his voice print, I managed to coax him into giving a long speech about the rich being rich for a reason and the bad being the best... their so easy to get into speeches.

After that we headed into the radio room and tapped into their comms, but we couldnt get in the main door so I had to jump the barrier and sneak into his room. We got a few samples from his room and then headed back to the vault; disabling the security barriers.

I am suiting up while Kasumi hides us from the cameras; we will see what this rich guy has in his vault.

Supplemental 14.2.3

Well, it seems he has a lot of things in here, statues and all sorts; even the head of the Statue of Liberty and a Rachni body frozen in a sort of rock.

We are just looking around for the grey box now, I think Kasumi's found it...

Supplemental 14.2.4

Well, it seems Hock's security wasnt as well off as we thought or he noticed my absence. He sent security after us and we had to fight out way out to the roof; where Hock himself attacked us in a Dropship armed with a regenerative shield. We couldnt make a dent in it, Kasumi told me to cover her so she could charge it and get up onto it; while up there she fried the shields and I managed to blow it out the sky... I guess this place wont belong to him no more...

We are just waiting for the shuttle, I see it now... I cant wait to get back to the ship.

Supplemental 14.2.5

Kasumi went into the greybox and when she came out, she told me that her friend wanted her to delete it as it contained dangerous material... but it had memories she wanted to keep in too.. So I told her to keep it if she wanted to, even though it could be dangerous it is better to keep a part of the one she loved with her all the time.

Almost like Liara keeping my dog tags on her desk...

Supplemental 14.3.0 (POST MISSION)

We got back to the Normandy and got everyone on board; we bought some supplies and a few drinks for later. I made sure to order some Dextro-capable alcohol for Tali and Garrus; we are going to crack out some bottles tonight on our Journey to the Rosetts Nebula to find Jacobs father.


THANE found his son (LOYAL)
KASUMI completed her heist
Supplies and R&R complete
Normandy heading out to Rosetts Nebula



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet "2175 Aeia" - System "Alpha Draconis" - Rosetts Nebula
April 26th 2185

Rebirth + 14 (days)

LOG ENTRY 15.0.0

It was a long journey out to the edge of the galaxy; pretty much the middle of no where and on the edge of the longest shipping route; Jacob was in the ICC when we detected the Distress signal coming from a planet desingated "2175 Aeia". After an hour of scanning we found the shipwrech and prepped the shuttle. Tali came along with me as usual, I hope I dont seem to be pushing her to come with me more often; I just find I can work with her better.

Supplemental 15.0.1

We are aproaching the location now; the entire place is like a tropical island back on Earth, calm, serine and peaceful. So far away from civilisation.

We see the ship wreck and we are about to land now... Hopefully we find more than a handful of survivors.

Supplemental 15.1.0 (Ground Op)

Landing near the wreck we began to move through the foliage. A path had been made where numerous people have walked over the years. We found a VI that emitted out the Emergancy beacon; we opened it up and it turned out it had been on for only a few months, and had been left off for 9 years. The VI also mentioned that the local foliage could not be eaten without "Neural Decay" occuring to those who ate it.

We are moving on now to see if we can find a settlement or anyone.

Supplemental 15.1.1

We found some locals, they seem to be acting as if they have a lower brain function or lack of spoken word; it seems the Neural decay had set in on these but it also seemed that some of them have reverted to some animalistic state, they attacked us. Although No women attacked us, this must be because males are naturally aggressive? the Scientists back on Earth would have a hay day on this world.

Supplemental 15.1.2

We fought through bodyguards and YMIR mechs that Ronald Taylor had set up, it seems that he had let his lesser crew eat the food here while the higher ranks ate the ships supply; but soon he ended up just storing all the food himself and once he ran out and the crew became agressive, he called in for help.

He thought I was just another soldier and Jacob was a lacky, he didnt realise that Jacob was his son; well, not until I told him.. Jacob disowned his father and almost killed him until I stopped him, Ronald played King and now he will go to prison for it.

Supplemental 15.2.0 (Post Mission)

We called in Cerberus ships to come and take the crew for medical treatment while I headed out with Jacob to the Comms room, he wanted to ask Illusive man if he sent the message to him.. but it turns out it was Miranda; Illustive man's little pet. I really should have known it was here who gave Jacob the secret message.

Supplemental 15.2.1

Kelly told me I had a mail, so while I read it I called up Tali and Garrus to my quarters; they found her.... they found Normandy's crash site... SR1... the ship I died on... She landed in the planet we had been orbiting. We are going to head there once we head to Omega.


Ronald Taylor Under Arrest
Crew taken in to medical care
Jacob satisfied with outcome (LOYAL)
Heading to Omega for Samara's daughter before swinging by Normandy Crash Shite



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
April 27th 2185

Rebirth + 15 (days)

LOG ENTRY 16.0.0

Looking back at Omega now we I have been here before makes me want to NOT be here again; but Samara has tracked her daughter here and that means we have to go here and find her before she kills anymore people.

I also checked some of the local stocks and found that the couplings that Gabby and Ken wanted for the Normandy were in stock here so I ordered them and would head down to pick them up. I decided we would go see Aria about Samara's daughter, she is the queen of Omega after all.

Supplemental 16.1.0

We landed and picked up the parts and they were shipped to the Normandy at its docking port. Samara and I made our way to speak with Aria with Tali in tow. Aria seemed to know that there had to be a Ardat-Yakshi on the station, so many dead bodies of people coming from her club. She told us the last victim only lived around the corner with her mother; we should go there.

Supplemental 16.1.1

We found the room and had asked her mother if we could search it for clues. She allowed us in and told us her daughter had started hanging out with a strange Asari shortly before she was found dead. I comforted the poor woman and told her we would get whoever did this to her daughter.

In her room I found 3 recordings in her journal before she died; they showed her finding Morinth and all the things that they talked about. If we are to trap Morinth, we could use some of this info.

Supplemental 16.1.2

Samara had the same idea for us to trap Morinth, we would use bait to bring her out and catch her unaware; Unlucky for me the bait was me. I got dressed up and headed into the Afterlife VIP with the knowledge Samara was watching and some of the things I found in the Journal. However I knew that I would be flying on the seat of my pants with this; I was never the party person, give me a good book and a bit of old Rock from Earth and I could relax... I have enough action in my life to deal with than going to clubs.

Supplemental 16.1.3

I decided to go all out badass, I saw a Krogan at the bar who was being racists, so.. I punched him, that would get some attention. I heard some more info about drugs and some band called "Expel-10"; I even saved a girl from being caught out by gangs... the funniest thing was punching out a guy trying to get a dancer to be a hooker.

That was when the Asari approached, She wore the most sexiest leather outfit that showed all the right places... if Liara and I ever get back together; I think she should wear this... but my mind drifted to Tali's outfit.. Perhaps there would be a future with me and Tali instead?

Morinth brought me over to her booth, we talked about Expel 10, Hallex (the drug I heard) and even about art; some artists I heard in the Nef's journal, I accidently mentioned her and Morinth played as if she never knew the poor girl.

