Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : "Citadel 2"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
April 20th 2185
Rebirth + 8 (days)


We arrived back at the citadel after only a few days away; but it felt like a century, we had fought so much that a little rest here would give us a bit of a moral boost. I instructed EDI to let the crew off for a little bit of shore leave but be ready to leave at a moments notice.

I told Garrus we were heading here to sort out the problem he had with Sidonis; Tali wanted to come along too to make sure that he was okay.

Supplimental 9.0.1

We headed to Captain Bailey to ask about Fade; the last any of us ever heard of him was 2 years ago when I was on the citadel; Tali remembered this as the time we found her, she had wanted to speak with Fade then.

Bailey told us about fade, he instructed us to go to Warehouse district to meet with face;  as he usually has work with Fade and thats where he has his meets.

We headed to the warehouse district and met with a Volus and his 2 krogan bodyguards, this guy couldnt be Fade could he?

Turns out no, he tries to get the Krogan to kill us but we shot them in a blink of an eye. He instantly admitted he wasnt Fade; only working for him, it turns out Fade is Harkin, the guard I spoke to 2 years ago, Ex-Csec officer. The Volus also told us Harkin is guarded by the Blue Suns; so I guess we better get prepared for mechs then huh?

Supplimental 9.2.0

We headed to the Factory District that the Volus told us where Harkin was, we spotted Harkin and he recognised us; instantly bolting and leaving the guards to try to kill us. Took us a while to fight through the Mercs but we managed to corner him in a operations room for the transport section we were in.

we "Convinced" him with the end of our guns to set up a meet with Sidonis. I almost let Garrus shoot Fade, but he ended up shooting him anyway; in the leg through, I am glad he didnt kill him, the old Garrus I knew came out for a moment then.

Supplimental 9.1.0

We headed out to the Main Plaza to wait for Sidonis; Garrus set up a sniper point and I would draw Sidonis out. As I headed out I saw the Turian acting nervous; that must have been him, I signaled him over and he approached. I kept him talking while Garrus was lining up...

Sidonis looked head,I could see it in his eyes, he was hurt by this just as much as Garrus, I saw no sense in killing him, he was already paying for this. So I kept him alive, I talked sense into Garrus.

Managed to stop him from killing him; I am glad, Garrus wasnt happy but I knew he would think it through and see that it was the best option.

Supplimental 9.2.0

We got back onto the Normandy, Illusive man wants to talk to me; I will see what it is about and make another entry after that...


NORMANDY Moral Risen due to Shore Leave
FADE In Custody of C-sec
Sidonis Status - Alive
Garrus - Unhappy, but Loyal


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