Mass Effect 2 Character Journal : "Illium"


Commander Andreas Sheppard Journal.
N7 Service Number : 5923-AC-2826 - REACTIVATED
Commanding Officer (CO) - SSV NORMANDY SR1 - DESTROYED
Commanding Officer (CO) - NORMANDY SR2 - ACTIVE
Planet "Illium" - Tasale System - Cresent Nebula
April 19th 2185
Rebirth + 7 (days)


We finally arrived in the Tasale system and got our first look at Illium. I have read reports on Illium and also had a quick look at the Cerberus Database on the planet, but seeing it this close was all the better. The great spires reaching up into the sky; much like Feros without the clouds hiding the view below the dust and smog. We are docking in Nos Astra, this is one of the more beautiful cities Ive seen; most of the time I see cities they are either ruined or soon to be ruined.

I called Tali up to the bridge and asked her if she wanted to talk a walk around, she grinned under her visor; even I could see that, she explained that Quarians never brought the flotilla here and it was too rich for the Pilgrimages to bring them here. I asked Garrus if he wanted to join us too and he grinned at it too; although I wished he was wearing a mask, Tali joked about his scar too and he felt a little more reasured... Just like good old times.

Supplimental 8.0.1

We finally docked and were greeted by an Asari and 2 mechs; clearly her security. She was sent by Liara, and instructed me to go see her when I had the chance; also my docking fee's were dismissed, I had totally forgot I am technically on a civilian ship so I have to pay docking fees, Normally I just said I was a military ship so No fee's were sent, plus who wants to be the poor soul who sends a SPECTRE a bill?

Supplimental 8.0.2

I made my way through the concorse and had a quick look around all the stores; bought some new equipment and checked out the local news. Seems a lot has gone off since I was in the loop, I never really kept my head into Interplanetary politics or news but two years of being dead can really keep you out the loop of this quick moving galaxy.

As I was walking the walk way, I heard one Asari talking on her comm unit, she has lost something, a necklace... I know how it is to loose the last thing you had.

On my way to Liara's office, I was stopped by an Asari, she told me she had a message for me, I nodded and accepted it; It was from the Rachni, the bugs I saved on Noveria. They hid in a lone system, burrowed and rebuilt, they said if anything happens they will help me; even against the Reapers.

I thanked her and went on to Liara's office, It was good to see the Rachni have found a new home.

Supplimental 8.0.3

It seems I would never make it to Liara's office; I keep running into every other person from my past. Beside the staircase up to Liara's office, I was stopped by a woman sitting at a small table; it was Gianna Parasini, the Noverian Interal Affairs officer that I helped catch Anoleis back when I was on Noveria.

She asked me to sit down and talk so I did for a few minutes, I asked about Anoleis and she explained he was now in a Noverian Prison AND that she owes me a beer for it. She left me a drink but as I went to leave I noticed she had left something tucked under the glass.

The note spoke about how she couldnt talk to me much, she was in the middle of an investigation and her target would have seen her, she wants me to try to lure the trader to talk about her 'Good Stuff' So she can sweep in and catch her. Deciding to help her this once, I made my way over to the Trader.

The conversation went along just like all conversations with traders, them asking what I want and me telling them what I wanted. Over the next 5 minutes I got her to talk about the 'Special stuff' she had, and just when she finished blurting it all out; Gianna swooped in and caught the girl, as she dragged her way she told me to come by her table later.

Deciding I would wait a few minutes for her to arrive back, I sat down when she approached and she thanked me for helping her again, she was about to tell me she owed me another beer, but decided to go ahead and kiss me... it was rather strange, being the hero I am I expected it to happen more often but this was the first time.

I couldnt help but chuckle at her response to it 'Much better than an Autograph'. Finally I headed on my way to Liara's office.

Supplimental 8.1.0 (Liara)

Finally I made my way up the stairs to Liara's office, her secretary stopped me before I entered and explained I had been expected; I asked her how Liara is and she stated that she was anxious when she heard I was on my way here.

Taking a deep breath I turned to the door and pressed the holographic button to enter. As I entered I caught the final words of a conversation between Liara and a client; the words Liara used were the exact words her mother; Matriarch Benezia, used on Noveria two years ago when we faced her in her lab. It seems Liara has changed a lot from the innocent girl I saved from starvation and Saren's hit squads inside a prothean ruin.