She decided to take me to her apartment; this was where it was going to be dangerous, I had no weapons only my mind against hers; and she was like a tiger ready to strike.

We talked about things, saying stuff about "Safety is a lie" and shit like that. That was when I felt her pushing at my mind, like something tearing at my soul and trying to make me say things; but it wasn't working.. I proved her I wasn't under control by talking back, she realised what had happened just a little too late and Samara bursts in.

Now their stuck in a battle of power; both equal in strength and duelling for their life... I had to intervene, I killed Morinth; she was too dangerous to let around... it was hard to watch a mother have to kill her daughter but it had to be done.

Supplemental 16.2.0 (Normandy)

Back on the Normandy I comforted Samara and told her whenever she needed to talk I was always there and always would be. she thanked me before asking to be alone for meditation.

I headed to Ken and Gabby and they tanked me for the couplings. They suggested a game of cards in celebration; why not, bit of fun between the crew was good for the last Normandy, this one shouldn't be any different.

We brought Tali over for it too, I am pretty sure she was watching me the entire time through her visor; so I played a little footsy with her, I think she understood what I was doing. I even managed to get a kiss on the side of her visor just to make her blush a little.

The funniest thing was what I told them.. "Go easy on the rookie"... Yea.. I won 500 Credits; they easily fell for it... but they wont next time..


Morinth found & Killed
Samara stable (Loyal)
Normandy working at 150%

Personal Note
Relationship with Tali increasing, think it might be serious now
won 500 credits in cards, don't use rookie tactic on Gabby and Ken again.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
"SSV Normandy SR1 Crash Site" - Planet : Alchera - System : Amada - Omega Nebula
April 28th 2185

Rebirth + 16 (days)

LOG ENTRY 17.0.0

As we approached the planet "Alchera" I stood on the bridge, watching the planet spin in the same orbit it did 2 years ago... this was where I died... this was... where..

Tali distracted me from thinking of that and helped me change into my gear. She wanted to come with me; but I told her I wanted to go alone the first time. She was my ship, and the crew died under my command... I died there... I needed to see it first.

Supplemental 17.1.1

Just on the shuttle on my way doww; I can see the Normandy now, it .. its laid out like a broken body, torn apart and dead in the snow. We are just about to land... I guess its time to face the ghosts of my past.

Supplemental 17.1.0 (on the ground)

I took a few hours just walking the crash site, everytime I found a bit of wreckage a tear caught my eye; I couldnt wipe them away in the helmet which made it even worse.

I stopped out every large piece and memories flushed back; walking the halls... seeing the Normandy being built.. I was there when they launched her and here I am at her grave.

I've found a few dog tags, we had about 20 to 30 people dead on the ship and I found some of thier dog tags; Alliance Command will like to have these...

Supplemental 17.1.1

I just stopped myself from breaking down; I just found my helmet... From what Miranda told me, if my head hadnt been protected by this on my landing through atmosphere I would not have been brought back to life. I Picked it up and would keep this myself; Liara has my tags and I will have this.

Supplemental 17.1.2

Alliance Command and Admiral Hackett wanted me to put a memorial stand infront something I thought was special for a Memorial to be built here. So I placed it infront of the Normandy SR1 Sign. THis would be the best place for it.. to the memory of all the crew.

Supplemental 17.2.0 (Normandy)

It was a long shuttle ride back, when I got back to the Normandy I went straight to my quarters; Tali came up an hour later to make sure I was okay... I couldnt help but break down infront of her. She had never seen me like this before and I could tell she was crying too; we talked about the mission and how I feel about it. I told her we needed to do it but I wished it wasnt me... I was just a soldier, and I've been pulled into this because I HAVE to do it, no one else woud do it... Does that make me a Hero? Probably... but if No one else does it... We would all be dead right now.

Supplemental 17.2.1

After I finally calmed down, Tali left and went back to her quarters; I told Joker to set a course for Pragia, we are going to finish Jack's personal destruction mission then go on to the reaper Remains.


SSV Normandy SR1 Crash Site Located
Normandy Memorial placed



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet : "Pragia" - System : Dakka - Nubian Expanse
April 29th 2185

Rebirth + 17 (days)

LOG ENTRY 18.0.0

The files on Pragia were full of either blank slots or high Security files; but those we were able to show was that there was indeed a Cerberus base for Biotics here. I took Tali with me because I wanted someone close I trusted and other than Garrus and Joker, Tali was my Number 1. Jack couldn't stop talking about blowing this place up and was impatiently clicking the clacker for the nuke in the shuttle storage.

The Jungle is way to thick to land in so we tried to find the Facility itself; they would need a shuttle port or a landing zone for their own shuttles.

Supplemental 18.1.0 (ground)

We landed and found the facility empty; old files just left were easy to open and listen in to the final records of the facility, most of it was just data from Jack's escape or pre-escape footage.

Supplemental 18.1.1

We were attacked by some Varen that seemed to have taken up a nest here; but no other contact... however, someone else is here.. we found several dead Varen that had been shot and piled up into a corner. We are moving on carefully

Supplemental 18.1.2

As we moved into a small section of the Facility, we were attacked by a Blood Pack Squad consisting of a pack of VO

orcha and some Krogan Commanders; we had been ambushed but I had seen the signs just a little early and managed to pop a few Vorcha in the head. Tali was caught in the open and I dived her into cover; For a moment we held each other and stared into each others eyes before a crack of a plasma bolt hit nearby and she fired her shotgun into a charging Krogan.

Moving on now, We need to get to Jacks room and plant this bomb; the entire place is hot, raining and humid... Glad I never brought Thane; he would be dead already with his disease if he came here.

Supplemental 18.1.3

We moved through the facility again, Jack telling us of her life here; being tested on, fighting children to prove she was stronger. She even told us of her escape, breaking through and sneaking on board a escaping ship.

I feel a little saddened about all this; if she had a real childhood she might have turned out entirely different.

Supplemental 18.1.4

We found her cell, after fighting through more Blood Pack and a lot more Krogans. We found another survivor; he wanted to restart the facility... He also filled in the truth; Cerberus used the children and killed to test her skills... Jack was going to kill him but I told her to let him go.. he was already as hurt by this experience as she was.

I walked her through the cell, listening to her as she opened up.. we planted the bomb and are now on our way to the shuttle.

Supplemental 18.1.5

We are in the shuttle now, Jack is about to blow it; I gave the pilot a heads up before we blasted that hell hole into dust. She seems at least a little happier now.

Supplemental 18.2.0 (Normandy)

After returning to the Normandy, I was just on my way to get something to eat from the Mess after a good shower when Joker told me that Miranda and Jack were at it again; With a sigh I told him I was on it... he wanted me to "Take pictures" which would have been interesting.

Anyway, They were arguing about what Cerberus had done to Jack and I told them to both Calm down and work together; we are a team until we complete this mission THEN they can bite each others heads off. Leaving them at that I knew they would work it out.

