Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : "Purgatory"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - DECEASED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Prison Ship "Purgatory" - Osun System - Hourglass Nebula
April 14th 2185
Rebirth + 2 (days)


We arrived in the Osun system and left our stealth systems off; we werent trying to hid from anyone and we were expected by the Prison ship to handle the transfer of our next team member; "Jack", I hope he is as good as his file suggests, a powerful biotic but also rather uncontrollable.

We were met by some guards and told to leave our weapons with them; I told them no, the ast person who told me this was on Noveria 2 years before...ah... memories.

The Warden seems to be rather nervous, but then again seeing a dead SPECTRE Hero appear on a Cerberus ship with a Scar faced turian and a Cerberus operative would put anyones knickers in a twist... if ... turians wore knickers I suppose.

Supplimental 3.0.1

We were given the grand tour of the facility as we headed towards the collection area. The cells are pretty interesting, each one can be ejected into space if anything happened; I guess thats the beauty of having a prison ship.

We walked by a pair of guards beating down a man, I told the leader to stop it, they may be criminals but they do not diserve this kind of treatement.

Supplimental 3.1.0

Fools, they throught that I would just walk into a cell when asked; it seems the warden wanted to hand me over to whoever has the highest bid, I have seemed to have made a few powerful enemies. They sent Mechs and men after me, it had to always be mechs; I know blue Suns like their mechs but its like facing down an army with them.

I have to find Jack before they try to do anything stupid with him.

Supplimental 3.1.1

Found Jack's cell nearby, they had him in a High Security containment cell, guarded by four YMIR mechs. He must really be THAT dangerous.

We tried to open his cell but found that the security overrides had locked the system, so if we wanted to open his cell, we had to open all of them on the prison ship.

We did it, we opened the cell and ... found Jack was a woman. We also found out how powerful she realy is; the file doesnt do her justice, Jack took out all 4 YMIR mechs with just flicks of her hands as she ran out, she even blasted a hole through the deck and headed into a service tunnel.

Supplimental 3.1.2

We are chasing after Jack, she is making a run towards the docking section, she wont get onto the Normandy thanks to its security systems and there are no more vessels docked. Prisoners are attacking but the Blue Suns hae sent YMIR mechs and Mercs after us and them; their not even trying to hold the prisoners, simply killing them.

The Warden sent a lot of men after us, he began to fight but we managed to kill him and his men; he was using the control emitters to create a shield around himself.

Jack is heading to the Normandy, we have her trapped; I am more scared now we are trapping her, she is like a tiger in a cage.

Supplimental 3.1.3

We manaed to talk Jack down, she hates the fact I am with Cerberus, but I am the only way off the ship. She called Miranda a "Cerberus cheerleader" which I couldnt help but surpress a giggle, She wants access to the Database to find out everything on herself. I told her okay, if it keeps her under control but Miranda isnt happy about it.

We leave the Prisonship to the Normandy and I hope some of the prisoners get off; with the Warden there, I know some of them must either be innocent or not worth the punishment they got.

Supplimental 3.2.0

We are on the normandy and on our way out the system, I have given access to the Databse to Jack, and accomidated her in the bowels of the ship; she wanted dark and secluded, so EDI put her there. She is a strange girl, she must have had a horible past, but I am not going to be the one asking her. Miranda doesnt like her, but Im fine with that; no one has to get along just trust each other and get this mission done.

Supplimental 3.2.1

Had a brief chat with Kelly, she thought she had come across too flirty the last time we talked, I told her it was okay and I didnt mind; although my mind now drifted to Tali and Liara. I sat in my quarters for a long while looking through my old logs and my photo's. The Illusive man told me Liara became an Information broker on Illium; should I stop by? after 2 years woudl she still love me? It only feels like yesterday that I last kissed her but it has been over 2 years for her.

Then my mind drifted to Tali, seeing her again on Freedoms Progress, my heart had jumped in a way it hadnt jumped before, well... not in a long time. Did I have feelings for her? Im not sure... Maybe I will find out in the future...


Destruction of Prison Ship "Purgatory" Confirmed
Team Extracted
Recruited Prisoner "Jack"
Current Objectives : - Reunite with Anderson
- Report to the Council
- Recruit Kasumi Goto


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