As she saw me enter, I could almost see her burst in her little bubble as she calmly walked over and embraced me; she was happy to see me. It was a little awkward explaining everything, but she seemed to be okay with it on the surface. I asked her to come with me but she said she had too much work now, so I asked if she needed any help; to which she did, she needed several terminals hacked around Nos Astra, I said I would happily do it for her.

After the personal business was put aside, I asked her abotu Samara; the Justicar I was sent to collect. She told me that all Justicars have to register when they arrive on a planet and she registered with a "Dara" at the Transport hub around the corner.

I also asked about Thane Krios; the assassin I was also sent to collect. She explained that he is targetting a "Nassana Dantius" Liara also went on to explain that he had a contact in the Cargo Transfer levels called "Seryna", She would know where and how to get to him.

Just before I left I remembered the Illusive Man had given me information for her, so I handed it over to her. It turns out the information was about the Shadow broker; we had a run in with some of his agents two years ago on the citadel, it was the run in that ran us into Tali, saving her life on that incident.

The Information showed that Liara's friend "Feron" was captured. Liara went on to explained that after I had died on the Normandy, My body had been captured by the Shadow broker to be handed over to the collectors; and now I knew they were working with the Reapers, I assumed they would hand me over to them. She went on to explain that Feron had saved Liara from the shadow broker and Liara got the information about me from Cerberus; before handing me over to them. She was worried, scared even; Scared that I wouldnt love her anymore after being handed over to Cerebrus. That was when I noticed my Dog Tags in a small plaque on her desk, I told her I would never stop loving her. She almost cried.

She told me we needed to save Feron, I told her I would do everything I can to save him. She told me to message her when I was ready to attack, I told her I would try to message her as soon as I could, It all depended on the Mission I was on. She agreed and went back to work.

Giving her another kiss before I left, I decided to head for Thane first; he was on an Assassination mission, I couldnt let him get through with that

Supplimental 8.2.0 (Thane)

I headed down to the cargo transfer levels to look for Seryna and get some information on where Thane's target is. The cargo transfer level wasnt that busy, there was a salarian from some rich family talking on his comm unit; it seems like he has lost something of the family's or something has been lost by someone else.

I found the desk of Seryna and asked her about Thane; she told me that she had gave him the location and told us that she had told him the night shift workers were ending in Tower Two and that was probably the easiest way to get through the building; crossing the bridge and making my way over the top area.

Supplimental 8.2.1

Seryna took Garrus, Miranda and I to the tower, landing outfront of Tower Two, we were attacked by Security Droids and Eclipse Mercs; if we were to try to get throug hthe roof we woudnt be able to land before being shot down; so it was from the bottom to the top.

We pushed through the droids and the Mercs until we found injured workers; the mercs and Droids seem to be massacring everyone there, it seems Nassana doesnt want anyone around in the building and isnt waiting for them to get out or is she afraid that one of them is the assassin after her?

Supplimental 8.2.2

We pushed our way through the building, taking out the mercs and the droids in droves; perhaps when this whole affair with the Reapers and the collectors is over I should be come someone's security? They would be invincible with me defending them.

Crossing the bridge was the hardest thing in the building; the wind pulled at us as we crossed over the open bridge; the protective covers not yet installed so the high altitude wind ripped at us but we managed to get our way into the opposing tower.

Supplimental 8.2.3

We finally made it into the tower, after picking off another merc or two before entering Nassana's office. She was protected what I assumed were high spec ops Asari soldiers. Nassana thought I was the one after her; so I played along, I might be able to get her to pay for what she did to the people here. As she was about to fall for my trick, Thane fell from the rafters and killed all the 4 armed guards without even firing a single shot; the only shot he fired was to Kill Nassana.

After he killed her, he folded her arms and prayed over her body. Strange... A religious Assassin? Thane told me he was expeecting us and used us as a distraction. I didnt like that but I couldnt help it. I asked him about the Collectors and helping me take them out; he told me he would be happy to do it... then told us he was dying. It was a sad fact, he wanted to repay all the evil deeds he did and hopefully this would save his soul in the afterlife.

