Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : “Omega 2”

Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
April 27th 2185
Rebirth + 15 (days)
LOG ENTRY 16.0.0
Looking back at Omega now we I have been here before makes me want to NOT be here again; but Samara has tracked her daughter here and that means we have to go here and find her before she kills anymore people.
I also checked some of the local stocks and found that the couplings that Gabby and Ken wanted for the Normandy were in stock here so I ordered them and would head down to pick them up. I decided we would go see Aria about Samara's daughter, she is the queen of Omega after all.
Supplemental 16.1.0
We landed and picked up the parts and they were shipped to the Normandy at its docking port. Samara and I made our way to speak with Aria with Tali in tow. Aria seemed to know that there had to be a Ardat-Yakshi on the station, so many dead bodies of people coming from her club. She told us the last victim only lived around the corner with her mother; we should go there.
Supplemental 16.1.1
We found the room and had asked her mother if we could search it for clues. She allowed us in and told us her daughter had started hanging out with a strange Asari shortly before she was found dead. I comforted the poor woman and told her we would get whoever did this to her daughter.
In her room I found 3 recordings in her journal before she died; they showed her finding Morinth and all the things that they talked about. If we are to trap Morinth, we could use some of this info.
Supplemental 16.1.2
Samara had the same idea for us to trap Morinth, we would use bait to bring her out and catch her unaware; Unlucky for me the bait was me. I got dressed up and headed into the Afterlife VIP with the knowledge Samara was watching and some of the things I found in the Journal. However I knew that I would be flying on the seat of my pants with this; I was never the party person, give me a good book and a bit of old Rock from Earth and I could relax... I have enough action in my life to deal with than going to clubs.
Supplemental 16.1.3
I decided to go all out badass, I saw a Krogan at the bar who was being racists, so.. I punched him, that would get some attention. I heard some more info about drugs and some band called "Expel-10"; I even saved a girl from being caught out by gangs... the funniest thing was punching out a guy trying to get a dancer to be a hooker.
That was when the Asari approached, She wore the most sexiest leather outfit that showed all the right places... if Liara and I ever get back together; I think she should wear this... but my mind drifted to Tali's outfit.. Perhaps there would be a future with me and Tali instead?
Morinth brought me over to her booth, we talked about Expel 10, Hallex (the drug I heard) and even about art; some artists I heard in the Nef's journal, I accidently mentioned her and Morinth played as if she never knew the poor girl.
She decided to take me to her apartment; this was where it was going to be dangerous, I had no weapons only my mind against hers; and she was like a tiger ready to strike.
We talked about things, saying stuff about "Safety is a lie" and shit like that. That was when I felt her pushing at my mind, like something tearing at my soul and trying to make me say things; but it wasn't working.. I proved her I wasn't under control by talking back, she realised what had happened just a little too late and Samara bursts in.
Now their stuck in a battle of power; both equal in strength and duelling for their life... I had to intervene, I killed Morinth; she was too dangerous to let around... it was hard to watch a mother have to kill her daughter but it had to be done.
Supplemental 16.2.0 (Normandy)
Back on the Normandy I comforted Samara and told her whenever she needed to talk I was always there and always would be. she thanked me before asking to be alone for meditation.
I headed to Ken and Gabby and they tanked me for the couplings. They suggested a game of cards in celebration; why not, bit of fun between the crew was good for the last Normandy, this one shouldn't be any different.
We brought Tali over for it too, I am pretty sure she was watching me the entire time through her visor; so I played a little footsy with her, I think she understood what I was doing. I even managed to get a kiss on the side of her visor just to make her blush a little.
The funniest thing was what I told them.. "Go easy on the rookie"... Yea.. I won 500 Credits; they easily fell for it... but they wont next time..
Morinth found & Killed
Samara stable (Loyal)
Normandy working at 150%
Personal Note
Relationship with Tali increasing, think it might be serious now
won 500 credits in cards, don't use rookie tactic on Gabby and Ken again.

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