Supplemental 18.2.1

After grabbing something to eat, I brought down Tali and the Engineers something to eat; Tali wanted to talk to me in private and asked me to stand aside.

She wanted to tell me she thought she was being selfish when she admitted she liked me. I told her she has, was and never would be selfish; its just out of her character to be selfish... She was worried about our feelings jeopardising the mission. I told her it would never do that.

She then admitted she watched me closely, Feros, Virmire, Ilos.. always staying strong and pushing on..She watched me for so long... she was worried she would weaken me. I told her she would do the opposite, I fought for everyone, I fought for her.. I told her she had nothing to worry about; I placed my hand on the side of her visor and told her that I wanted to be with her... and not even the Reapers would stop me. I so wanted to see her face, see her beauty underneath the visor... She is reassured and told me she would do "Research" for us.. I told her it was "Captains Orders" for her to do it; causing her to let out a cute giggle...

I hope we survive this mission, I hope we survive the reapers if they ever turn up... I want to make her so happy.


Pragia Cerberus Facility DESTROYED
Jack And Miranda Argument Settled for now (Both Loyal)

Personal Note
Tali "researching" relationship and ... other stuff...



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
"Reaper Remains" - Planet : Orbit of "Mnemosyne Brown Dwarf - System : Thorne - Hawking Eta
April 30th 2185

Rebirth + 18 (days)

LOG ENTRY 19.0.0

We are on our way to the dead Reaper; it is hard to think that a dead reaper had been out here and not been recovered by anyone in the history but the moment I saw the images sent by the Cerberus Team that had been arrived I began to wonder what kind of people had fought and died trying to kill it; had it been the protheans? or a race before them?

Supplemental 19.0.1

We are bringing the Normandy in to dock with the reaper now; the storms are bucking the ship side to side but the moment we passed through the Mass Effect field it all calmed down. Now we could get our sensors on the ship; we detected a geth ship attached to it, I guess we now know why the Cerberus forces had not responded.

Supplemental 19.1.0

We are making our way through the Cerberus labs built into the reaper; we found lots of logs that showed the crew slowly being indoctrinated by the very ship itself; I guess if we are only here for a few hours then it will not matter.

Supplemental 19.1.1

We have been blocked off from the Normandy from a set of Kinetic barriers; we cant get out of the Reaper Vessel from this side and the only way to shut down the shield would be to shut down the Mass Effect core keeping the ship itself in a stable orbit; the moment we shut it down it will plummet into the brown dwarf and be crushed under the intense gravity.

It was then we were attacked by Husks; probably the dead Cerberus operatives here, I would have been dead if it wasn't for a Sniper... a geth sniper... he was wearing Alliance N7 Armour; from where I was it seemed like it was my old armour... it even talked; It called me "Sheppard Commander"

Supplemental 19.1.2

We didn't have chance to catch it as we were attacked by hordes of Husks; as we pushed through the reaper remains we were met by Scions. It wasn't until we got here to just outside the Core that we managed to find the reaper IFF.

Supplemental 19.1.3

The Geth Infiltrator was there, he was fighting the husks just like us; were these ones different or was he just a different kind of Geth? maybe a broken Geth?. He went down as he tried to hack the core and the door that was holding us behind, the moment it went down we all rushed into the room and began opening fire on the Husks and the core.

Garrus went down to a hit but I pulled him to his feet and we kept on fighting until the core began to destabilise; then we had the choice... leave the Geth to die or bring it with us; Tali wanted to leave it but the feud between their races was obvious. None the less I decided to bring it aboard; this one talked and acted differently then any geth I've ever seen.

We jumped onto the Normandy as it pulled up along side the walkway; without the mass Effect field there was no gravity or atmosphere so we found it easier to jump to the ship but I would never want to do it again; not that distance... The Normandy got clear of the Reaper before it fell too far into the brown dwarf and the atmosphere and intense gravity crushed and compressed it into itself.

Supplemental 19.2.0

We put the Geth into EDI's AI core, a place where she could securely keep it and keep watch over it; I was a little sceptical about putting it in there but EDI told me that it was  the best place for it.

We kept it offline but I wanted to learn from it; so I decided to bring it online. I had a soldier with me ready to destroy it if need be. I am glad I didn't... We learnt a lot from it; turns out there are two factions of Geth, the "true Geth" and the "Heretics". the Heretics were the Saren and Reaper followers; the true geth wanted to stop it.

Also turns out it was my armour it was wearing.. We had to give it a name and with its help came up with "Legion" from the phrase "We are legion"

Legion also told me about the Geth Heretic base, it had found it and had a virus that could change the Heretics back into the true geth; I told him we would head there ASAP and sort this out.

Supplemental 19.2.1

While I sat in my quarters reading up on the true Geth; Tali came up and asked to talk... she is worried about us being together again.. I comforted her and she admitted she wanted to feel our skin together, be together and share each other before the mission; I told her I would love that but only if it was safe for her; She told me "I will find a way" before leaving.

With the conversation with Tali; I checked in on Morden and asked him if I needed anything special for me and Tali; he was quite good with it and gave me some info but told me to go check with Chakawas for my own medical status.

So I headed down with the bottle she had needed. After she gave me a medical exam, we shared the bottle; she didn't want to waste it like she did the last one. We drank to the Alliance, friends, the fallen, Joker and the crew.. we drank to ... being happily drunk..

Supplemental 19.2.2

After the night of drinking and worrying for Tali; We began to link the IFF to the Normandy; EDI was running some tests so suggested I take the shuttle to the next mission.


- Reaper IFF installed
- Dead Reaper Destroyed
- Geth "Legion" Part of Team

Personal Note
- Tali worried, calming her down and having medical scans to make sure we are compatible




Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
"Geth Heretic Station" - System : Sea of Storms - Phoenix Massing
May 1st 2185

Rebirth + 19 (days)

LOG ENTRY 20.0.0 (PreMission)

The Normandy brought us close to the base; I told EDI to wait until after this mission to test the IFF; we would need the Normandy's stealth systems to get even in the same system as the Heretic Geth's base.

Legion would be coming along but I decided to bring Tali along with me; after some convincing of course. I trusted her more than anyone to help me keep an eye on the Geth, after all she did work on them a lot.

Supplemental 20.1.0 (Station)

We got so close to the Outpost that we were able to cut a hole through the hull. We were all sealed up as the Geth do not need Oxygen nor gravity to operate. It took us a few minutes to finally reach some security checkpoints. The geth were machines and they did not expect anyone to be here; it was as if we were in a computer instead of walking a station.

Supplemental 20.1.1

We began to fight our way through the Geth; they know we are here but don't know where. Legion has told us that in the next room, we can hack into their core and plant the virus; but he is having second thoughts.. or... millions of them in fact.

Legion is not just one geth, he is thousands, millions.. a Collective in a single body. I bet it would take them forever to choose from a menu of foods if they were human.

Supplemental 20.1.2

We started the hack, and the geth began pouring into the room. legion had not known what he should do; he left the choice to me... I told him to do it; it would be good for their people and we could use the geth later on if the Reapers do attack.

