Mass Effect 1 Character Journal : Ilos


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1
Planet : ILOS
Febuary 28th 2183
Eden Prime + 8 (days)

LOG ENTRY 13.0.0

Approaching Ilos, we go into Stealth mode; the Geth were waiting for us but we snuck by, unaware of our entry we scan Ilos. The nearest landing zone is 2 klicks away, and Saren is already on the location (we have to assume this, he has had longer to find this place). Presley and Ash are arguing over where we should go; find a new drop zone or drop 2 klicks away.

I told them to drop the Mako. Presley warned we needed One hundred meters for a safe landing, but the landing zone is only twenty meters. Joker tells us he can get us down, I trust him, my words exactly were 'Drop me right on his ass'

Supplimental 13.0.1

Joker didnt fail to deliver, he put us right on Saren's ass, we came down at the drop zone like a bullet out a projectile weapon; Tali was almost sick in her suit and Liara held onto my hand so tight I could barely pull the controls around to stop us before we rammed right into the large door Saren sealed behind him.

Getting out we found the door had been sealed from a security station nearby, we'd have to fight through an army of Geth to get to it before re-aquiring Saren's tail. He wont get away this time.

Supplimental 13.0.2

Managed to fight through several Geth soldiers and Mechs before getting to the security station. After turning off the security doors, a old Prothean message began playing; I could understand it, but the others seemed to be confused, hearing a "strange language". It seems that I can understand Prothean spoken language thanks to the Cypher we aquired from Feros.

The message is a warning against the reapers, sent out to all stations in the Prothean Empire, it seems they had been too late.

Supplimental 13.0.3

Made our way back to the Mako and began to persue Saren. Fought through a few scattered Geth soldiers he left behind to stop us but we could handle them; until we ran into an energy barrier. Once we passed up to it, another appeared behind us, we were trapped. It didnt look like a trap Saren had, a door had appeared to open beside us, so we headed through and down the lift on the otherside. We found a old room, overgrown with plants and filled with what appeared to be Stasis pods; all shut down, we had seen hundreds of these on our way through the lower levels.

A VI appeared infront of us, damaged but still working. It began to speak in English, the VI introduced itself as "VIGIL" and told us it had been watching us and Saren, finding the "Taint of Indoctrination" on him but not us, judging we are allies, it brought us here to talk.

The VI explained to us about the reapers and the Protheans last stand; the Conduit. It also told us the Citadel is a trap, a huge mass relay able to bring the reapers from their hiding in Dark space to the centre of government in one stroke; like all races before. The Protheans had began to create Mass Relays for themselves, the rest being built by Reapers; the Conduit was their first success, a backdoor into the citadel. VIGIL was to keep this facility under watch, but as power died, he had to shut off the lower ranked scientist and finally when the Reapers were gone, awoke the few key researches.

These Protheans headed back to the citadel and managed to sabotage it, save the next race; the Keepers open the relay for Soverign and allow the Reapers through but they added a code to stop it. The protheans died on the citadel but their legacy allowed us to have a chance.

Supplimental 13.0.4

We head on our journey to the conduit and stop Saren, fighting through Army of Geth, Liara is scared we wont make it, but I told her that I would give my last breath to stop Saren.

Approaching the Conduit, it appeared to be a small (relativly) Mass Relay. Between us, 5 of the biggest geth mechs. Tali and Liara detect a build up of energy from the Conduit, it is going to stop working in less then 30 seconds. I instantly put my food to the pedal and set the turret on the Mako to fire at anything in the way. Liara holds my hand and I think I even felt Tali hold it too, she mumbled something under her breath and I am pretty sure she mumbled my name.

The Mako hit the lip of the COnduit and my stomach suddenly hit my throat.

Supplimental 13.1.1

I think we hit something, when we got out the Mako, I found we had hit something; two geth soldiers who had come to see what the noise was. We had arrived on the Citadel, just outside the Citadel Tower, the small Mass relay statue outside was now active, it was the conduit; I would have never known. Liara kissed me and Tali gave me a deep hug, we had made it but the Mako was history, the citadel didnt seem to be holding well, fires burned and bodies littered the floor. Straight away we picked up what was going on outside; the Fleet was undeny troops as he couldarrived, he was going to head by Eath and pick up as many ships as he could, but to my memory only the 3rd fleet was there.

We headed into the Tower lift, we had to make it to the council chambers before Saren activated the Citadel.

Supplimental 13.1.2

The lift stopped about half way up, the citadel had begun to close, this could only mean one thing; Soverign was here and Saren was in the chamers. Putting on our helmets and sealing out suits (apart from Tali, she was already sealed up) I shot out the window and we bean to move EVA aross the outside. We had to hurry.

Supplimental 13.1.3

After fighting through So many Geth and Krogan mercs, we finally arrived at the Council chambers, Saren was at the console; we managed to get pretty close before he began to attack us on his hover platform.

I was suddenly more shocked at him, he had taken more implants after our fight, he was being indoctrinated even more through these implants. He began his evil speech but I retaliated, he knows we cant stop it forever, I will admit; its true, but we can fight, I try to convince him to stop the reapers with us, he tries to fight it, but... 'Its too late for me' was his last words. In his last breath he shoots himself.

Even after Eden Prime, all this, I pitty the man, he only wanted to keep what he loved safe.

Supplimental 13.1.4

I rush to the console and upload a program VIRGIL gave me, it gives me the ability to open the arms and stop Soverign. I pick up a signal from the Destiny Ascention, the flagship of the citadel fleet; she is holding the Council and is under attack, disabled and being targed. I also recieve a message that Joker and the fleet has arrived, he tells me he could save the Ascention if I open the arms, but Liara warns me that if I do, we will loose many ships.

I open the arms, Even after what the council did and ignored me, I will not let them die because of that. The arms open and the fleet attacks the Geth and Soverign.

Supplimental 13.1.5

I send Liara and Tali down to make sure Saren is dead, I dont want anymore surprises. As I begin to check the systems, the body of Saren is suddenly reanimated, controled by Soverign through the implants like a Husk.

Supplimental 13.1.6

We managed to fight Saren's dead Husk. It was hard but we managed to destroy it. I walked over to tali and Liara; Liara and I began to kiss as we watch Soverign being destroyed. thats when we realise whats happening; a large part is coming straight towards us, we dive out the way as the wreckage hits the chambers.

Supplimental 13.1.7

Anderson had come to find us, from what Liara told me, they found her and tali, but couldnt find me, thinking me dead they had been about to leave when they saw me stride out the wreckage like a hero.

Later the council met with us on an undamaged part of the citadel, they wanted to thank me for saving them; and decided that thanks to my part in taking down saren and the fleet's loss in the battle, Humanity had diserved a seat on the council and they want me to choose a counciller, I decide to pick Anderson, he is honourable and wont stab me in the back *cough* Udina* cough*

I told them my job isnt finished, the reapers are still out there and now they know something is wrong, they will be trying again soon. I head back to the normandy, and set off for the next star system and... bed with Liara.

Commander Sheppard... Out...


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