Mass Effect 1 Character Journal : PLANET FEROS (Thorian)

Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
PLANET Feros: SYSTEM Theseus : CLUSTER Attican Beta
February 26th 2183
Eden Prime + 6 (days)

Log Entry 9.0.0
We have made it to the Fers System, and landed at the colony "Zhu's Hope", I brought Tali and Liara with me once more and we exited the ship; a colonist met us and told us to find a man named "Fai Dan" but the colonist was quickly killed by a Geth Patrol before he told us anything more. We killed the Geth and pushed our way into the colony's defences.
Supplemental 9.0.1
Met with Fai Dan but was interrupted again by a Geth attack on their defences, we pushed into the ruins of the Prothean Skyway and took out the geth there; sending the transport that brought them away.
Returning to Fai, we were told to go to the Exo-Geni Headquarters across the Skyway. We made our way to the Skyway and found a Mako waiting for us; we unsealed the gate and proceeded onto the Skyway.
Supplemental 9.0.2
On the Skyway we made through the geth and approached a destroyed building where the skyway went down to another level; we began to pick up some signals from inside and headed down to find survivors from the Exo-Genic corporation who had escaped and had been hiding here.
Spoke with them, and found one one of the members (Juliana) daughter was missing, asked me to look out for her; I promised would look out for her and bring her back if I saw her.
Supplemental 9.1.0
We headed across the rest of the Prothean Skyway and made our way into the Exo-Geni Headquarters; the Geth were waiting for us at the door, having sealed it part way so the Mako couldn't fit in, It didn't mean we couldn't fire into it.
Proceeding on foot, we walked right into a Armature but took it out rather easily. The door was blocked by a force field so we had to jump down a ledge with no going back; hopefully we could get the force field down from inside the Headquarters.
Supplemental 9.1.1
Guess walking around a corner first and leading from the front does have its drawbacks, I almost had my head blown off by a woman inside the facility; she had been fighting against a group of Varen and thought I was one of them, do I smell that bad?
Turns out it was Juliana's daughter and her name was Lizabeth, she old me of a creature called a Thorian and that Exogeni were studying it; this was probably what the Geth were after. She gave us her key card, hopefully it would come in handy up ahead sometime.
I proceeded upstairs and told her to only move when the gunfire stops. We walked up the stairs and found a Krogan trying to access the Headquarters' VI, but he was unable to thanks to not having a key card. He went into a krogan berserker charge but we took him out before he even came a foot in front of me; thanks to Tali and her shotgun and Liara's biotics.
After accessing the VI and asking what the Krogan wanted, my suspicions were true, they wanted the Thorian or "Species 27" by the records; and it turns out the thorian was hidden under Zhu's Hope, they were using the colonists as lab rats.
I contacted Joker to seal the ship; I couldnt have anyone on the Normandy getting infected by this Thorians spores but the Geth ship latched onto the side of the building was blocking communications, I would have to either stop the jamming or get rid of the ship.
Supplemental 9.1.2
We proceeded through the ruins of the Headquarters, the entire place was built into the previous Prothean structures; but now it was just as much rubble the Prothean structure before it. More Geth attacked and we found ourselves in a large room filled with a Geth ships claw of some kind pushing through the wall with a small glowing ball that the Geth seemed to be kneeling and praying to; this only meant we got the jump on them as we launched an all out attack.
Towards the back of the room we found another claw pushing through a huge doorway; it had forced the door open and held tightly into the building. On a nearby sign it stated the door was a High Pressure door and could easily rip through ship armour if the pressure was high enough; this was our  chance.
Supplemental 9.1.3
After some fiddling with the controls; Tali, Liara and I managed to build up the pressure to a safe enough level that the door wouldn’t break but would cut the claw in half. It was a success, the claw came  clean off like a limb being hacked by a blade.
We heard a large creak and the Geth ship could easily be seen through the windows as it fell to the ground several hundred miles. I would so loved to have seen the Geths face when they came towering down into the ground.
After it was destroyed the Normandy finally made communication with us; the Colonists had gone crazy and started attacking the Normandy so they had sealed up the ship. Lizabeth arrived and began to tell me about the thorian; I told the Normandy crew not to hurt the Colonists, they were under the control of the Thorian and were being controlled against their will. We needed to get back and sort this mess out.