After the waves of Geth that attacked, Legion told us that there would be a EM field that would go on all Faster than Light channels to every geth in the galaxy... problem is the EM field would fry our own bodies at this range...

I wish he had told us that before we started. We managed to rush back to the Normandy and the moment we were aboard; I told Joker to kick the engines to way above maximum.

Supplemental 20.2.0 (Normandy)

We got out the system faster than a Krogan to water... I headed to my quarters and got my armour off and had a quick shower. I sat for a while just staring at the picture of Liara and Tali I had on my desk.. but I guess I couldn't have a time to rest; Joker told me Legion and Tali were going at it in the AI core.

Supplemental 20.2.1

Turns out Legion was trying to send data from Tali's Omni tool about the Flotilla to the geth. I wasn't in the mood for the fighting, we just worked together and now they were getting at each other?

I told them we needed to both help each other, we are not going to work well if we don't work together. Legion agreed to not hurting the Quarians while Tali gave legion some not so essential data. This was a big step for her but I knew I would probably get an ear of it later.


Virus Uploaded into "heretic" Geth Servers
"Heretic" geth Changed to Loyal Geth
Tali and Legion Feud calmed (both Loyal)



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
May 2nd 2185

Rebirth + 20 (days)

LOG ENTRY 21.0.0

I was about to bring us on to our next mission when EDI warned that she needed to test the Reaper IFF, I decided that this would be the best time so I ordered everyone to the shuttle. I left the XO in command and told Joker to keep the Normandy in one piece. He joked around..


Report Entry 21.1.0

This is Flight Lieutenant Jeff Moreau reporting on the Normandy. She has been taken over by Collector forces. As of right now the crew are fighting them off but I don't think we can hold them off. EDI is directing me to her System Core... She thinks she can stop them if I unhook her from her barriers... I really hope I am not the bringer of the Robotic overlords.

Anyway..  The IFF contained a Virus, it brought the collectors to us and the moment they were close shut down EVERYTHING on the ship; even the bloody coffee machines!.. Leaving me crawling through a vent as they pick at everyone.

Supplemental 21.1.1

I just unshackled her, I have to do it to save the ship.. she now  told me that she needs me to go back through the vents and down to the second level. Just as I complain about being in the vents, I made a rather good 2001 space odyssey joke but then she retorts with a "Love humans being on their knees" Joke

Not funny... at all..

Supplemental 21.1.2

I made it to engineering; they are everywhere... Barely avoided them...  She wants me to reactivate main controls, she is going to open the doors and jump us to light speed.

I told her that  this would kill all of us, but she told me no one is left.. only I am.. Damnit.. Sheppard is going to kill me.. that is if I survive this..

CO Report (Sheppard)

CO report Entry 21.2.0

Just got a message from the Normandy; she's been attacked and the crew has been taken... We are heading back now.. Damnit.. this.. this is just not right.. I knew it was too good to be true.

Supplemental 21.2.1

Just got back to the Normandy and it is as bad as I thought... Miranda is not happy but Joker did his best..

We go now... we HAVE to go now.. EDI has cleared the systems and we have upgraded the weapons, armour, kinetic barriers and everything.. we are going to be the best we can and get the crew back...

Supplemental 21.2.3

I messaged the Illusive man and reported what happened. He agreed with my suggestion to go after them.. He is going to talk to me when we are closer.. Right now we are heading for the Omega 4 relay..

Its not that hard... Find the crew, rescue them, stop the collectors, stop the reapers, come home safe and save the galaxy.. not so hard... right...


Normandy Attacked
Crew taken
EDI unshackled

New Mission : - Pursue Collectors through Omega 4 Relay
New Mission : - Save Crew
New Mission : - Defeat Collectors.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Normandy / Galaxy Core / Collector Station
May 3rd 2185

Rebirth + 21 (days)

LOG ENTRY 22.0.0 - Mission Time Stamp : -0/2/00/00 (days/Hours/Mins/Secs)

We are going to launch the mission into the Omega4 Relay... We are heading there now; We will be there in 2 hours. I stood in the ICC watching over the empty bridge; it sadden me that it had come to this, I had hoped we would never have to pursue the Collectors but I know we must.

I am going to go up to my quarters and rest; make some plans and think...

Supplemental 22.0.1 - Mission Time Stamp : -0/1/30/00

I think I've made all the plans I can, but the restlessness is just getting to me; I don't know what to do or what I can actually do until the time comes; hopefully we can stop what ever we meet on the other side of the Relay.

*Background noise - sound of Quarters door bell*

Someone is here. I will finish this later.

Supplemental 22.0.2 - Mission Time Stamp : -0/00/30/00

Tali has just gone to get ready for the mission; she stopped by my Quarters, mumbling and stammering and nervous as hell... she explained she had taken Immuno-boosters and drugs, I knew what it meant and I placed my hand on her arm, she quietened down and I could feel the heat off her cheeks even through her visor. We spoke for a few minutes; she was nervous about me seeing her face, but when I removed her visor... she... she was beautiful...

She pounced on me and..well.. you can guess what happened...

Supplemental 22.0.3 - Mission Time Stamp : -0/00/10/00

We have arrived in the Omega System and are on route to the Relay. I decided I would go speak with the Illusive man. He wished us luck and I even asked him if he wanted to come; but he declined...if he did I would have probably thrown him out the airlock en-route... He still wished us luck; after all this is the fate of the galaxy in the balance.

Supplemental 22.1.0 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/00/00/00

We are entering the Omega4 Relay... I guess this is where all our preparations come to pass; will they be enough? will I be able to bring everyone back? We will see.

Supplemental 22.1.1 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/00/01/30

The phrase 'Edge of your seat' doesn't come close to what just happened. The moment we cleared the Relay, we were straight away in the middle of millions of wrecks of ships. Joker put us into a tight dive and managed to dodge the wrecks; they must have been millions of years old, Eons of civilisations traversing the relay and none of them making it through... Without the IFF they stood no chance.

We arrived in the centre of the galaxy, a huge black hole at the centre filled most of the backdrop; everything slowly inching closing to it. EDI pointed out the collector base, hanging in a perfect orbit of the Black hole. Its Mass Effect field must be powerful but then again, they created the Relays... who says they couldn't do this.

We are starting to move closer nice and easy...

Supplemental 22.1.2 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/00/05/00

We thought we had been moving in nice and easy but we must have activated some sort of Security even with our Stealth systems on... I am pretty sure that is the reason why a number of these wrecks are destroyed.

Drones... 3 or 5 of them came out of the wreckage and began firing on us. Joker took us into evasive manoeuvres but in the ship graveyard, it was pretty hard. I felt useless... I just stood there behind Joker watching him avoid the drones. He did his best but we took several hits, One directly to our plating but caused no major damage; I was glad we upgraded the Hull.

When we thought it was all behind us, one of the Engines took a hit; no damage but they were hitting too close. I told Joker to give them a few volleys. Garrus set the rounds in the gunner's bay and we watched most of them shatter into balls of fire; joining the wrecks around us.

