Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : "Freedoms Progress"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - DECEASED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
- Colony - "Freedoms Progress"
April 12nd 2185
Rebirth + 0 (days)


We took the shuttle to Freedom's Progress, Miranda told me that the team is under my control effective as of then, I told them to look for survivors; even though she told me that no one had ever been found at these colonies.

When we arrived, it was empty; as if everyone had simply gotten up and left, no battle damage or sign of distress. Snow was falling and had been for sometime, no tracks were left in the snow so the snow hadnt been falling when what ever happened here happened.

Supplimental 1.1.2

We just ran into a few LOKI and FENRIS Mechs, after the battle of the citadel and the Geth attacks throught the galaxy, security forces had been supplimented with Mechs for easy control.

As we moved through the facility and found more mechs, Jacob tod me that every colony that had been left like this had no security systems left on; this was strange.

Supplimental 1.1.3

Quarians!...Tali!.. My god, I saw Tali, She had... grown up... I had to tear my eyes off her to talk to her, her voice; she was a sight for sore eyes, I thought I would never see her again.

Tali told us that one of their people were here on pilgrimage and they were looking for him. His name was Veetor, and they had found him when they landed; but he had a suit rupture meaning he was probably ill but he was always a little jumpy. He attacked them and locked himself in the security room ahead, resetting the mechs and putting them on the defencive.

I told Tali we would help them get to him, we parted ways and headed for the security room.

Supplimental 1.1.4

More Mechs, we arrived at a large door and recieved a message from Tali; the quarians she was with rushed on ahead wanting to get to Veetor before us, damn it, they are going to get themsevles kiled.

We got there too late, however Tali was not stupid enough to run into the open. All of them were badly injured or killed by a Heavy Mech. We managed to take it down. Tali told us to get to veetor while she sorted out the others.

Supplimental 1.1.5

We found Veetor, he was ranting about Monsters and swarms. After managing to calm him down, he shows us footage he had apparently re-built using the broken camera systems. Miranda recognised the enemy as "Collectors", it appeared as if small swarms imobilised people and they carted them away in small pods.

Tali came in and demanded she take Veetor for medical attention but Miranda wanted to take him for questioning; I let Tali take him but she gave us veetor's omni tool info, she told me she was pleased to see me, but she had to leave.

Hopefully we will speak again soon.

Supplimental 1.2.0

Back on the Station, I spoke with the Illusive Man. He wasnt surprised about the collectors, he began to explain that they were from a Relay known as "The Omega4 Relay", a red emitting mass relay that NO ONE ever returned from after entering.

He is sure they are working for the collectors, he wants me to take them out and gave me a list for a team; he wants me to go through the Omega4 relay and stop the collectors. I told him I needed a ship; but he had it all planned out.

Supplimental 1.2.1

I turned around and saw Joker, I almost cried when I saw him, much like Tali; I had never thought I'd see him again, he told me he didnt believe the Illusive man when they said they had brought me back. I asked him why he had joined Cerberus, and he said it was because the Alliance Discharged him. He also wanted to show me a surprise; something they told him about that morning.

Supplimental 1.2.2

I almost cried once more, SR1 Model... No.. SR2 Model they had rebuilt her, but... better... Bigger sleeker, white and powered by more engines. She is... beautiful.. I told Joker, "I have a name all picked out for her".

Suppplimental 1.2.3

It didnt take long for the Engineers to paint it on, They had stencils ready. Normandy... Reborn like a phoenix from the Ashes.

Supplimental 1.3.0

Taking a tour of the Normandy, it was much bigger then before; 4 decks instead of 2, I had my own bigger cabin in the "loft" and we had better weapons. Calling a meeting in the new briefing room; Miranda told me she wanted to go after a Salarian called "Dr Morden Solis" He would be able to create a countermeasure for the swarms. I agreed, and just as I was about to say something else; a voice appeared inside the room. Turns out the ship has an AI called EDI. She looks after the ship and counter measures while Joker wil fly.

Joker still wont like it.


Freedoms Progress searched.
Quarians found, One survivor
Reconnected with Tali.
Assigned Mission - Journey OMEGA4 Relay after collectors
Assigned Mission - Assemble Team for Suicide mission
Assigned Pilot - Joker,
Assigned vessel - SR2 Normandy
Current Objectives : - Recruit Moden Solis
- Recruit Zaeed Masani


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