Supplimental 8.2.4

We headed back to the Normandy, he explained he needed a dry place to live, his disease was not contagious but it was depedant on wet areas so we put him in the Life Support Chamber; the driest place in the ship.

Jacob doesnt like him, assassins are the things he hates but EDI seems to like him.

Supplimental 8.2.5

Kelly told me Mordin wanted to talk, so I headed to the lab and spoke with him. He wanted to get something off his chest; he told me about the Genophage, I told him I knew about it but he told me that he created it with the Salarians that helped. He also went into explain that the Genophage had actually stopped working, so they made a new one... I asked why he was telling me this; he explained that his assistant, Maelon, Had been captured by the Blood Pact On Tuchanka and he was afraid that the Blood Pact were going to try to cure the Genophage. I told him we would go to help him.

Supplimental 8.3.0 (Samara)

After I rested out an hour on the ship, I called up Garrus and Miranda and told them we were moving out; we would be moving to go get Samara. We geared up and headed to the Transport hub; on my way there I ran into Shiala, the Asari from Feros and the colony Zhu's hope; she was the Asari that had been left to the Thorian by Saren when we rescued the colony from the control of the Thorian.

Her skin was tinted green after the affects of the Thorian. She explained that she was helping Zhu's Hope and that the colonists were having health problem; a colonial group did some medical scans but the contract they were signed into let the group do invasive procedures without their consent.

I told her I would hadnle it; so headed over to the representative here who was in charge of it all. She was an Asari and was a little xenophobic, something I really hate in a world where every race has xenophobes. After about fifteen minutes of talking I finally got her to spill the beans why she was not helping Shiala sort this out; she has lost her dauhters during the geth attack on the citadel, I managed to convince her to help Shiala by appealing to her family.

Shiala was happy when I told her I got the contract to be revoked and changed. She thanked me and told me she would help out with anything if I asked.

Supplimental 8.3.1

Headed over to Office Dara to track down Samara; she gave me the directions to where Samara had headed and then hailed a cab for us. It took about an hour but we arrived at the location; a volus, Pitne For, was trying to run away, he appeared to be running away from the police. It seemed his partner was the victim of a crime.

After stopping Pitne For fro mgetting away, I asked the Detective 'Anaya' to let me see Samara, she told me Samara had gone into the docking hub nearby to look through some of the evidence.

Supplimental 8.3.2

After a few Eclipse troops attacked us, I ran into Samara; she was decimaing the Eclipse's best troops that they sent against her, she is a really powerful Biotic.

I asked her about joining us to fight the collectors but she said she had a job to do first; and just as she was about to tell me, the Detective arrived and told us she had to take Samara into custody because she was openly attacking these people. She would have to hold her while she got evidence together. Samara wasnt going to be held in custody; I told her that I would sort things out. Samara explained to us that she would only be held for 48 hours, I had two days to find what she wanted.

Supplimental 8.3.3

Turns out she was trying to find the name of a ship and the only way to find the name was through the Eclipse mercs from earlier. I asked Detective Anaya where these mercs were linked to Pinte For so I headed over to him and preasured him telling me. He broke and told me that he smuggled a chemicle that boosts Biotic powers.... but it is toxic; he never mentioned it to the Eclipse mercs and they killed his partner for it. He gave us the access codes to the lift and told us the floor we would need to go onto to find the mercs.

Supplimental 8.3.4

Heading down in the lift I made my way through some more sentry droids and a handful of mercs; we were pushing our way through some of the rooms and checking them for anything worth while when I heard something in a side room. I signaled the others and we entered, I could see an Asari girl behind a box; she looked like a merc but it seemed like she was frightened so I was going to let her go, until she began to pull a weapon; I turned and we aimed our weapons on her, she instantly began to beg for her life, pretending to be a normal innocent girl who thought it would be cool. I saw straight through her ploy, She tried to attack us the moment I told her I saw through it and we had to kill her...

Supplimental 8.3.5

Turns out I was right, found a file with her vlog on and turns out she was the one who killed Pitne For's partner, gloating about it; I did the right thing and trusted my gut.

We also found a Volus high on the Substance that Pitne For had smuggled in; it seems they had dosed him up with it so much, he had increased Biotic power but it had affected his mind, he believed he was a biotic god and acted so high and mighty.It was rather funny to watch. I ended up just tripping him over and he fell asleep almost instantly; some god.