However one managed to evade and launched itself down into the Engineering Deck. I ordered Joker to lose or destroy the rest while we head down and destroy it. Garrus, Tali and I took care of it and we rushed back to the bridge, Joker had a daring plan and took us through a dense part of the debris field. The Kinetic Barriers took a beating, and with the sudden shakes and groans I was glad I asked Tali To upgrade them.

With the Kinetic Barriers down to 40%, we had to be careful; we could go as low as 30 without significant damage occurring.

The Final drone tried to attack but we easily took it out as we cleared the debris field. We were going on a full blown attack towards the Station, when an 'Old friend' appeared; the Collector Vessel.

We were not going to hold back this time, I ordered Joker to pull the caps off all the weaponry and fire.. Show them how they like to be bullied around.

The New Thorax Cannons Garrus installed worked like a charm, we gave them everything we had and we severely damaged the Collector Vessel. I ordered Joker to pull around and finish them off... We destroyed them but the EM and Explosive shockwave was way more powerful than we expected and we were caught in the Blast.

With the Mass effect Generator down, we crashed into the surface of the Station. Luckily no casualties.. EDI says she can repair the ship but it will take time; hopefully we wont need a quick escape while inside the station.

I am gathering everyone for a briefing before we move on. Hopefully we are not stuck out here.

Supplemental 22.1.3 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/00/10/00

Well the meeting is over ad we are just about to head off; I'm going to put a quick log down to state what happens while I will update the log on the move.

We scanned the station and found a huge energy source in the centre of the facility; this has to be the power core, if we blow this it will destroy the entire station. Several shafts lead to the core; we will have 3 teams: One 3 Man teams led by Myself while Garrus takes all the others through the other end. I will take tali and Zaeed with me.

We are also sending a Tech through a vent that when at the other end will open the doors for us and allow both teams into the main facility.

I Gave them all a speech, the usual Sheppard speech; Save the crew, save humanity and save the galaxy.. I never knew how good I was at speeches.. If I make it through this I am becoming a speech writer.

Supplemental 22.1.4 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/00/30/00 (Enter Base)

We are moving through the base now, turns out the vents were not as we expected; they heat up pretty badly and Legion was trapped in certain sections so we had to push through the Collector forces that defended the area to unseal the doors for him so he could unseal them for us...  We are trying to push to the doors now; once this is clear the rest of the teams will be able to get here

Supplemental 22.1.5 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/00/35/30

We are at the doors, it is heavy and we are being pushed by both sides; Garrus's team doesn't sound as well either. I took a hit to the shoulder but the Med-Gel I am pumped with is keeping me going. WE are about to be attacked by Seeker Swarms but Legion managed to open and lock our doors when we get through. However Garrus is having trouble. I told Legion to open their door and once the team was through, Thane and Garrus covered the door with me while Legion locked it.

I almost dropped my weapon when I saw Garrus get hit... he said he was okay.. Legion did pretty well. 

Supplemental 22.1.6 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/00/40/00 (Holding Area)

We found the pods where the crew was being held, we even found a survivor of the colony, or a colony.. I think I recognised her from a file that passed my desk; However we were too late for her, something inside the pod began to eat at her flesh, as if eating her from the inside out... it was horrible.. We had to crack open the rest of the cells.. Luckily we managed to get the cells open.. If we had been any longer they too would have been dead.

Kelly and Doc Chakwas are relieved.. I asked Joker if the Normandy could do a pickup and he told us they could send the shuttle but not to our current location; they would have to be picked up further back.. .I couldn't risk leaving anyone or going back.. so I sent Jacob with them; he could exfil and take care of the Normandy while we are gone.

Supplemental 22.1.7 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/00/45/00 (Seeker swarms)

We checked ahead and the sensors show that the way ahead is blocked with Seeker swarms while the main way is heavily defended. Garrus told us he could lead the team down the main way while we tried to get through the swarms; but Morden told us that the defences we had wouldn't work here... there are too many in there. However Miranda and Samara told us a Biotic could create a force field and protect us.

I agreed and told Samara to come with Me and Legion while Garrus takes the others.

Supplemental 22.1.8 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/01/01/30

We barely made it out of that room, I don't know how we survived that. We moved slow at first; protected by the biotic field. We fought down Husks, Abominations, Collectors and Scions. We even fought off yet more "Harbingers", if I found the real one here; I have a det-charge for his face...

Samara was getting weak so we had to hurry; making a bounding retreat and running to the end in fire and cover formations... We managed to get to the door and Samara left the collectors a little going away present to give us a few moments... She burst a huge Biotic wave and knocked them all the way back up the long bridge.

Legion opened the door and we fired at the Collectors while the team moved in. Garrus took another hit but he is okay.. I slapped him around the mandibles for it.. he should stop scaring me.

We found ourselves in a large room with a platform, just as we were checking it out; EDI reported that the crew made it to the Normandy without any casualties; I was glad... Now all we have to do is blow this place.

Supplemental 22.1.9 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/01/05/00

We checked the platform and we could take this to the main console and overload the base... However the Collectors were right on our ass, Miranda suggested holding here while I take a strike team with me.. I told her it would be a good idea; I chose Tali and Garrus; these two have walked into hell with me already so this wont be any different.

I turned and gave them a speech, the collectors were a threat to everyone.. we were fighting for everyone.. this was the last step... a last moment.. win or lose it would be right here.. I told them to make me proud.. make themselves proud..

I swear.. I saw Grunt cry at that speech, they all cheered and began to prepare for their defence.. I hope they all get out of there alive.

Supplemental 22.2.0 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/01/30/00 (Platforms)

I swear I will never step onto something like these platforms again... I am so sick of them spinning around its like Zero-G training all over again...

I hated Zero-G training.

We fought through Collectors, Husks, Abominations and more Scions... Harbinger was throwing everything to stop us.. I just hope we have enough ammo.

We are detecting a power source up ahead.. its not the power plant.. I wonder what it is..

Supplemental 22.2.1 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/01/35/50

You have got to be fraking me... a Reaper... a Human.. reaper.. They are pumping Human cells into it... this must be how they create reapers...it is.. disgusting.. I'm not even waiting for anyone's opinion; we have to destroy it.

Supplemental 22.2.2 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/01/44/30

We managed to shoot off the tubes and let the Reaper fall into the depths of the station.. Now was the chance to set the bomb..  While I set the bomb, EDI told Tali that the Illusive man was trying to contact us.

He actually wanted to keep the base... not destroy it.. a Timed Radiation burst could kill just the collectors.. Never.. this place is an abomination.

I cut off Illusive man and shut him up.. we don't need the base... if we did I wouldn't even use it then... No honour in this place..

The charge is set.. in ten minutes it will explo...

What the fuck.. Shit.. Tali!!.. Get down.. Garrus.. Fire on the eyes.. the eyes..


Now.. in the mouth.. fire.. FIRE!

*Muffled grunt*

Fuck.. Take it out now!.. Grenade out!