Supplemental 9.2.0
Pushing across the Prothean Skyway once more we were once again attacked by the Geth, they just don't quit do they? We destroy one of their ships and they send two up against us?
As we arrived towards the ExoGeni Survivor outpost, we began to get messages from the radio's, Juliana and john were arguing and it sounded like it wasn't going well. Lizabeth jumped out the Mako as we neared he place and began to sneak up. I moved up behind her and we found John going  crazy, he was about to hurt Juliana; if Lizabeth hadn't blown our cover we would have been able to disable the guards and save her, but the girl had to rush in and blow our cover.
It turned out Exogeni waned to purge the entire area and kill everyone, he is just wanted the Thorian. I told him to stop, but he began to challenge me, and drew his gun on me; so I shot him, someone stupid enough to draw a gun on a N7 Spectre disserves to be killed.
Juliana and lizabeth worked out a way to save the colonists using a add-on for my grenades, rendering the grenades useless as explosives but they stop the Thorian control on organics and render them unconscious.
Supplemental 9.2.1
Pushing through to Zhu's hope, we were confronted by a Geth husk like creature; obviously a dead colonist that had been brought back to life. The scanner managed to pick it up and labelled it a "Creeper". We began to push forward into the colony, we had to take the Colony back and save the colonist.
Supplemental 9.2.2
We managed to save all the colonists with the grenades and take care of the Creepers. They went down like flies with the grenade modifications we were given. As we moved into the Colony, Fai Dan came out under the control of the Thorian and before we could do anything he placed his pistol to his own head and fired. Finding the switch to lift the housing unit off the enterance to the Thorians nest; we descended the staircase and prepared for the worst.
Supplemental 9.3.0
We made it down into the Thorians Nest we finally got a look at the mythical creature. It was a huge plant, holding itself up with tendrils that pushed through solid concrete like a weed. As we approached the main "head", it began to move. An Asari seemed to be spat out the thorians mouth; she was different then most Asari, her skin was green not blue like most.
The Asari spoke for the thorian, I asked it what Saren had gotten from the thorian and he had asked for a "cypher" of the prothean language and mind; it seems the thorian had lived during the Prothean massacre and even longer then that, hidden away in its cave. Over the millennia it had accessed the minds of the colonists of Feros from every race that had lived there. I asked for the cypher but it would not give it to me, Saren had betrayed it and left the geth to kill it; it did not trust me.
Supplemental 9.3.1
The Thorian attacked us and sent more "creepers" after us, we managed to take out some nerve pods that lined the tendrils and weakened the thorian enough to hurt it; i actually think I killed it.
Out of a pod in the wall, the Asari who Saren had left here was released as the thorian died; she explained she had the cypher and even have it to me through the Asari mind meld... thing...
The visions became even more clearer now, I saw a planet with a binary star, the destruction of the Organic protheans against the reapers and their husks... I saw Sovereign.
Supplemental 9.3.2
After a few hours I managed to get the colony a few supplies and helped them out a little more, the Asari said she was going to help Zhu's Hope start again and hopefully live a normal life.
Heading back to the Normandy to get some rest after the visions.
Supplemental 9.4.0
Had the crew assemble for a meeting, we discussed the visions and Liara wanted to meld with my mind to see if she could understand my vision a little better this time; I allowed it and she recognised the binary star system. Ilos..
She explained that the visions I had touched deep inside the Prothean beacon had been a distress call by the Protheans about the reapers, but by the time they had sent it, it was too late.
We discussed Ilos in further detail and found the Mue Relay was the only to Ilos and the Mue Relay is deep in the Terminas Systems; where the Geth are currently guarding... The alliance and even the spectres are not liked there.
Liara was exhausted from the "joining" so I told the crew to go rest, We have a big day tomorrow trying to sneak through the Mue relay and finally catch up to Saren and Sovereign.
Zhu's Hope cleared of Geth
Exo-geni report sent to Alliance detailing use of Colonists
Thorian Killed
Cypher retrieved
Heading for the "Conduit" on Ilos through MUE relay.

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