Supplimental 8.3.6

We found the Merc Captain "Wasea" of the Eclipse; they had smuggled what ever Samara was looking for away off planet on a ship, and now she wanted to get rid of us so that Samara is then taken by the Detective or in the end killed by them.

We easily killed her and her mercs, why does everyone think they can get one over on Commander Sheppard? Its almost feeling like THEIR on the suicide mission.

We searched the room and found a datapad with the name of the ship and its location and destination. With this data we headed out back to the Detective and Samara.

Supplimental 8.3.7

We gave the data to Samara and the Detective was glad she wouldnt have to detain Samara and she let her go. I asked Samara if she wanted to come help me and she accepted the offer; even going as far as to Swear herself into my service with the Asari Justicar Bonding. Never saw anything like that before; not nice Liara and I 'bonded' those years ago on the SSV Normandy SR1.

I also gave the detective the information on Pitne For smuggling the chemical and also the Eclipse killing the Merchant. She thanked us for that before we headed to the Normandy.

Supplimental 8.3.8

We headed back to the Normandy, Samara wanted a place to stay that looked out 'into the void of the stars' so I gave her the right side of the ship, the observation bay there; it is a wonderful view and she might love it there.

I took the chance to go speak with Tali down in the Engineering, we caught up on some things before I was called to talk to grunt, he was getting agrivated. She wished me luck; I think I will need it.

Supplimental 8.3.8

Spoke with grunt, he almsot trashed the area he was living in; EDI and I deducted that we should go to Tuchanka and ask a Krogan there what is wrong with Grunt.

Miranda also sent me a message asking if we would be going to sort out the meeting with Lanteai in the cafe around the corner from Liara's office; about her sister. I told her we would go now, as it was getting late and we would need to leave soon.

Supplimetnal 8.4.0 (Miranda Loyalty)

Tali, Miranda and I headed to the Club around the corner from Liara's office. The club called "Eternity", I pretty much took a backseat to it all as the contact "Lanteai" and Miranda spoke; a Man Named Niket had contacted Lanteai. Her father had sent Eclipse to capture her sister. Miranda asked me if we can go get her sister; I told her yes, anything to help

Supplimental 8.4.1

We headed on our way, the plan was for Niket to take the family to a shuttle while we keep the Eclipse busy. However we were shot down by the Eclipse; there was a rather large firefight as we made out way to the elevator up to the next level.

Supplimental 8.4.2

We managed to hack into their radio frequencies and listen in as we made our way up the elevator. The Eclipse Captain mentioned Niket working for them; switching the family from us to them before we got there... When we got to the top, we found it was true, Niket was going to hand over the family because when Miranda had escaped with his help, she had not told him about her holding her sister with her. He began to regret it and told us he had not told her father, he was backing out; but Miranda was still going to kill him... I managed stopped her but the Captain did it instead.

A huge firefight errupted and Miranda killed the captain, She regretted Niket dying that way. She suggested we go make sure her sister got out okay.

Supplimental 8.4.3

We were watching her sister leave when I told her to go talk to her sister; it would be nice to know she had someone out there for her to talk to. Miranda seemed to like the idea and spent a good half an hour with her sister before she left on the shuttle; She explained she would keep in contact with her... Without any more business we headed back to the Normandy

Supplimental 8.5.0 (PostPlanet)

I had another word with Miranda to make sure she was okay; she is stable and I am glad I could help her with her family issues; even though she is cerberus she diserves to be happy.

Supplimental 8.5.1

Kelly told me that Garrus wanted to speak with me; So I took some Turian brandy to the crew quarters and dragged him away from the calibrations to talk with him. He wants to find his old teammate, the one who betrayed him; "Sidonis", he found out where he is hiding; on the citadel. We will meet with "Fade" to find him and Garrus wants me to help him kill him. Hopefully I can go through with this; but Garrus wants to do this and if it makes him happy then I cant stop him.


Reunited with Liara
New Mission : - Help Liara with Shadow broker
Recruited Thane
Recruited Samara
Helped Miranda with her family problem (LOYAL)
New Mission : - Help Garrus find and Kill Sidonis
New Mission : - Travel to Tuchanka to find Mordins old assistant "Maelon"
New Mission : - Travel to Tuchanka to help Grunt


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