Shit.. shit.. garrus.. Tali..Tali!.. Hold on! I got you..


Supplemental 22.2.3 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/01/53/00
(Charge set at 00/01/45/30 - Time Till Detonation : 00/00/02/30)

Shit.. I think.. I broke a rib.. Or.. two.. or.. five.. The platform was hit.. the bloody reaper sat up and attacked.. shit.. Garrus..

*Sound of shifting wreckage* Oh thank the gods.. wait.. Tali.. TALI!

Oh thank gods you are alive..

*Beeping - two minute warning*

Shit.. quick.. out of here.. now..

Supplemental 22.6.0 - Mission Time Stamp : +00/02/30/00 (Normandy)

Well, that log will have to be cleaned up for future history, we managed to get back to the Normandy and jump from the base before the explosion occurred. the ground team made it alive and we actually found information..

Harbinger wasn't a collector.. it was a reaper... controlling them. We are just cleaning up the Normandy now, I reported to the Illusive man, he aunt happy but I don't care; I told him its my way from now on...

Joker came over and handed me a sensor reading he found inside the base; it had been sent to us by Harbinger... Reapers.. thousands of them.. coming...

*tali's voice in the background...*

"Put down that pad Sheppard and come to bed"

Erm.. The missus is calling.. I Better go.. Commander Sheppard Signing off.

*Tali's voice again*

"Don't call me your Missus"



Omega4 Relay Traversed
Collector base destroyed
Collectors Destroyed
Human Reaper Destroyed
Crew rescued
Team brought back alive.
Information on Reaper arrive found
Normandy under Repair

Giving everyone the weekend off...
Heading to Ilium to see Liara and help her.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Ilium / Hagalaz (Shadow Broker Base)
May 5th 2185

Rebirth + 23 (days)

LOG ENTRY 23.0.0

After giving my crew a few days rest I headed over to Liara's apartment with Tali... I was going to tell her about us and see how she reacted... I had been dreading telling Liara and Tali had kept me calm.

When we finally got to the rich apartment we found security was there and the police were checking it out. I stepped past the barrier as the alarm went off; I managed to get a quick look at it before I was stopped by the guard. The place had been tossed; obviously someone had been looking for something.

The Guard tried kicking me out but I flashed my SPECTRE status in their face and they quickly directed me to an Asari across the room... Turns out SHE is a SPECTRE too, Her name was Vasir... I should really update my knowledge on SPECTRE's.

She explained that Liara had been here when the attack occurred; a large hole in the window showed a sniper had been trying to attack her; I was surprised at the layers of protection the window had.. so much armour; Liara was being careful.

Supplemental 23.0.1

We searched the room, Liara had to know I was going to be here so she must have left something that only I would find...  That was when I passed by a Prothean Artefact; it reacted to me... I turned and noticed a part of my old N7 Mark 2 Armour that I had died in... She still cared..

Inside the stand was a recording of a call she had... she had headed out to the Baria Frontiers in the Dracon Trade centre. Vasir wanted to stay with me; after all this was her case.. I am jus a little confused why a SPECTRE would be on a case like this?

Supplemental 23.1.0 (Baria Frontiers)

We arrived at Baria frontiers just in time, the entire 3rd level detonated in a huge explosion just as we were about to get in. The Last report we got was that Liara was still inside there... We have to hurry.

Supplemental 23.1.1

We were attacked by Mercs, Obviously they were men hired by the Shadow Broker as his own personal force. We pushed our way to the third level and found Liara's informant dead... an Agent of the shadow broker was about to get away but Vasir killed the agent before we got into the room.

We were about to leave when Liara came out of nowhere and aimed her weapon at Vasir, I tried to explain Vasir was with us but Liara told us that it was Vasir who was after Liara; Liara had doubled back when she fled her apartment and spotted Vasir searching through the place.

I guess I should have trusted my instincts. Before I could do anything, Vasir opened fire on me, I dived behind a desk and while she reloaded I dived on her... We fell 3 stories into the main hallway. She was more agile then I thought, she was already running while I was struggling to get up; Liara jumped after us and chased after her.. Running off after Vasir... she must have something Liara wanted...

I struggled to get up and chase after her, Tali helped me up and we followed Liara while fighting through the rest of the Mercs left trying to kill us.

Vasir got a car and drove off, We are just in pursuit now...I told Garrus to get back to the Normandy and prepare the ship for a quick escape. Liara, Tali and I  are taking the car. Time to show them My driving.

Supplemental 23.1.2

We rushed after Vasir in the sky car through Ilium, Liara doesn't 'like' my driving.. I swear I've never seen a woman scream so much... well.. there was that girl during N7 Training.. she screamed a lot...

We managed to force down Vasir into a hotel after we pushed her into another car. We moved into Land and followed the blood trail; but she had called in more backup. After following her into a restaurant, she took a hostage; a young girl... The usual 'drop your weapons' charade went on but we managed to take her off guard when I went to drop my weapon and Liara hit Vasir with a table...

This Pissed her off.. and she went full out with her attacks. More troops attacked but we managed to take her down; just like the good old days when we faced Saren and his forces.

Liara got the data pad that Vasir had taken; even down she still put up a fight, I finished her off before we left.

Liara explained what was on the data pad, it was a pad of her fiend, Sekat... It had the location of the shadow broker's base... I took her to one side while Tali kept her distance, I had to talk to Liara now about it, she was running so far ahead I wouldnt keep up for long...

I tried to talk about me and her... our relationship.. She hadn't moved on to anyone but she had moved on from me.. even though I came back.. she even mentioned Tali... She shut me up.. I couldn't say anything more so I called in the Normandy to pick us up.. We would need the Normandy's stealth systems to get close to the Shadow Brokers ship.

Supplemental 23.2.0 (Shadow Broker Base - Hagalaz)
May 6th

Liara spent most of her time in the guest quarters, she didn't come up to my quarters the entire time... I asked Tali if she wanted to come up and talk but she told me it would be best if she didn't.

It took us just about a day to reach the planet "Hagalaz". The Planet was a mess, the light side was almost boiling while the cold side was almost ice... The data we collected showed the location of the Shadow Brokers ship.. right in the middle of a huge storm that formed between the day and night border... Just where it is the okay temperature, It would be one hell of a sunrise.

We are prepping the shuttle now, sealed suits. Tali is coming with me again, she didn't want to come but she is the best tech I've ever seen and I know we will need that; with Liara's biotics and my aim, I think we would be the perfect team.

Supplemental 23.2.1

We managed to speak up on the base but the turbulence was too much for a safe landing with the Normandy so we had to go down in a shuttle; hopefully they didn't detect us.. Next we had to hunt for a hatch to get in.. Sadly through they did detect our approach in the shuttle and we battled through the ships defence force. The entire ship battled lighting storms with huge conductors, we managed to overload a few of them and kill some of the soldiers... I got to thank Tali for that idea.

We hacked through the door which took ages to get through; I made the joke of the good old days when slapping a bit of Omni gel could work.

After a heavy fight we managed to get inside the ship and found Feron Strapped to a machine that hurts him every time the ship is struck by lightening; with the only way to save him would be in the shadow brokers office. We are heading there now and I guess we will be one of the first people to ever see the Shadow broker.

Supplemental 23.2.2

Turns out the Shadow broker is a Yahg, a prespace flight species banned for massacring their first contact team... turns out he isn't the true Shadow broker; he must have been a pet and then killed the real one.

The worst part is he was working with the collectors and reapers. The fight was hard, Tali took a hit which trapped her under rubble and with the Broker after us, Liara and I couldn't help her.

With Liara's help we managed to take him down with her biotics, my brute strength and training in Hand to hand as well as a few good shots here and there.

We managed to kill him and shut down the ship for the second it took to save Feron. Now Liara had access to the panicking agents who were wondering why the link went down...

I was about to say something when she talked to them.. she decided to become the new shadow broker; it would help her and she told me she would help me in everything.. fighting the reapers...

I told her after I got Tali back to the Normandy and checked out, I would come over and talk.

Supplemental 23.3.0 (Post Mission)

After dressing up a little, I headed over to the Shadow Broker ship and spoke to Liara. We sat and talked a while, she asked about Tali and I told her she was okay; a minor suit rip.. Then we moved onto me, tali and Liara... a complicated love tale.. She asked if there was any chance of leaving Tali.. but I couldn't do that.. Not break the poor girl's heart... but doing so would break Liaras... I tried to talk to her about it but.. it never goes out right... I hate myself for doing this to her...

I headed back to the Normandy and told Liara if she needed anything, I was just a message away.


Rogue Spectre "Vasir" Terminated
Shadow Broker Terminated
Liara New Shadow Broker

~ End of Log ~


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet : Aite - System : Typhon - Phoenix Massing
May 6th 2185

Rebirth + 24 (days)

LOG ENTRY 24.0.0

The Illusive man has sent us information of a Cerberus Facility that has gone dark on the planet Aite in the The Typhon System, he is worried that the research that was going on there will be taken, guess he must be desperate if he is sending me.

We arrived in the system and spotted the base from orbit; nothing seemed out of the ordinary, no battle damage our sensors could pick up so we will take down the Hammerhead tank just to be sure.

The Hammerhead had been picked up shortly after the Collectors base incident; I really wish we had it then instead of after; the baby hovers on air with four huge fans and its main cannon can blast through almost anything... Still prefer the good old Mako though but the hammerhead would give it a run for its money.

Supplemental 24.0.1

Garrus and Tali joined me on this one; landing at the base we were contacted by one of the only survivors. They had no time to explain what was going on only that a VI had a Catastrophic breakout and is trying to upload itself to a satellite in orbit so it could  send itself out of system on the next Pulse wave. We had to retract the satellite dish on the base so we could trap it on the planet.

Supplemental 24.0.2

We managed to make it to the controls but there was a System Error, the VI was stopping us; this was just like Luna base all over again...

We had no choice but to retract the dish manually. While doing this, we were attacked by Geth... Geth?.. here of all places? However they were different, they let out a strange glow and they seemed to fight different than normal Geth.

We are just taking the Tram to the dish itself, we can then use the consoles there to bring the dish down into it bay and shut it down.

Supplemental 24.0.3

It didn't really go as previously planned, but we brought down the dish... erm.. and a lot of other structures under it as well; Sadly we had to destroy the dish, we were attacked by an army of geth on the dish itself. One of the geth damaged a console so the only way was to destroy the tethers holding the dish up; we were almost killed by the rubble as we slid off the dish's side and manage to jump onto a grated catwalk as the entire thing gave way.

The scientist told us to meet him in the main room and he would try to explain as much as he can... or what he would admit I assumed, I'm sure everyone knows how crafty scientists can be; especially Cerberus scientists.

Supplemental 24.0.4

Turns out the VI is named "Project Overlord"; a VI interfaced with a human mind that would be able to influence Geth, and it worked. The doctor told us his own brother volunteered for the experiment but couldn't handle the strain on his mind. The VI is like a virus; we had to shut down the VI once and for all but the only way to do that was through the Manual Security override for the defences to Atlas Station from its sister stations "Vulcan" and "Prometheus". Guess it was a good idea to bring the Hammerhead instead of a shuttle; at least this way we have some firepower bigger than a pulse rifle.

Supplemental 24.1.0 (Vulcan & Prometheus Station)

We set off for Vulcan station first as it was closest, but when we got there everyone wondered what the hell the people who worked here were thinking when they built this thing. It was right onto of a Volcano; I know it as a Geothermal planet but a volcano!

We spent the better part of a morning trying to pilot the Hammerhead onto huge rocks that floated in the lava as we frog leaped over the rivers of lava. I swear I preferred the cold of Noveria than the heat here.

We have finally made it to the station and are preparing to head inside... good thing Liara wasn't here or she would be even more worried about my driving than on Ilium's Skyway.

Supplemental 24.1.1

We finished off the Vulcan stations security override, we had to fight through a lot more geth but nothing we couldn't handle; we just took down an entire race when we fought the collectors, I think we can handle geth although I am sure I hear Tali giggle with joy every time we blow up a Geth... I might just get her a geth to blow up for her birthday.

Heading over to the Prometheus station, Hopefully nothing worse than a volcano is waiting for us.

Supplemental 24.1.2

I spoke too soon didn't I? Do I really have to jinx myself by saying it.. Cerberus had found a crashed Geth ship that had not self-destructed as Geth are programmed to do when they are too damaged or are in enemy hands; so this must be where Cerberus got their geth from and why so many were attacking us.

They were experimenting on the ship itself but that meant that Cerberus Tech was inside; so "Overlord" could hack it.

The turrets and kinetic barriers were activated and we couldn't turn off the generators; having to use the ships automated turret to target the generators before we destroyed the turret manually.

Supplemental 24.1.3

We entered the ship and began to override the systems; problem was, it activated ALL the geth on the ship... we had to fight through an entire army just to get back to the Hammerhead.

We are on our way to Atlas Station now to finish this.

Supplemental 24.2.0 (Atlas Station)

At the Atlas station we had to make our way to the server room and shut down the VI experiment. As we made our way through the station we found a number of logs that showed the scientist (Archer)'s brother had some sort of brain condition, he was super smart but was also Autistic.

Archer had forced his brother in to the experiment to stop the project to be shut down...  As I finished reading the main log; I realised that He was innocent, but we still had to shut it down... if this thing got out we wouldnt know what would happen.

However, his brother "David".. hacked ....me.. Seeing as I am half cybernetic thanks to my death, he was able to hack into my body and put me into some sort of Virtual Environment. He wants me to stop, he shows me what exactly happened to him through the stations camera's in a virtual environment.

David could mimic and listen to geth, he was the main reason why the project was working...

He is trying to upload to the Normandy now on the short waves... we have to stop him...

Supplemental 24.2.1

We managed to stop the core.. opening it up; we found David locked inside, horribly locked inside... he never wanted it.. he is inhumanly locked inside... I will free him..

Archer is not proud of what he did to his brother, He had to save the project. I made him see reason and told him I am taking his brother with me... I warned him NOT to follow or even try to find him or I would hunt him down and kill him.

Supplemental 24.3.0 (Post Mission)

Headed back to the Normandy, a Alliance Academy ship has arrived and is going to take and help David.. He will get the Best treatment the Alliance will get him; NEVER will he be used for other peoples agenda.

After Action Report

David Sent to Academy for help
PROJECT OVERLORD stations shut down.



Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet : Aratoht - System : Bahak - Viper Nebula - / Asteroid Base
May 9th 2185

Rebirth + 27 (days)

LOG ENTRY 25.0.0 (Batarian Colony)

Finally getting around to the edge of the galaxy, I proceeded to Aratoht, a Batarian world where a human scientist was being held hostage by the batarians under a terrorist act charge.

The Normandy will drop me off close to the facility and I will move in on foot; Admiral Hackett asked me to go alone so I will be easily disavowed if need be... like some sort of fictional spy from the 21st century novels my mother used to read...

We are approaching now, I better get ready...

Supplemental 25.0.1

I arrived on planet and managed to sneak right into the facility; I had to make sure I am not spotted; if I get her out without anyone knowing they wont be able to find out who did this. I am just making myself through the facility and trying to find Dr. Kenson.

Supplemental 25.0.2

I found her, she was just about to be tortured but I knocked out the guard and got her out the restraints and we are moving to her shuttle; she told me that she can hack the security to get us out.. We will go to the terminal then the shuttle bay.

Supplemental 25.0.3

We managed to hack security but they detected us, I had to hold off three different approaches while Dr. Kenson hacked the terminal. Once she was done we moved towards the hanger but the doors had been jammed; Guess it meant I got to blow something up.

The doors blew open and we shot off into space. The Normandy had left the system so they did not risk detection; they were ordered to pull in system ever 6 hours to check up on me; if I did not contact them in two days then they were to head back to base..

The shuttle would bring us to the asteroid base; Dr Kenson was going to briefly explain things to me while we are on the shuttle. Next log will contain that conversation.

Supplemental 25.1.0 (Shuttle)

Dr Kenson explains that we have to destroy the Mass Relay here in this system; she found proof that the Reapers will arrive in THIS system first... this relay dubbed "Alpha Relay" links to most of the network or places that could easily link to other vital places... She told me that the plan was to hurl an asteroid into the relay before the reapers arrive however, this would cause an explosion similar to a super nova; destroying the entire system...

I asked how she knew this, She told me I would find out when I saw "Object Rho" - A Reaper Artefact.

Supplemental 25.2.0 (Asteroid Base)

We arrived on the asteroid, their compound was pretty impressive; I don't really know how they hid it from the Batarians...

There was a huge count down above every doorway; two days... I asked Dr Kenson what it was and she told me it was the time till the Reapers arrived in this system.

I Swear I could have died then.. 2 days!... 24 hours... and the Reapers would be here..

The first thing I told her to do was show me the evidence, I had to see this for myself. So she took me to see "Object Rho". When I saw it for myself I could have punched a Krogan I was that angry; they left it unshielded... had they not seen the warnings, the Dangers I and others had spoken about.

The Fools.

Well, that was when I heard it, Harbinger. I turned and felt a pistol against my head, Dr Kenson; she was indoctrinated; they were ALL indoctrinated. Gods damnit!...

Harbinger wants me dead, taken down... I fought for survival; with every ounce of my being I fought. I could feel the nibbling at my brain, Harbinger nattering in my ear. It felt like the citadel all over again, it felt like Elysium all over again...

I fought till the end, I took hit after hit, my armour was so dented that I could barely move in it.. I killed most of them before they took me down.  The object activated and knocked me to the ground, I fell to my knees before they knocked me out.

i woke up in the med bay, they must have tried to drug me but thanks to my Augmetics, I managed to wake up early; I have no weapons and I am trapped in the lab, even if I die here I had to destroy that Relay.

Supplemental 25.2.1

I can amaze myself sometimes; I hacked into their droid network and killed the guards before blowing my way into my cell... Brilliant. After I got my gear I checked the time... 2 hours... I had lost 22 Hours.. The Normandy will be leaving me in less than that; my only way was to blow the relay and get off the asteroid before it hit the relay by shuttle or Normandy.

Supplemental 25.2.3

I stormed through the guards on all decks; I had to get to the Control room. When I did get there, I had to activate it, but there was 305 thousand colonists in this system.... I send off a warning on all frequencies; it wouldnt be enough time for all of them to escape but it would be enough for a few to leave... It wasn't much but I had to do it... Command is going to have my neck for this.

Problem was, Dr Kenson was trying to stop me by blowing the asteroid by destabilising the core. I have to stop her.

Supplemental 25.2.4

I got to the core and had to Manually insert both Cooling rods back into the core; it took a while but I managed it. When I headed for the shuttle bay I was stopped by Dr Kenson, she held a number of explosives; I could barely jump out of the way before she blew herself up... the engines were no longer in control anymore after she had did this, the core was gone...

I woke up with 30 minutes left, I have no time, I have to get off the asteroid now

Supplemental 25.2.5

I fought my way to the Normandy; all the shuttles were either gone or destroyed, Out on the outside of the Asteroid; I had to reach the Com Tower so I could send a message to Normandy; Hopefully they are still in system.

Supplemental 25.2.6

I sent my message to Normandy; they are on their way... Harbinger appeared, his hologram hovering above the tower; he told me he would not give up trying to kill me and that the reapers would destroy our galaxy.. I told him we would fight him to the end, I would fight him till the end... Even if we died we would go down fighting.

Supplemental 25.3.0 (Normandy)

The Normandy arrived just in time, Joker got me out just before the relay was hit. I watched the blast from the CIC; the sensors showing it destroy the entire system... I had stopped the Reapers for a few months; they would have to travel in Real space to get to the next system.. I sacrificed 305 thousand people to give the galaxy 3 months at least... I hope Command understand.

Supplemental 25.3.1

I reported to Admiral Hackett; He was angry with how I completed my mission but knew it had to be done.. However the Baterians are not happy and want blood; more precisely.. Mine... I am to head back to Earth for a Military Court-martial... it isn't going to be pretty...

Tali came to my room and helped me through this; She told me she was going to come to earth with me and stand by me like I had stood by her. I told her if she came with me, she would be interrogated and held prisoner; I told her to go back to the Flotilla, get support and get ready for the Reapers.

We spent one last night together before I told the crew; we all went our separate ways; Garrus wished me luck and told me that he was heading home to convince the Turians.. I wished him luck...

I am heading to Earth with Joker and the Normandy; hopefully he will not be punished for my actions.


Asteroid team Indoctrinated
Asteroid Team KIA
Dr Kenson KIA
Bahak Relay Destroyed
Bahak System Destroyed.
Reapers Delayed 4 months at least..
Returning to Earth for court-martial
Normandy Crew & team separated.